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Should we sign him?   

175 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we sign him?

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:


He's got 11 league goals and scored in 8 of 30 games. People arnt expecting old fashioned number 9 play, they are expecting him to put away a number a simple chances he has completely fluffed. And it year 2 of tbe same issues. His all round game may be better but he still misplaces passes,takes the wrong option when we break and fluffed his lines as much as he scores. People keep saying it's unlucky,it'll change. It hasn't most of his career. We bought him on the back of a breakout season after 2 good games against us and paid the price for a world class player that had only produced in Portugal for 1 year. 


I know you love the guy but even you can't be defending his finishing for 2 years. If he played for the mancs you'd have him as a laughing stock for it



This is what he is. He should be a rotation option but just can't be relied on to score more. We were had off on price, felt a bit of a panic buy tbh.

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:



when we had Bobby up top we have 2 free scoring wingers. Now we don't. The drop off in combined  goals from Mane/Firmino to Diaz/Nunez is tbe issue

It's not the goals, it's the interplay between the sets of players, that's the biggest drop off.

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22 minutes ago, Freddo said:

I think the level of player then to now has been a massive drop off. Diaz and Nunez are not nearly what Sadio, Bobby and peak Mo were. We’d do well to get a very pacy, direct wide player in this squad. Someone who attacks the fullback aggressively. Like Sadio used to. 

Tbf Diaz has been better as the season has gone on and he can get at the full back without problems. Annoyingly no one makes a fucking run when he's running at defenders.

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19 minutes ago, LFC 6 Times said:

Gotta be the Luton one surely. Today he actually did well to fashion the chance on the turn, it’s because it’s Nunez of course it didn’t go in. We win if that went in.

He's missed so bloody many easy chances, the Luton one escapes me. 

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3 minutes ago, TheSire said:

Tbf Diaz has been better as the season has gone on and he can get at the full back without problems. Annoyingly no one makes a fucking run when he's running at defenders.

When I used to train kids as part of my Sports Science degree (28 years ago), something I tried to learn them was that the ball would always move faster than what they could run. 

Im not sure Diaz is aware of this obvious fact, if he had released the ball quicker and more often we would create a lot more good chances than what we are doing at the moment and the players on the receiving end of the last pass might have some space and time before they had to try to take the shot.

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4 minutes ago, KevieG said:

I think there is a fair case to say he should be moved on or be a squad option, but his miss today was about the 6th worst  effort. 

I mean would anyone be upset if he was moved on? I don't see the next manager being desperate to keep him. He just can't be relied on and managers don't like taking risks with unreliable players when they're new in a job.

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39 minutes ago, Strontium said:


No, you are. You make a big song and dance about being a die-hard Nunez fan, and then you ignore the dozens of other posters completely savaging him, while instead targeting me for making a gag about the quality of "debate" in this thread.


I could say your aim was as wayward as Nunez's, but even Darwin isn't that cockeyed.

Nah, just you soft shite 

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3 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Well quite.


But he did completely mess up a 1 on 1 at 0-0 and managed to scoop it wide.

It was at the rd end and I haven't seen it back.

From what I saw he pulled off a shot and the keeper saved it.

However I do find it kind of ironic that,as someone said earlier,after he went off we had 2,arguably easier chances,which went begging.

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6 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

It was at the rd end and I haven't seen it back.

From what I saw he pulled off a shot and the keeper saved it.

However I do find it kind of ironic that,as someone said earlier,after he went off we had 2,arguably easier chances,which went begging.

Not sure what other people missing chances in the same game has got to do with Darwin missing chances regularly over 2 seasons. We are not, or at least I'm not, talking about today or Thursday, it's about him consistently missing chances, big chances.

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Just now, Smell The Glove said:

Not sure what other people missing chances in the same game has got to do with Darwin missing chances regularly over 2 seasons. We are not, or at least I'm not, talking about today or Thursday, it's about him consistently missing chances, big chances.

Because unless I'm mistaken we are primarily talking about today.

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