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Reds set to Fire the Lazar?

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I think we'll get £15-20M for Markovic if it's to a Prem team. If he goes somewhere else in Europe it will be another loan or a fee definitely less than £10M.


It's the cost of doing business in the Prem. It's not too bad if you are selling, but buying is all but impossible to find value.

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It's probably unlikely, but I'd be happy if he came back in the Summer as a much-improved version of the player we saw two years ago.  Maybe a relegation battle has finally made a man of him and maybe Klopp can bring out the best of whatever talent he may have and maybe... I don't know.  He'll never justify what we paid for him, but maybe he'll be worth keeping as a not-completely-awful back-up to our proper attacking players.

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It's probably unlikely, but I'd be happy if he came back in the Summer as a much-improved version of the player we saw two years ago. Maybe a relegation battle has finally made a man of him and maybe Klopp can bring out the best of whatever talent he may have and maybe... I don't know. He'll never justify what we paid for him, but maybe he'll be worth keeping as a not-completely-awful back-up to our proper attacking players.

I see what your saying but Klopp had a good look at him in the summer and he went quite late in the window didn't he? I just don't think he's good enough to be here, at least mentally anyway. Fenerbahce didn't want him after the loan and he wasn't a regular starter there or at Sporting where they cut short his loan because he was playing shit. He's performed marginally better at Hull but I haven't hardly actually seen a full game from them since he's been there so I can't say if he's been good during the 90mins or if he's just doing the odd bit to get a mention on MOTD, him and that polish guy are the only attack minded midfielders they have so the onus is on them to do something when they finally do try and counter, he wouldn't really be the focal point of our approach play here so I think he'd just revert straight back to type and hide on the pitch again, giving 2 foot passes.


I'd gladly be wrong because when he came here I was impressed with his vision and passing, when we signed him I got the impression he was just a speedy winger who had his head down a lot but he's not quite like that, he plays with his head up and if anything looks for the pass before trying to beat his man. I'd say there's a bit of talent there but I'm not sure where he fits in a system or if he physically and mentally strong enough to cope at a big club.

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If we damn him for all eternity on the basis of that, can we also agree that Alexis Sanchez is never going to make it in the Premier League?

are you talking about sanchez play acting after ball was thrown at him?


there is cheating shithousery to try and get a player sent off (which is out of order) and just 'i am a fucking coward' shithousery like Lazar showed there.

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I think we'll get £15-20M for Markovic if it's to a Prem team. If he goes somewhere else in Europe it will be another loan or a fee definitely less than £10M.


It's the cost of doing business in the Prem. It's not too bad if you are selling, but buying is all but impossible to find value.


I'd say that's about right.


If we got 6 million for Brad Smith (Brad Smith!) then Lazar is surely worth double that at least.  He's not going to be a world-beater but even an average Premier League player costs 15m any more.

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are you talking about sanchez play acting after ball was thrown at him?


there is cheating shithousery to try and get a player sent off (which is out of order) and just 'i am a fucking coward' shithousery like Lazar showed there.

He was lay on the floor unprotected as someone stood over him aggressively. I know we're the hardest forum on the Internet and we'd all take that shit to KFC and fight for the Ratcatcher Centenary Stand Championship but it's not really fair to damn a young lad for that reaction, as comical as it was.


As for Lazar, would we even consider signing him as a squad option if he wasn't contracted to us? I'd rather keep the pathway clear for Wilson, Brewster or Ojo to take a seat than keep Markovich.

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He was lay on the floor unprotected as someone stood over him aggressively. I know we're the hardest forum on the Internet and we'd all take that shit to KFC and fight for the Ratcatcher Centenary Stand Championship but it's not really fair to damn a young lad for that reaction, as comical as it was.

Ha! i like the description there....i suppose it is just the way he did it - looks so feeble.


oh and kfc west derby road in 20 - ok?

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are you talking about sanchez play acting after ball was thrown at him?


there is cheating shithousery to try and get a player sent off (which is out of order) and just 'i am a fucking coward' shithousery like Lazar showed there.

It's still just one incident of shithousery in a player's career.


Just give him two for flinching and forget about it.

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Guest Pistonbroke

Gone off injured for Hull, he's been shit as well. We'll be lucky to get anything like the money we spunked out on the useless cunt. 

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Gone off injured for Hull, he's been shit as well. We'll be lucky to get anything like the money we spunked out on the useless cunt. 


That Sunderland left-back did well to keep him quiet. We should have a look at him. Javier Manquillo is his name.

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