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Reds set to Fire the Lazar?

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Lazar Markovic is being linked with a return to Benfica this summer. Portuguese daily newspaper A Bola claims the Lisbon giants have informed the Reds they’d be interested in taking him back but understand a deal may be difficult.


Other well placed sources have suggested that there are concerns within the club that Markovic may not be equipped to thrive in English football and therefore might be one of those offloaded this summer. Should that prove to be the case, it’s unlikely the Reds will get anything like the £19.8m they paid for him a year ago. Benfica certainly won’t pay that amount, although a loan deal has been suggested in some reports.


The 21 year old showed flashes of what he could do in a spell around the turn of the year but for much of the season he found himself on the periphery and Markovic suffered more than most from Brendan Rodgers not having a settled formation. Having failed to force his way into the 4-2-3-1 set up early in the season he did enjoy some early success in an unfamiliar wing back role when Rodgers changed tactics, but that didn’t last and he lost his place to Jordon Ibe when the teenager returned from a loan spell in January.


As with several of last summer’s signings, Markovic is currently regarded as a flop but he’s hardly been helped by the constant chopping and changing and formation switches, Rodgers rarely played the 4-3-3 system that Markovic had presumably been signed to fit into and unless that changes this year then it’s difficult to see where the Serb will fit in once again, especially as he appears to be behind the likes of Ibe, Adam Lallana, Philippe Coutinho and - for the moment at least - Raheem Sterling.






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It's a tough one because as you say, we are well stocked for attacking midfielders and wingers already, and have also signed a player in Milner who could be used in those roles too. We've not really used Markovic in the role to which he is best suited (the same one as Lallana incidentally) and it seems to me that we unnecessarily went for both those players last summer when we really should have gone for just one of the two and pushed the boat out for a better striker instead of Balotelli. We've not managed to get the best out of either of them whilst also nullifying the effectiveness of the others we have.


If you are going to sign a player, sign him only if you are mainly going to use him in the role which suits him best, otherwise don't sign him at all. Apart from us regularly signing players seemingly based on them having had a good game against us the year before, we also sign too many players and end up using them as square pegs in round holes. The player never recovers, is deemed a flop, and either gets sold on the cheap or placed on endless loans elsewhere with us picking up most (if not all) of his wages.


That has got to stop.

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Haha 'a loan' yeah that's no doubt how it will end up.  Another £20m playing for another team.


I wonder if anybody at all on our transfer committee is even capable of taking a step back and looking at just what a fucking farce they are.  How much cash did we have tied up in players on loan last season, we could have probably signed most of what we needed for the squad including a world class striker if we just spent the money on players to actually play for us.


Useless fucking cunts.

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 especially as he appears to be behind the likes of Ibe, Adam Lallana, Philippe Coutinho and - for the moment at least - Raheem Sterling.


For what position? In what formation?


Ibe is a winger. Lallana is a number 10, as is Coutinho. Sterling is an inside forward or number 10, same for Markovic. In most formations we'll need three of these five players playing, and Sterling, as you allude to, looks to be off. Basically, there will be plenty of chances for Markovic.


I just said something similar on the MF, we can't keep spending big money on these young players, playing them out of position in their first season in a new league, and then binning them off. We're setting fire to money and, obviously, remaining a shit team.


Concentrate on getting rid of the older players that aren't good enough, as they definitely never will be. Spend our money now on established top quality players.

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Nothing would sum up our transfer policy more than us giving up on a £20 million, 21 year old after one season in which he didn't even play in his proper position.

A million times this.


All this talk about young players wanting to work with Rodgers, so he hasn't even got that anymore.


I'd rather that he was allowed to go back to Portugal if it was just a case of homesickness, that's understandable.


£10m back to Benfica, with a 50% sell-on clause.

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 It is going to be interesting watching him play in his favoured position when Klopp comes in. I reckon he is going to be fucking brilliant. His confidence looks shot to bits. But then again, so would anyone's be if they were asked to do a job they don't do.

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For what position? In what formation?


For any position. Rodgers would pick all of those mentioned over Markovic out wide or centrally. He did do for most of last season. I'm not saying he's right, but that's what the evidence shows.


Completely agree with the rest of your post though. I'll be disgusted if we bin him off this summer.

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I'm not sure what to make of him.

But if the speculation has foundation, it really underlines the mess we're in when we're contemplating off-loading 20m players after a season.

We could easily be talking about Lovren here too, couldn't we?

That's an entirely different, tarantula infested, case of bananas.

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For any position. Rodgers would pick all of those mentioned over Markovic out wide or centrally. He did do for most of last season. I'm not saying he's right, but that's what the evidence shows.


Completely agree with the rest of your post though. I'll be disgusted if we bin him off this summer.


I'm assuming Rodgers won't be manager beyond about November.

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