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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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2 hours ago, Jordy Brouwer said:

So on his day off he want all the way over there and shouted that. What did he do then? Did he just go back?


Will there be a part 2 that resolves this?


So far its no Ferris Bueller's day off. 

Ferris Blueshites Day off. 


Refused to get in his mates Ferrari because it was red and tries to hack into the PL computer to alter the points deduction. 

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:

Surely the Premier League are going to block this takeover. 






They should block it. I cant stand Everton and a lot of their fans but fuck the shysters as much as the oil royals and oligarchs. 777 aren't fit and proper owners. Clubs shouldn't die due to unscrupulous greedy cunts sniffing opportunity any more than the sport shouldn't die because of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Qatar.

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Just now, Bobby Hundreds said:

They should block it. I cant stand Everton and a lot of their fans but fuck the shysters as much as the oil royals and oligarchs. 777 aren't fit and proper owners. Clubs shouldn't die due to unscrupulous greedy cunts sniffing opportunity any more than the sport shouldn't die because of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Qatar.


Imagine their reaction if the PL block it though. They already think there's this massive conspiracy against them, this would tip them over the edge!

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3 hours ago, TheBitch said:

Every single thing about them since the points deduction has just made me hate them even more. 

The stupid cunts. 


This is where I'm leaning. When the points deduction happened I wasn't that arsed either way. I wasn't made up about it, I sort of just shrugged and thought "they'll stay up anyway, they're lucky it happened this season".


Everything since though has just been mental. I don't actually even know what they're pissed off about. I haven't seen one legitimate grievance so far, and I am genuinely open minded to it. If someone can show me how they've been hard done by I'm more than willing to listen and to try and understand. But all I've seen so far is absolute horseshit.

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36 minutes ago, dave u said:


This is where I'm leaning. When the points deduction happened I wasn't that arsed either way. I wasn't made up about it, I sort of just shrugged and thought "they'll stay up anyway, they're lucky it happened this season".


Everything since though has just been mental. I don't actually even know what they're pissed off about. I haven't seen one legitimate grievance so far, and I am genuinely open minded to it. If someone can show me how they've been hard done by I'm more than willing to listen and to try and understand. But all I've seen so far is absolute horseshit.

It’s fucking mental. 

They’re dirty, guilty, cheating rats and they’re the ones claiming they’ve been hard done to. 

No humility no nothing. 

Hold your hands up… we did wrong, we actually got off extremely lightly with 10 points. But not these mental twats. 

I’ll never forgive Brighton for not flushing these turds last season, the useless, smelling themselves, seagull shagging, cunts. 

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Surely if "they" are scared of the mighty rising Everton becoming world powers in the best stadium ever, they would have either;


a) Docked them 10 points at the end of last season

b) Docked them more points now, knowing how shit the teams at the bottom are



By docking them only 10 points and only doing it now, if "they" have shown anything, it is "they" are trying their best to help them stay up.

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3 hours ago, Lee909 said:

Surely the Premier League are going to block this takeover. 






The thing is, if they do block the takeover, Everton will go into administration within a month, as 777 are financing the running costs to the tune of 20m a month.


Everton are fucked either way and in the mean time the fans are putting all their energy into fighting with the premier league rather than trying to save their club from the cunts who got them here - where they're both on a 10 point penalty and about to be taken over by likely the least desirable owners possible. 


They should be more worried who is behind Rights & Media Funding, the company without people who managed to block the take over by MSP, who while looking far from ideal owners, are surely better than 777. Their fans focus is too easily played with dead cat strategies. 

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8 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Their biggest hurdle is January if they have to sell players quickly to begin paying off the debt. Obviously the most saleable asset is T Rex arms(no idea why!) but if he goes they would really struggle with no immediate money to replace him.

There was someone on the radio the other day saying that Pickford was the best keeper for England from his life time. Then the debate moved on to say that he was in with a shout of being England’s best ever keeper - think they were talking of a top 3 space and they moved on and I was getting out of the car then.

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1 hour ago, Scooby Dudek said:

Surely if "they" are scared of the mighty rising Everton becoming world powers in the best stadium ever, they would have either;


a) Docked them 10 points at the end of last season

b) Docked them more points now, knowing how shit the teams at the bottom are



By docking them only 10 points and only doing it now, if "they" have shown anything, it is "they" are trying their best to help them stay up.


The 10 points wasn't something they had a choice over It's a mandatory number based on their offence. 6 points for breaking the rule, and a further point for each £5m they are over. So they couldn't have given them more or less than they did.

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