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14 hours ago, Juniper said:

Seeing nothing but bad reviews of this.


Apparently up there with the original Jurassic Park 3 as the worst in the series.

Reviews or speculation? Top Gun Maverick got loads of the latter but it’s fucking brilliant. 

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9 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

The Mrs has seen Jurassic Park and says it’s truly abysmal.


It's near 30 years old mate, some things may not have aged well.


But joking aside, mine booked tickets for her and our kids on Friday and asked if I wanted to go, based on the last film and the trailer fir thus new one I opted to stay home and get drunk.

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29 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

It's near 30 years old mate, some things may not have aged well.


But joking aside, mine booked tickets for her and our kids on Friday and asked if I wanted to go, based on the last film and the trailer fir thus new one I opted to stay home and get drunk.

It’s that they just haven’t adapted the plot for the modern world.


Why do you need weaponised velociraptors when you have drones, smart sand and pin point accuracy missiles.


It’s mad, like they looked at the 1900’s version of warfare and thought ‘fuck it, add dinosaurs’.

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16 hours ago, Juniper said:

Seeing nothing but bad reviews of this.


Apparently up there with the original Jurassic Park 3 as the worst in the series.


Hmm. Currently at 73% on Rotten Tomatoes. I guess that'll change if it's no good.


I quite liked Jurassic Park III. The first Jurassic World though was a misogynistic turd of a film.

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Prey and that Grey Man thing look good.


Will have to go and watch the new Jurassic Park as my Mrs loves them. Have always found dinosaurs boring as fuck, think it's because I've got so many autistic kids in my circles of friends and family and it's all they talk about.


"Hey do you know how long a diplodocus's jawbone was?"


"No, now go and count some cards while I catch up with reruns of Baywatch."

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On 09/07/2022 at 04:44, Anubis said:

I’m not really one for Sports biographies, but this looks good.



An old colleague of mine did his PhD on Duke (and Alick Wickham too). It was very well received and a bit of a definitive study. Interested to see if he's in this.

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