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Reds set to Fire the Lazar?

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It would be faster to name the players Rodgers does actually seem to rate:1. Coutinho2. HendersonThe end. Everyone else is chopped and changed, in and out, or being put on performance based contracts.

He just sees players as highly disposable but doesn't seem to realise that players cost money and the way he treats players doesn't help us get any back or any kind of value for money.


He seems to internalise it as only a seldom few can play his wonderful system and tactics.

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Keep him. We bought him a year or so too early precisely because had he fulfilled his potential already he wouldn't give us a second glance. If we're buying potential then we need to develop it, rather than hoping the player just becomes better naturally because we overpaid.


I agree but since he's ostensibly a forward and he got the majority of his gametime last season playing as a wing-back, I worry about what we're going to develop him into, other than a nervous fucking wreck.


I don't see him getting much better as a forward when he's playing out wide and supposed to be tracking back and covering opposition wingers when we lose the ball.  It's the same with Ibe, the further up the pitch he gets the better he looks, fucked if I want to see him playing wing-back next season either; he's not been bad there to be fair to him but the kid needs to be in the fucking danger zone.


We played Sterling at centre forward for half the season and seem to have developed him into someone who wants to play for City, or anywhere other than for us.


I'm really not sure Brendan has got enough of a handle on this 'developing players' lark if that's the plan.

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Is it just me or do these 'reports' sound like a load of shite?


Either way, some players need more time, I've seen enough to think he'll be a good player for us sooner rather than later. He's certainly not one of the top 5 players we should be looking to offload, probably not in the top 10. I can see why people might disagree with that but not for me.

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Johnson (Gone)






K Toure (staying)

Jones (Gone)


That was my goodbye list.


Not a million miles away from mine:-





Johnson (Gone)





Jones (Gone)

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Johnson (Gone)






K Toure (staying)

Jones (Gone)


That was my goodbye list.

You've missed out Diana Princess of Wales.


If Rodgers hadn't abandoned his 3-4-2-1 she'd still be with us and the Newcastle game wouldn't have been annoyingly postponed.


Goodbye, England's rose.

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False what? If Rodgers hadn't played Emre Can at right back then there wouldn't have been a spike in the space time continuum, the butterfly wouldn't have flapped its wings, Katrina would have been a light gust and Old Orleans would still be with us. He has a lot to answer for.



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We should keep him. If we sold now his value would be low. If we loaned him back to Benfica that would be laughable. Keep, and see what he can do.


The last part remains to be seen. If we carry on as we were for much of last season - all over the place in terms of personnel and formation - then he won't make it. But if we can turn it around, play more of a settled side and play players in positions where they have a chance to do well, then who knows?


Coutinho, Ibe, Lallana, Markovic and Sterling. On any given day three of them should be in the team (arguably two if we are bolstering the midfield and playing two strikers). So there will be chances for Markovic, even more if Sterling goes.


The only way I would let him go is if we got most of our money back (15M or more) or we exchanged him for another player who we think can help us, but I don't think either of those options are likely, so we should keep him and try to use him correctly.

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Hes fucking shit. Another delusion of this era by many supporters 'just needs a run of games' etc, etc people dont seem to realise how poor these signings are and convince themself based on how well they seemed to take a throw in in the 44th minute after doing fuck all either side of it.

This deludedness has dragged us down since rodgers maybe hodgson. Its called confirmation bias, look it up. In the meantime. A turd with an lfc badge is still a turd.

Another AM for rodgers to wedge in, bet we sign about three AM players who cant tackle and go missing most weeks. And loads of the fans will lap it up like a dog eating its own vomit.

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Hes fucking shit. Another delusion of this era by many supporters 'just needs a run of games' etc, etc people dont seem to realise how poor these signings are and convince themself based on how well they seemed to take a throw in in the 44th minute after doing fuck all either side of it.

This deludedness has dragged us down since rodgers maybe hodgson. Its called confirmation bias, look it up. In the meantime. A turd with an lfc badge is still a turd.

Another AM for rodgers to wedge in, bet we sign about three AM players who cant tackle and go missing most weeks. And loads of the fans will lap it up like a dog eating its own vomit.


Almost as deluded as thinking you're an oracle that knows how players will turn out before seeing them actually play much football. I don't think anyone's predicting he's going to be world beater overnight. They're mainly saying we haven't seen enough of him to know yet.


*Just pretend I sprayed some 'random' verbal diarrhea here to be cool*

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Hes fucking shit. Another delusion of this era by many supporters 'just needs a run of games' etc, etc people dont seem to realise how poor these signings are and convince themself based on how well they seemed to take a throw in in the 44th minute after doing fuck all either side of it.

This deludedness has dragged us down since rodgers maybe hodgson. Its called confirmation bias, look it up. In the meantime. A turd with an lfc badge is still a turd.

Another AM for rodgers to wedge in, bet we sign about three AM players who cant tackle and go missing most weeks. And loads of the fans will lap it up like a dog eating its own vomit.

Markovic, Can, Sakho and Moreno are not bad players. They all need development and proper coaching but haven't been developed at all yet. Isn't that the point of getting proven coaches in now?


