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Good to have some proper Dr Who back even if the episode was average. I was wondering what was with the MCU style pre-episode Whomiverse stuff, then saw at the end the BBC were partnering with Disney in the production process, which explains it.

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18 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Thanks mate. You are a star. Virtual rep.

On 24/11/2023 at 07:35, Mudface said:


This what you mean? https://theflixer.tv/tv/watch-ferry-the-series-full-102337


Ad and pop-up blockers recommended, I don't get anything untoward with UBlock Origin and Ghostery.


Got a fair bit of buffering on this site, is that normal mate ? 

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14 minutes ago, Mudface said:


I've never had a problem, no. Sometimes there are different servers available for the shows, maybe try another one? What are you watching, btw?

I just had a quick look at trains planes ... Then tried pulp fiction, buffered on both . Not bothered myself as Kodi is my go to platform , just thought I'd pass it over to the kids in case it's new to them 

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1 hour ago, elvis said:

I just had a quick look at trains planes ... Then tried pulp fiction, buffered on both . Not bothered myself as Kodi is my go to platform , just thought I'd pass it over to the kids in case it's new to them 


Just tried Trains, Planes, it buffered at 1080p a bit but was OK at 720p. Guess you get what you pay for...

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9 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Just tried Trains, Planes, it buffered at 1080p a bit but was OK at 720p. Guess you get what you pay for...

Totally agree with that sentiment, I'd much rather put up with occasional buffering than pay through the nose . 

Kodi however...

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On 22/11/2023 at 17:23, Scott_M said:

Hatfield & McCoys.


True-ish wild west story about 2 families who fucking hated each other and basically go all out to eliminate each other. 

Kevin Costner, Bill Paxman and a load of other actors you’d recognise 


Highly enjoyable. I felt sorry for the McCoys. 

I watched the PBS ‘American Experience’ film about these lot fairly recently. Not one of the better ones but decent nonetheless. 

That American Experience series is boss by the way, some absolutely superb documentaries in there. 

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2 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I watched the PBS ‘American Experience’ film about these lot fairly recently. Not one of the better ones but decent nonetheless. 

That American Experience series is boss by the way, some absolutely superb documentaries in there. 

That's my evenings sorted for the next week. 

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9 minutes ago, Welsh said:

I saw about 2 episodes of Kin and it was pretty crap. I did watch it straight after a rewatch of Love/Hate so maybe that's why but it wasn't anything special.


I see it's on iplayer now so I'll give it another try.

thought it was boss personally.

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The Expanse 



Nearing the end of this series. Started as a Sy Fi channel series and then was picked up by Amazon so it’s on Prime. 

I’ve really enjoyed it as the themes it deals with are right up my street. No FTL travel but plenty of competing world governments, militarisation and class consciousness. 

Solid 7/10 

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17 hours ago, Arniepie said:


Really good

Oirish crime drama which seems to have gone massively under the radar.

Shameless godfather rip off near the end but should be set up for a 2nd season


season 2 leans into the sopranos a bit with the "old school fella from prison" coming to spoil the harmony. it's still alright though, if you like season 1, i don't think you will dislike 2. i wouldn't give either a 9/10 though. 

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