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Tory Cabinet Thread


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Oh so close for Laura K this morning,  WW3 is breaking out in the middle east but she still managed to shoe horn a question in  about Angela Raynor  to Yvette Cooper 

She must have forgot again to mention Willie Wragg and all of the other Tory scandals to the brain dead Victoria Atkins as well. 

I'm sure her bosses at the BBC will speak to her about it because the BBC isn't run by right wing Tories are they .


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On 10/04/2024 at 16:59, Creator Supreme said:

The sad thing is historically the swastika symbol had a far different meaning.


However since the nazi's co-opted it, it means only 1 thing now.


And Cruellla Braverman, Laurence Fox and Susan Hall are cunts. Just think that should be reiterated.

The proper Swastika is still used in Eastern philosophy. Google Chrome used have this image when you opened a new tab. 






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2 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

Love the way she wets her knickers and runs of to IDS for support , we need more of her being called out for her blatant bias 

Shes a tory fucking quisling and she can fuck off is my considered opinion. Its not big and its not clever to say it but nevertheless it is true

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Hundreds of thousands fewer disabled people could receive cold weather payments under the Conservatives’ planned post-election disability benefit reforms, according to an internal government report seen by the Observer.


Thank Christ, last thing us hard working volk need is these parasites not dying of cold.

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9 hours ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

The proper Swastika is still used in Eastern philosophy. Google Chrome used have this image when you opened a new tab. 






When I worked in Thailand getting on the bus to leave work at night a lot of the other busses had swastikas amongst the gaudy paintwork on them, but as you say it was for a different reason than the Nazis used it for

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16 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Hundreds of thousands fewer disabled people could receive cold weather payments under the Conservatives’ planned post-election disability benefit reforms, according to an internal government report seen by the Observer.


Come on, they can go to the library and sit there all day. Why do these feckless wasters need to heat their home. 

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2 hours ago, skend04 said:



I know a few things the Tories deserve that come well before an election win, especially this cunt.


The same Cameron who is not an elected MP and who was gifted a lordship so he could become British foreign secretary without the hassle of his decisions being put under any scrutiny (not that their is any these days) by the elected MPs in Parliament. 

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Debating the proposal to ban smoking this afternoon. 

The arguments not to ‘impose’ such a ban seem weak to me. I’d have thought the benefits make this a positive step. 

Nanny State maybe, but there’s a much greater good.

Given it’s a Tory plan, my only concern is they’d use it as a way to set a precedent to ban other things; e.g biscuits or jam roly poly.

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Vaping baffles me, either smoke or don't. Scruffs all over the place in combat pants stinking of blackberry jam. looking like an unholy alliance twixt unmarried male lesbian and Gordon the tank engine. 

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8 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

Debating the proposal to ban smoking this afternoon. 

The arguments not to ‘impose’ such a ban seem weak to me. I’d have thought the benefits make this a positive step. 

Nanny State maybe, but there’s a much greater good.

Given it’s a Tory plan, my only concern is they’d use it as a way to set a precedent to ban other things; e.g biscuits or jam roly poly.

I was already sure it was a good idea (being one of those people who generally thinks that cancer is a bit rubbish), then I saw some of the people who oppose this bill: Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Lee Anderson, Kemi Badenoch, Robert Jenrick, Jonathan Gullis...  basically, the absolute worst people in the country.


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While I packed in smoking tobacco years ago, I still believe you should have a choice as to whether you do or not. 

If they do ban it, then they will need to ban drinking as well, as that has as much, if not more of a negative impact on health and society as smoking does. 

And Secs is right about vapers as well. Weirdo’s. 

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Be great if they could find more ways to get people to stop. Hasn't the number of smokers drop over the past 10/20 years?


Can't say I'm in favour of the government banning things though. By all means ban it even on tbe Street etc but banning it in people's homes is a step to far imo. 


As others have said will drinking be next?

Maybe a ration book for unhealthy foods

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