Lallana and Lovren should be out but they were Rodgers buys so he has to cling onto the hope they come good as he has to justify his job. It's as if he goes out of his way to make the committee buys fail but then even the players he's brought in he's not used properly.

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Theyre all shit.


If they cant win or hold down a place in our shittest side for twenty years, lovren, lallana, moreno, sakho, markovich, then Im correct and your theories are yet to be proven.

Sakho is the only one whose injuries have perhaps affected, that has however been too a reoccuring issue, we fucked agger off for the same but he was largely class when he played and knocking 30. Sakho has looked decent no more in a fair few games hes also looked like a very expensive non european cup winning djimi in just as many games and again the shitness of our other cbs makes him look better than he is. Given our track record he might buck the trend but he will be an exception to the rule, looks to me for 20m psg have got rid of an injury prone player who couldnt get in their team who i dont think has played 15 consecutive games for us since we got him.

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Where has Rodgers got this tag of being good at developing young players. Good at fucking enveloping them. 


yeah... enveloping them. He must of needed that many envelopes last year vince cable is trying to flog Rodgers to his chums. 


Its truly astounding how badly wrong we are at transfers, its unbelievable that a plan of action delivers such fuck ups. How can they not take a step back look at their shortlist on the board and say, " HAHA what the fuck are we thinking" it's like they sit down work really hard with buzzwords and cool features and end up with Homers car.. "TA DA". Holy shit!.

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I don't care how old Markovic is.


He was supposed to be fast and have great ball control. The fact is he has neither of those qualities, so what's the point with him then? You don' t develop such qualities after you are 21.


I may be a bit harsh, but for me he is the symbol of the work of the most incompetent people on planet earth; our transfer comitee.

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Theyre all shit.


If they cant win or hold down a place in our shittest side for twenty years, lovren, lallana, moreno, sakho, markovich, then Im correct and your theories are yet to be proven.

Sakho is the only one whose injuries have perhaps affected, that has however been too a reoccuring issue, we fucked agger off for the same but he was largely class when he played and knocking 30. Sakho has looked decent no more in a fair few games hes also looked like a very expensive non european cup winning djimi in just as many games and again the shitness of our other cbs makes him look better than he is. Given our track record he might buck the trend but he will be an exception to the rule, looks to me for 20m psg have got rid of an injury prone player who couldnt get in their team who i dont think has played 15 consecutive games for us since we got him.

Sakho is a good defender.

Moreno has shown little here but was a key player for Sevilla winning the Europa League. He's a good young player but needs development.

Can has plenty of potential but Rodgers has been clueless in how to use him.

Markovic is a very good prospect. Maybe he isn't suited for the Premier League but he's not been used well at all and like others must have had his confidence destroyed by an arrogant and clueless manager (on last season's evidence). Plenty of players from abroad have not had the best of first seasons in England and done really well after that.


Lallana and Lovren are the ones who are purely not very good. Lallana is 27 and not at an age where he's likely to improve and develop much. At least if he's 20 you could say there's something there to develop. Lovren 26 - if you're shit at that age then there's not much hope for you, Ilori or Coates couldn't have done worse which just makes another £20m flushed away.

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Lallana and Sakho are both excellent players, but they need to be deployed in a way that suits their game.  Markovic would get some game time if Sterling is sold, but he hasn't shown much of anything.  He may come good, but he's miles away from that to date.  If a bid came in for around the money that we paid for him (unlikely I know) then we should look to cut our losses.  

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Lallana and Sakho are both excellent players, but they need to be deployed in a way that suits their game.

Lallana and Lovren in a way were both carried by the double pivot in Southampton's midfield. It protected Lovren defensively and the midfield built around Lallana allowed him to show the quality he's got.


Lallana was Rodgers number one target last summer. The fact we had Coutinho meant he was a player we simply didn't need as Coutinho is a better player and plays in his position. Plus the fact our midfield is nowhere near as solid as Southampton's to give him that base. The next main target was Lovren who is no way at the level of Sakho who Rodgers bought him at all costs to replace. Staggering mismanagement.

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Lallana and Lovren in a way were both carried by the double pivot in Southampton's midfield. It protected Lovren defensively and the midfield built around Lallana allowed him to show the quality he's got.


Lallana was Rodgers number one target last summer. The fact we had Coutinho meant he was a player we simply didn't need as Coutinho is a better player and plays in his position. Plus the fact our midfield is nowhere near as solid as Southampton's to give him that base. The next main target was Lovren who is no way at the level of Sakho who Rodgers bought him at all costs to replace. Staggering mismanagement.


i think Lallana sets up a lot of goalscoring opportunities.  Sadly, we don't have goalscorers to take them.  I hope he plays regularly next season.  I agree with you about Lovren though, there's no way he can be seen as anything but a piss poor purchase.  He might still come good, but I wouldn't bet my takeway money on it.  

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I don't think being out of position is a reason for someone to have a poor touch or to be so timid with the ball. Maybe being played regularly and in his favoured position would help him become more confident but it's not all mental with him, his technical ability can also be questioned.


That said, had we paid £10m for him last summer nobody would be advocating a sale. It's not his fault we paid such a huge sum of money for him.

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