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Citeh ban Dan Roan


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This and many other websites were calling for a media ban at Anfielf after the Suarez episode when we felt we were misrepresented and hard done to.


I stand by that, Randy. We shouldn't let Holt or Barclay near our club given their repeated swipe at us.

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Even when Keegan spoke up at Newcastle, he was defending teams from Ferguson strongly suggesting that other teams would throw games.


Keegan is a decent and fair man a disciple of Shankly and it was that he was fuming about, how it has been turned into Ferguson being the master from that when he was acting the cunt.


Anyone recall United blowing a ten point lead in 98 after having words with Wenger, he didn't lose because of mind games, strange that.

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Bang on. Rory Smith said similar the other day. However it plays out, the ultimate outcome will be Lord of the Dark Arts Ferguson triumphing in the mind games war again. He used Benitez as an example in 09, supposedly cracked up yet won 12 out of last 15 games or something like that.


Yep, infact im pretty sure we won all but one, which was the 4-4 against Arsenal, out of the last 10 games.

Plus we cunted them lot 4-1 at Old Toilet but yeh Rafa was cracking up apparently.

I hear many of my manc friends and relatives go on about how Fergie is the master of mind games and now I just say 'I cant be arsed, youve been Skywashed', its quite sad really.

Dont get me wrong Ferguson is a fucking good manager, obviously, but I cant reason with Idiots who lap up the spoon fed nonsense.

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City look pretty stupid here, in my opinion. He should have said that he wasn't answering questions on Man U. Roan definitely wanted a headline out of him and Vieira was stupid enough to give it to him.

This is two weeks running that Vieira has created needless headlines for the press to turn into Fergie fucking mind games. I'd be banning Vieira from talking to the press, not Roan from City.


I assume also that Roan is pretty well respected amongst his peers? More ammunition for Taggart to crank the pressure right up on city.





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Bang on. Rory Smith said similar the other day. However it plays out, the ultimate outcome will be Lord of the Dark Arts Ferguson triumphing in the mind games war again. He used Benitez as an example in 09, supposedly cracked up yet won 12 out of last 15 games or something like that.


I read that, he was right. How can Ferguson responding to Vierra's comments be seen as City losing mind games?


He comes up with so much hypocritical shite it is astounding it gets reported verbatim, but then your emember that unlike the rest of the premier league managers, he is ranting to a selection of chosen journalists. They are chosen because anyone who has stood up to him, or not willfully accepted his word has been banned.


But not one of the cowards says anything about this situation. If all City are doing is putting a marker down and saying 'this is what we are going to to do' then good on them.

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Graham Hunter said on newstalk last night that he had a similar incident with Viera a few years ago.He did an interview with him which he quoted in print.Viera went apeshit sayin he was misquoted.Hunter reckons he shoots his mouth off then doesnt have the cojones to stand over what he says.

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Graham Hunter said on newstalk last night that he had a similar incident with Viera a few years ago.He did an interview with him which he quoted in print.Viera went apeshit sayin he was misquoted.Hunter reckons he shoots his mouth off then doesnt have the cojones to stand over what he says.


Maybe it was just one of those strangely literal-but-not-to-be-taken-literally turns of phrase that Frenchmen of Senegalese origin are seemingly prone to do.

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Maybe it was just one of those strangely literal-but-not-to-be-taken-literally turns of phrase that Frenchmen of Senegalese origin are seemingly prone to do.


He said that Fulham should have had ten penalties?

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What I don't understand is that teams don't stipulate beforehand that the team have someone present to record the said interview? That way if the said journo twists the facts they are free to publish the full interview through a different outlet? At least with the british press anyway. Or am I missing something here?

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Couldn't Patrick Viera (and for that matter, any footballer) simply say they don't want to comment on other players or teams? I know that the journalist/reporter has to get a story and they, if they're any good, will be able to ask the question in a way that will eek out an answer that satisfies them. However, what happens after the interview and once the piece is edited, is out of the control of the interviewee.


