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Tory Cabinet Thread


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14 minutes ago, an tha said:

Why are people such cunts....


Boris Johnson is the only Tory who would outperform Rishi Sunak against Sir Keir Starmer if the party changed leader, a new poll has suggested.


The poll, commissioned by Lady McAlpine, a long-standing party supporter, found that the former prime minister is the most popular candidate to succeed Mr Sunak as Tory leader.


He beat 10 other Conservatives, including Lord Cameron and Kemi Badenoch, to become the favourite to replace Mr Sunak should the party change leader.


More than half of those who voted Tory in the 2019 election and have decided to vote for a different party this time but haven’t decided which, said they would vote for the Conservative Party if it were led by Mr Johnson.


Lady McAlpine commissioned Whitestone Insight, a member of the British Polling Council set up by ComRes founder Andrew Hawkins, to survey 13,534 British adults online between Jan 23 and Feb 7.




The survey asked whom the respondent would rather vote for between Sir Keir Starmer and a range of different Conservative politicians.

It found that 28 per cent of people would vote for Mr Johnson against Sir Keir Starmer, compared to 25 per cent saying they would vote for Mr Sunak over his rival.


Among the “lost Conservatives”, who said they won’t vote Tory at the next election but don’t know who to vote for, 52 per cent said they would vote for Mr Johnson over Sir Keir.


This is compared to 39 per cent saying they would vote for the current Prime Minister over the Labour leader.


Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, and Penny Mordaunt, the Commons Leader, received 23 per cent versus Sir Keir, with Priti Patel polling at 22 per cent and Ms Badenoch 19 per cent.


The former prime minister topped the poll for potential successors to Mr Sunak, with Ms Mordaunt coming second and Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, coming third.

More than four in 10 (45 per cent) of 2019 Conservatives said that they could be persuaded to vote for the Tories again if Mr Sunak were not leader.


Lady McAlpine said that she believed if Mr Johnson led a “new squeaky clean Conservative Party”, the Tories would beat Labour.


She said of the current party: “If we have the brains, they’re not evident and that’s because the personality is not there, the charisma is not there. To be a leader, you have to have enormous charisma to be a good leader.”


She added: “It doesn’t matter where Boris goes in the world. People like him and therefore listen to him. They don’t like you, they don’t listen to you.”


It comes after The Telegraph revealed that 70 per cent of current Conservative voters said the party was “wrong to force Boris Johnson to resign”.


Tory strategists want to deploy Mr Johnson on the campaign trail later this year, despite him and Mr Sunak falling out in 2023 over Mr Johnson’s honours list.


boris johnson.."Squaky clean

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1 hour ago, an tha said:

Why are people such cunts....


Boris Johnson is the only Tory who would outperform Rishi Sunak against Sir Keir Starmer if the party changed leader, a new poll has suggested.


The poll, commissioned by Lady McAlpine, a long-standing party supporter, found that the former prime minister is the most popular candidate to succeed Mr Sunak as Tory leader.


He beat 10 other Conservatives, including Lord Cameron and Kemi Badenoch, to become the favourite to replace Mr Sunak should the party change leader.


More than half of those who voted Tory in the 2019 election and have decided to vote for a different party this time but haven’t decided which, said they would vote for the Conservative Party if it were led by Mr Johnson.


Lady McAlpine commissioned Whitestone Insight, a member of the British Polling Council set up by ComRes founder Andrew Hawkins, to survey 13,534 British adults online between Jan 23 and Feb 7.




The survey asked whom the respondent would rather vote for between Sir Keir Starmer and a range of different Conservative politicians.

It found that 28 per cent of people would vote for Mr Johnson against Sir Keir Starmer, compared to 25 per cent saying they would vote for Mr Sunak over his rival.


Among the “lost Conservatives”, who said they won’t vote Tory at the next election but don’t know who to vote for, 52 per cent said they would vote for Mr Johnson over Sir Keir.


This is compared to 39 per cent saying they would vote for the current Prime Minister over the Labour leader.


Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, and Penny Mordaunt, the Commons Leader, received 23 per cent versus Sir Keir, with Priti Patel polling at 22 per cent and Ms Badenoch 19 per cent.


The former prime minister topped the poll for potential successors to Mr Sunak, with Ms Mordaunt coming second and Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, coming third.

More than four in 10 (45 per cent) of 2019 Conservatives said that they could be persuaded to vote for the Tories again if Mr Sunak were not leader.


Lady McAlpine said that she believed if Mr Johnson led a “new squeaky clean Conservative Party”, the Tories would beat Labour.


She said of the current party: “If we have the brains, they’re not evident and that’s because the personality is not there, the charisma is not there. To be a leader, you have to have enormous charisma to be a good leader.”


She added: “It doesn’t matter where Boris goes in the world. People like him and therefore listen to him. They don’t like you, they don’t listen to you.”


It comes after The Telegraph revealed that 70 per cent of current Conservative voters said the party was “wrong to force Boris Johnson to resign”.


Tory strategists want to deploy Mr Johnson on the campaign trail later this year, despite him and Mr Sunak falling out in 2023 over Mr Johnson’s honours list.


