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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 minute ago, an tha said:

Who is the 'joyful' one.


Please tell me it is Rodriguez - a man who shit all over them, laughed at them and did one as soon as be could....

I couldn't figure that out, either; I reckon you're probably right, though.

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Yes, they’re talking about Rodriguez. A player who was coddled by Ancelotti. Who, if he didn’t fancy it that day, would go down on 60 mins and wave at the bench with an imaginary injury. And who, when they were playing a game they needed to win for survival, cried injury and sent them a good luck selfie from a luxury private jet. But he just got them….

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22 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Yes, they’re talking about Rodriguez. A player who was coddled by Ancelotti. Who, if he didn’t fancy it that day, would go down on 60 mins and wave at the bench with an imaginary injury. And who, when they were playing a game they needed to win for survival, cried injury and sent them a good luck selfie from a luxury private jet. But he just got them….

They love sucking the cock of those who laugh at them.


They do it with the mancs and the mancs fucking hate them - and just laugh at them and then give them dogs abuse.


They are like a desperate arl tart or feller in a nightclub - desperately looking for attention and being really OTT to try and cop off, embarrassing themselves, having no dignity and willing to put up with any old shite for a drink a bit of company and hopefully a shag later - and a shag where they are treated like shite too and the other one wipes on their curtains and fucks off straight after.


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19 minutes ago, Curly said:

I fucking pity them. They’re absolutely fucking minging

They literally have nothing else - nothing to buzz off about own club, so they try and do us down at every turn.


It is a truly miserable existence

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6 minutes ago, an tha said:

They literally have nothing else - nothing to buzz off about own club, so they try and do us down at every turn.


It is a truly miserable existence

I’ve always quite like Newcastle too, but they can fuck off now as well to be honest 

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"My trek is relatively short compared to coming up from Somerset. But my journey consists of every inch of the M62 then the frustrating traffic lights on Queens Drive to the ground. Come to think of it, I reckon that there is some kopite gobshite in the traffic department at the council who changes the frequency on the lights changing especially going home to delay us. Can imagine the RS getting all the preferences when the Pit empties out."


That's magnificent. to be honest I'm surpried he hasn't changed all the red traffic lights on his route to blue. "Red? RED? I'm not stopping at that shite. Fucking kopite behaviour, that" 

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5 minutes ago, Curly said:

I’ve always quite like Newcastle too, but they can fuck off now as well to be honest 

Never liked Newcastle.


Geordies like to make out they are like scousers - independent, different to rest of country and that.


But they really aren't - they are no different to usual little ingerlunders like Leicester, Stoke, Wolves et al - even down to singing small time songs like that e-i-e-i-e-i-o shite and of course all the usual shite at us.


The stupid shirtless fuckers too.


They can fucking do one.

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5 minutes ago, an tha said:

Never liked Newcastle.


Geordies like to make out they are like scousers - independent, different to rest of country and that.


But they really aren't - they are no different to usual little ingerlunders like Leicester, Stoke, Wolves et al - even down to singing small time songs like that e-i-e-i-e-i-o shite and of course all the usual shite at us.


The stupid shirtless fuckers too.


They can fucking do one.

I think I’ve liked most, if not all, geordies I’ve met. And I’ve met and known quite a lot

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8 minutes ago, an tha said:

Never liked Newcastle.


Geordies like to make out they are like scousers - independent, different to rest of country and that.


But they really aren't - they are no different to usual little ingerlunders like Leicester, Stoke, Wolves et al - even down to singing small time songs like that e-i-e-i-e-i-o shite and of course all the usual shite at us.


The stupid shirtless fuckers too.


They can fucking do one.


Booing Gerrard for letting England down is one I remember. All then to watch him smash a 35 yard freekick into the top corner


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10 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Booing Gerrard for letting England down is one I remember. All then to watch him smash a 35 yard freekick into the top corner


Aye all that 'you let your country down' shite.


Fuck off.





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16 minutes ago, Curly said:

I think I’ve liked most, if not all, geordies I’ve met. And I’ve met and known quite a lot

Quite the opposite for me and i too have met a good few. I remember one in particular always used to do the 'watch your hubcaps' shite - stupid get genuinely thought it was funny.


And i've only ever seen Newcastle fans act like pricks towards us.

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Try to get past the dodgy moustache and listen in astonishment at 11.20 when our hero wants them to continue to cheat and break the PSR rules, then from 15.20 enjoy the despair that sets in along with the crushing realisation that this is all on Moshiri and the board.



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7 hours ago, an tha said:

Quite the opposite for me and i too have met a good few. I remember one in particular always used to do the 'watch your hubcaps' shite - stupid get genuinely thought it was funny.


And i've only ever seen Newcastle fans act like pricks towards us.

I get this fucking everywhere mate. As I’ve got older I realised it wasn’t worth pulling people up on or biting at, because more often than not it’s a lazy attempt to connect actually, as irritating as it is and completely unfunny. Similar to someone from Norwich getting “count his fingers” or whatever. Just mindless, but most definitely not specific to anyone - it’s fucking everyone.

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