Best not to say anything if there's a camera rolling and a mic in your face.

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Mind games are over rated, as is Ferguson's reputation as the master of them.


Who's he had off with them? Kevin Keegan? Fucking tough nut to crack that one. With all due respect to Keegan, he's not exactly made of stern stuff when it comes to management, as we've seen with the amount of times he's spewed a job when the going's gotten tough.


Benitez? As has been pointed out, our form in the second half of the season after the "facts" statement from around mid February after the Middlesbrough game was exceptional. The real damage done that season was done before that press conference in December when we drew three home games on the bounce against Fulham, West Ham and Hull, when we should have given that shower a hefty amount of points to chase down while they were in Japan.


Wenger and Mourinho both had him off a good few times with some really clever, cutting remarks and Ancelotti just flat out refused to indulge the old cunt. All three got the better of the alchy in title races.


It's not words that win titles, it's consistency, mentality and stability. The Mancs have those three things in abundance and it's shown over the past 20 years.


The whole concept of mind games is just something invented by the press to maintain interest in the disposable climate we live in. Something to get people to keep switching on their tellies and to keep buying their newspapers.


Come to think of it, did mind games even exist before 1992?

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As an aside, seeing Vieira associated with City really does my nut in. I know he's got an ambassadorial role there, but he played for them for, what, one season? And it's enough to get him sandwiched in between Tony Book and Mike Summerbee at City matches? Vieira's Arsenal end of. He's there legend and nobody elses. I'm half expecting City to throw some money at Alan Hansen and Ian Rush to get them to be professional legends as well!


Kind of reminds me of that Paul Whitehouse sketch in which he's playing Roman Abramovich and he keeps saying things like "I buy! I buy Liverpool's history!" and it cuts to a commentator mentioning how Chelsea are five times champions of Europe.


It's really something insignificant, but the whole thing with Vieira and City gets on my tits. Anyway, am I right in thinking that he turned down the exact same job at Arsenal? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

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I read that, he was right. How can Ferguson responding to Vierra's comments be seen as City losing mind games?


He comes up with so much hypocritical shite it is astounding it gets reported verbatim, but then your emember that unlike the rest of the premier league managers, he is ranting to a selection of chosen journalists. They are chosen because anyone who has stood up to him, or not willfully accepted his word has been banned.


But not one of the cowards says anything about this situation. If all City are doing is putting a marker down and saying 'this is what we are going to to do' then good on them.




This is the key point really, isn't it? If City's account is true then it's not as if they just lashed out as soon as a journo printed something they didn't like.


It's about time more clubs started standing up against these people who think they can write and say whatever they like without any comeback whatsoever. It might even encourage them to give responsible and truthful reporting a try, which in turn would give them greater moral authority when exposing the genuine failings of modern football. I know, what a crazy fucked up idea.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->





And I am particularly sick of the BBC (particularly 5Live) continually quoting and making headlines out of context - they should be more responsible, but they're nearly as gutter as some of the rest.<!-- / message -->

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That's because journalists, and especially football journalists, don't report the news. They write opinion pieces and hyperbolic drivel.


Also obviously the paper they write for has a massive impact, because of the editorial style and target audience. Look at the quality of Bascombe's writing for the Echo (mostly decent) the NOTW (mostly terrible) the Times (mostly decent).

Most sports editors seem to assume football fans are hysterical mongs so most football reporting is written in the hysterical mong style. Hence most people have no respect for football journalists. Most journalism is going the same way.

Great post and it just about somes it up.


You could be the best jurno in the world,but once you start working for a paper or the like,then you have to toe there line in the way that you write.

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And I am particularly sick of the BBC (particularly 5Live) continually quoting and making headlines out of context - they should be more responsible, but they're nearly as gutter as some of the rest.<!-- / message -->


I agree. They have shifted to trying to make the news rather than report it.

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