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Tory Cabinet Thread


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3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

My take is that tories and SNP tried to lay a bear trap for Labour.


Labour sidestepped it.


Tories and SNP got pissed off by that fact and turned it into some kind of epoch defining constitutional outrage. 


Sturgeon tweeting about it after she conveniently deleted all her covid WhatsApps and spent her members' dues on a caravan sums up what a load of disingenuous bollocks it is.


I wouldn't call the SNPs stance on Gaza disingenuous at all. 



Their position has been consistent from day one. Their leader in Westminster has consistently brought up the issue of Gaza at PMQs for the past 3 months. 


Their leader in Scotland had family trapped in Gaza and his wife is Scottish/Palestinian. His brother is a doctor in Gaza. Far from being "disingenuous" along with Layla Moran imo he's been the most genuine politician in Britain on the issue. 


He speaks here at the start of the conflict. In my opinion he's well measured and heartfelt.






3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

And here's the fundamental point. This is ALWAYS the fundamental point. The vote, any vote, would make NO difference to what's happening in the middle east, nothing, not a thing, nowt. Haranguing the Labour counsellor for Seaforth on Facebook is not going to change that fact.


Every parliament in the world is discussing Israel. Probably because they dropped the most amount of bombs since World War 2 and are currently on trial for genocide in the Hague. Brazil, the largest country in South America have just banned their ambassadors. 


As we were responsible for modern day Israel itd be strange if we didn't debate it. Even for historical purposes. 


Humza Yousaf again (bottom vid) Talking about why he believes politicians speaking up is not pointless. 







3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

I can't tell if it's willful ignorance, or if it's fired up by grifters like Jomes or Skwarkbox, or just a form of mentalism. Possibly all three.


Jones again!! He's been employed by the Independent, the New Statesman, the London Evening Standard, Tribune, The Scotsmen, the Guardian as a journalist to write about politics and current affairs. It's his job. It's why they've employed him over the past three decades. During the Covid epidemic he wrote about politicians response to Covid etc. What in your eyes exactly is he have an opinion on? And what should that opinion be?


As for 'menatalism" and "ignorant" the people of Ireland mental? Or ignorant? South Africa? Brazil? Spain etc  for voicing concerns over Israel. The 76% of British you want a ceasefire? Are the also mental and ignorant? 



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Starmer should be absolutely destroyed for this.

Whatever the vote was is irrelevant you cannot have a leader of the opposition or anyone for that matter threatening the speaker of the house to use his authority to get out of a situation that he himself created.


Hoyle needs legging but so does Starmer.

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I’m going to go back to one of my hobby horses, lobbying and funding in Parliament. We need a root and branch investigation into the influence of other nations and big business in Parliament - whether it’s Israel, Russia, oil companies, arms companies, or any other cunt.


Therr should be a full audio visual record of meetings with lobbyists, which can be kept in an archive ans made public after a period. MPs should only take money from the public purse and political parties should be given funding for election campaigns from the public purse.


And no cushy directorships for a few years after you leave, in industries that you were involved in as a minister or junior minister.

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21 minutes ago, Anubis said:

I’m going to go back to one of my hobby horses, lobbying and funding in Parliament. We need a root and branch investigation into the influence of other nations and big business in Parliament - whether it’s Israel, Russia, oil companies, arms companies, or any other cunt.


Therr should be a full audio visual record of meetings with lobbyists, which can be kept in an archive ans made public after a period. MPs should only take money from the public purse and political parties should be given funding for election campaigns from the public purse.


And no cushy directorships for a few years after you leave, in industries that you were involved in as a minister or junior minister.


I agree with every single word of that but you have got no fucking chance. You might have had if the party which was predominantly funded by its members was elected five years ago, but alot of effort has been put into keeping the cosy set up we have now.

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33 minutes ago, Anubis said:

I’m going to go back to one of my hobby horses, lobbying and funding in Parliament. We need a root and branch investigation into the influence of other nations and big business in Parliament - whether it’s Israel, Russia, oil companies, arms companies, or any other cunt.


Therr should be a full audio visual record of meetings with lobbyists, which can be kept in an archive ans made public after a period. MPs should only take money from the public purse and political parties should be given funding for election campaigns from the public purse.


And no cushy directorships for a few years after you leave, in industries that you were involved in as a minister or junior minister.


Agree. Wednesday showed the extent of Israeli influence in British politics and especially within the Labour Party. Its corrupt and ugly. Wednesdays disgraceful events are now going to lead to tougher police powers and the weakening of the Union. As the Scottish Nationalists main goal is independence seeing Scotlands representatives in Westminster being treated with contempt by both the speaker of the HoC and the future Prime Minister must in reality be a gift from heaven for the S. Nats. 

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After Wednesdays scapegoat job here we go. First Braverman now Anderson. Both until recently cabinet ministers. The article by Peter Oborne below (and also on the Israeli thread) is already ringing true. Dangerous.








More scaremongering. 








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10 minutes ago, Anubis said:

So, presumably Led By Donkey’s will face police action for all the times they’ve projected something onto the Houses of Parliament?


Someone has pointed out that Jimmy Dimleys criticism of the words of the Israeli ambassador to Britain's words being projected onto Big Ben I'd antisemitic. 


On a more serious note we are seeing the trap we've fallen into. Dangerous.

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29 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Someone has pointed out that Jimmy Dimleys criticism of the words of the Israeli ambassador to Britain's words being projected onto Big Ben I'd antisemitic. 


On a more serious note we are seeing the trap we've fallen into. Dangerous.

Smells a bit like neo-fascism.

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45 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Smells a bit like neo-fascism.


Indeed. Here's Hodges.  They don't miss a trick. 





All started by some concocted story to save face.  Not one arrest Wednesday. Only 10 arrests from 200 000 at the march in London last Saturday. The worst violence seen was when Tommy Robinson and crew outside the Cenotaph. Now the political far right are using this Hoyle/Starmer bullshit as an excuse to silence people like this fella in vid outside Parliament Wednesday night.



Peter Oborne is right. Dangerous times.





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Between Liz Truss and Lee Anderson they have gone full Tommy Robinson.


In fact apparently Truss sat in silence when Robinsons name was mentioned as a hero.


Puts Sunak in a bad position. If he does nothing he looks weak. If he does anything he upsets the massive " send em back mob" in the Tory party 

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26 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

Between Liz Truss and Lee Anderson they have gone full Tommy Robinson.


In fact apparently Truss sat in silence when Robinsons name was mentioned as a hero.


Puts Sunak in a bad position. If he does nothing he looks weak. If he does anything he upsets the massive " send em back mob" in the Tory party 

jenrick aswell.

they are saying muslim extremists are running the country and the likes of the bbc barely reference it. 

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