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The 2024 General Election Thread


Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)   

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)

    • Labour
    • Tory
    • Lib-Dems
    • Green
    • Reform
    • Other (Please State)
    • None, they can all fuck off
    • None - I'm not eligible to vote

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It can't come soon enough even though I think Labour are a shambles. Save everyone flitting between the Sunak, Starmer and of course Corbyn thread, might as well keep the party in one place. 


This is funny, I'd piss myself if she beat that horrible little cunt






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Not sure yet, needs Labour and Lib Dem to work together locally and one of them stand down. I think Labour is increasingly looking like the correct tactical decision. 


What a time to be alive getting to vote for Keir Starmer, Wes Streeting, Hilary Benn, Liz Kendall and Rachel Reeves, when I'd happily see all of them pushed through a wood chipper.

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If I didn’t live in an area where Labour have a reasonable chance of overturning the 11,000 and change majority, I’d be tempted to vote Green.


As it is, whatever needs to be done to get rid of them at a national level, will be done. In my case, that’s voting for a Labour Party that doesn’t exactly inspire me.


At a local level it would also mean ridding the area of the horrific Andrea Jenkyns. I’d even vote for the Lib-Dems, if it meant she lost her seat.


First job is to get the cunts out, then we go from there. 

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Bootle is solidly Labour, so I could afford to go red or green if we had any candidates like that; instead, I've got a feeling that the only "protest" candidate will be some gobshite conspiracy-crank Cosmic Scouser (backed by People's Resistance/Patriotic Alternative), so Labour it is.

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I'll be voting Labour. Not massively impressed with Starmer but far preferable to the twats in power now.


Incidentally yesterday I saw a candidate for the reform party on a local Facebook group pledging how they will cut taxes and improve the NHS. Mad that anyone could even give logic like that a second thought.

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17 minutes ago, sir roger said:

I'm in ' Red rosette on a monkey territory ' so I probably won't bother.

If I get a visit or missive from the Greens I will have a shufty and if it seems OK I may wander down to see if I can help save their deposit.


You should deffo vote for someone mate. Tommies died for that shit.

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1 minute ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Greens will get battered 10-0.

Aye they will, I just know that Howarth is stepping down, and I'm glad to the back of him, shockingly poor MP.


Be interesting to see which drone gets parachuted in by Labour to replace him like.

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Just now, Creator Supreme said:

Aye they will, I just know that Howarth is stepping down, and I'm glad to the back of him, shockingly poor MP.


Be interesting to see which drone gets parachuted in by Labour to replace him like.

He has been there some time, hopefully you will get someone with a soul. Don’t hold your breath though fella.

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7 hours ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

He has been there some time, hopefully you will get someone with a soul. Don’t hold your breath though fella.

Yeah, wouldn't shock me if they parachuted someone like Euan Blair or Luciana Berger in.


Just not Ian Austin or John Mann for fucks sake. If they want to reincarnate Harold Wilson that's fine by me.

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In a Labour safe seat so no point in voting, especially for a party offering so little (regardless of how tight a spot they will be in regarding the economy, demography, press inclination and geopolitical set-up of the country).


Local MPs office was useful recently, but not enough to get me off my backside.

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