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Reds set to Fire the Lazar?

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I rate Markovic and wouldn't be against him staying but also would not have a problem if we could recoup what we paid or loaned him to a team where he will play regularly.He struggled to get games last season and even if Sterling goes I would expect us to get another wide player.


In a team confident and performing he may do better but I would accept the managers decision, everyone saying it would be a disgrace etc are obviously forgetting that BR will have seen him everyday in training.Was it a disgrace to get rid of Degen and Voronin who didn't get a proper run or was the manager entitled to think they were not good enough.

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It's a tough one because as you say, we are well stocked for attacking midfielders and wingers already, and have also signed a player in Milner who could be used in those roles too. We've not really used Markovic in the role to which he is best suited (the same one as Lallana incidentally) and it seems to me that we unnecessarily went for both those players last summer when we really should have gone for just one of the two and pushed the boat out for a better striker instead of Balotelli. We've not managed to get the best out of either of them whilst also nullifying the effectiveness of the others we have.


If you are going to sign a player, sign him only if you are mainly going to use him in the role which suits him best, otherwise don't sign him at all. Apart from us regularly signing players seemingly based on them having had a good game against us the year before, we also sign too many players and end up using them as square pegs in round holes. The player never recovers, is deemed a flop, and either gets sold on the cheap or placed on endless loans elsewhere with us picking up most (if not all) of his wages.


That has got to stop.

Is right.


The signings of him and Lallana were a criminal waste of money, you could argue we couldn't really fit one of them in but both of them - no chance, I have never understood what we were doing signing them both.


It's that kind of short sightedness and incompetence that should see whoever made the decision bin bagged.

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It's a tough one because as you say, we are well stocked for attacking midfielders and wingers already, and have also signed a player in Milner who could be used in those roles too. We've not really used Markovic in the role to which he is best suited (the same one as Lallana incidentally) and it seems to me that we unnecessarily went for both those players last summer when we really should have gone for just one of the two and pushed the boat out for a better striker instead of Balotelli. We've not managed to get the best out of either of them whilst also nullifying the effectiveness of the others we have.


If you are going to sign a player, sign him only if you are mainly going to use him in the role which suits him best, otherwise don't sign him at all. Apart from us regularly signing players seemingly based on them having had a good game against us the year before, we also sign too many players and end up using them as square pegs in round holes. The player never recovers, is deemed a flop, and either gets sold on the cheap or placed on endless loans elsewhere with us picking up most (if not all) of his wages.


That has got to stop.

Is right.


The signings of him and Lallana were a criminal waste of money, you could argue we couldn't really fit one of them in but both of them - no chance, I have never understood what we were doing signing them both.


It's that kind of short sightedness and incompetence that should see whoever made the decision bin bagged.

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If we were offered anything even close to what we paid for him then it would definitely make sense to sell but that won' be the case. It will be a loan offer and eventually a few million in a year or two if we're lucky. So might as well keep him and see if he can do better in his second season. There was one little spell last year where he looked like he had something about him so try and get more out of him. Just another baffling signing last summer who was signed for a big fee without us really knowing where to fit him into the team.

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I don't think being out of position is a reason for someone to have a poor touch or to be so timid with the ball. 


This is true - regardless of how the season ended Can looked a fuckin boss from near his first touch in the back three. He was our best player in the back for a couple months. Only a few games where it seemed like Markovic was feeling it. 

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@ RP - What is the formation that Markovic's preferred position occurs and where is he?


I'm not sure, and I don't know if anyone really knows that yet. I think it's pretty accepted that he's not a wing back though, and needs to be played as an attacker.

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Didn't we pay £20m for him? I thought the 'model' was to buy young and let them blossom. Not buy young, play out of position, destroy confidence then sell back.


He's played well in a few games he played centrally. One that springs to mind was against Madrid away.

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How can anyone slate Rodgers if this is the case?


I meant in an attacking position. It seems pretty clear that he's not a wing back, and with our attacking and scoring problems last season, playing Markovic like Rodgers did can probably justify why he's been getting some stick.

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Is right.


The signings of him and Lallana were a criminal waste of money, you could argue we couldn't really fit one of them in but both of them - no chance, I have never understood what we were doing signing them both.


It's that kind of short sightedness and incompetence that should see whoever made the decision bin bagged.

It smacked of the committee gets to pick one and Rodgers gets to pick one. Committee went for Markovic and Rodgers wanted Lallana and we ended up getting both. Same thing happened with the defence were Rodgers picked Lovren (as Rodgers was still sulking from Sakho getting the nod over Ashley Williams so Lovren was bought to replace Sakho) and committee picked Moreno instead of Rodgers' Premier League proven preference of Bertrand or Ben Davies.


Great way to run a business.

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It smacked of the committee gets to pick one and Rodgers gets to pick one. Committee went for Markovic and Rodgers wanted Lallana and we ended up getting both. Same thing happened with the defence were Rodgers picked Lovren (as Rodgers was still sulking from Sakho getting the nod over Ashley Williams so Lovren was bought to replace Sakho) and committee picked Moreno instead of Rodgers' Premier League proven preference of Bertrand or Ben Davies.


Great way to run a business.

They are fucking clueless

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It smacked of the committee gets to pick one and Rodgers gets to pick one. Committee went for Markovic and Rodgers wanted Lallana and we ended up getting both. Same thing happened with the defence were Rodgers picked Lovren (as Rodgers was still sulking from Sakho getting the nod over Ashley Williams so Lovren was bought to replace Sakho) and committee picked Moreno instead of Rodgers' Premier League proven preference of Bertrand or Ben Davies.


Great way to run a business.


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The club is run by a bunch of Boy scouts stuck in a forest with only 3 matches to keep heat and cook food but decide to play shadow faces with the light from the match flames. Thick as cow shite. Deep Guernsey cow shite.


We're imperial storm troopers who fire like fuck at all targets but hit fuck all.


More direction in a cul de sac

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To be honest, I've not seen much to suggest he's ever going to be a 20 m player, regardless of position. I think the whole season I never saw him dribble past an opposition player, for example, and there doesn't seem to be anything amazing about his game intelligence or passing.


For purely footballing reasons, I wouldn't give a shit if he left.


But our fucking joke of a committee (which includes the manager, by the way) paid 20 m for him and then had no fucking idea what to do with the kid. So they either give him a chance to bed in and become a good player (unlikely), or they gracefully disband this fucking committee, issuing the following press release:


"It turns out we were pretty shit at this."

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But our fucking joke of a committee (which includes the manager, by the way) paid 20 m for him and then had no fucking idea what to do with the kid. So they either give him a chance to bed in and become a good player (unlikely), or they gracefully disband this fucking committee, issuing the following press release:


"It turns out we were pretty shit at this."



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