Fucking hell, as someone who works in research that's an utter clusterfuck of a question that's designed to do nothing other than give you a few soundbites rather than any kind of meaningful plans. The fact that the only headline you can get is zeroing in on a small group of people who fulfil not just one (ex Tory voters), but two (ex Tory voters who are undecided on their next vote) criteria says it all. At most it gives you a bit of insight into why they might have changed allegiance but in the absence of any other questions about other factors that may have driven them away, it's utterly meaningless.


Propaganda dressed as 'research' - boils my piss.

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19 minutes ago, Manny said:



Propaganda dressed as 'research' - boils my piss.


The British media love reporting this type of "research" - they never seem to look too hard into who the researchers are or who has funded it. Usually some private think tank whose chief exec went to Eton with their Tory MP mates. 

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1 minute ago, johnsusername said:


The British media love reporting this type of "research" - they never seem to look too hard into who the researchers are or who has funded it. Usually some private think tank whose chief exec went to Eton with their Tory MP mates. 

Yeah that's true. There was one the other week funded by some Tory cunt, I forget who, which basically said that a change of Tory leader would give them the edge in a head to head against Keir Starmer. It would be really, really interesting stuff if the new leader was drawn from within the ranks but no, virtually none of the runners and riders in the party would do any better than the sixth former.


The candidate who would trounce Keir Starmer is "a new, tax-cutting Tory leader with a tougher approach to legal and illegal migration" - no doubt he or she would also cure cancer and personally deliver a brand new gold plated rocket car to each and every voter in the UK as well. Of the 7 candidates who were otherwise mentioned, only 4 (Hatstand Badenoch, Cleverly, Maudant and Braverman) would even be eligible; 2 of the other 3 (Cameron and Johnson) aren't even MPs and the third (Farage) isn't even a fucking Tory.


The desperation would be more enjoyable if it didn't have such a stench of "born to rule" shite around it - even their infighting has to be presented in a way that's supposed to make them look professional. It's pathetic.

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The UK’s chief inspector of borders and immigration has said it is “scandalous” that his watchdog role could be left vacant while the Rwanda scheme is introduced.

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Reckon that Badenoch will be toast soon, she's accusing the post office bloke she fucked off of all sorts and being a liar (most of this via twitter) but he's kept records of it all apparently.


Like Raab and Patel, she's that horrendous combination of arrogant bully and absolutely thick as fuck. About as cunning as a fox who got a third class honours degree in Cunning from the university of Salford, then was turned down for a Masters in cunning at the open University even though she was willing to pay all the cash up front.

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29 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Reckon that Badenoch will be toast soon, she's accusing the post office bloke she fucked off of all sorts and being a liar (most of this via twitter) but he's kept records of it all apparently.


Like Raab and Patel, she's that horrendous combination of arrogant bully and absolutely thick as fuck. About as cunning as a fox who got a third class honours degree in Cunning from the university of Salford, then was turned down for a Masters in cunning at the open University even though she was willing to pay all the cash up front.

She didn't deny it.

Just said there was 'no evidence 

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9 hours ago, Manny said:

Fucking hell, as someone who works in research that's an utter clusterfuck of a question that's designed to do nothing other than give you a few soundbites rather than any kind of meaningful plans. The fact that the only headline you can get is zeroing in on a small group of people who fulfil not just one (ex Tory voters), but two (ex Tory voters who are undecided on their next vote) criteria says it all. At most it gives you a bit of insight into why they might have changed allegiance but in the absence of any other questions about other factors that may have driven them away, it's utterly meaningless.


Propaganda dressed as 'research' - boils my piss.

Absolutely - from the torygraph unsurprisingly 


Cunts - Some really horrible, hateful cunts write for it too, the articles are always horrible, pompous and shitty in their tone and totally lacking in any sort of balance - I keep an eye on their stuff to gauge the bile levels...some of it is fucking vile.


There is one cunt in particular on there who has a raging hard on about what he calls laziness and WFH and is also full of the worst Tory rhetoric  - Matthew Lynn, he is one of their main financial columnists, horrible horrible cunt - constantly peddles propoganda about the economy and how Labour would 'destroy' it.


Here are some of his recent article headers:


"British business is terrified of Labour – you should be too.


A Starmer government would do catastrophic damage to Britain’s economy"



"The workshy are about to get their comeuppance


If Labour plunge the jobs market into crisis by ramping up 'rights', it's those doing the bare minimum who will suffer most"


"Britain’s CEOs have earned more than the median salary this year. It's a disgrace it took so long


It is grievously unfair that British executives are paid so little"



An absolute turbocunt.

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3 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

BBC News - Cameron government knew Post Office ditched Horizon IT investigation


Another day Another Tory cover up no wonder Cameron has fucked off to the Falklands, he must have been tipped off this was coming the fraud 

absolute nap

as soon as they story broke,they were blaming everyone else

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1 minute ago, Tj hooker said:

BBC News - Scott Benton: Lobbying scandal MP loses suspension appeal


They just keep giving and giving these corrupt bastards,  seriously are any of them not fucking bent 


Imagine being from Balackpool, which is bottom of nearly every health and social stat in the North West, and voting Tory. Absolute, unabashed, 110% lunacy.

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