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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 minute ago, Harry Squatter said:

Got to love them. Had a text off some Evertonian I know. "Well done on getting to the Mickey Mouse final and getting  to Wembley. Just remember, we were at the new Wembley before you were". 


Pity they've never won the Mickey Mouse cup, won anything when they got to Wembley and never got to play at Cardiff in the time the new Wembley was getting built.

Text him back saying ‘don’t worry, mate, you’ll probably get there yourselves in The Championship promotion play offs in about 18 months time.’

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Just now, Anubis said:

Text him back saying ‘don’t worry, mate, you’ll probably get there yourselves in The Championship promotion play offs in about 18 months time.’

Don't want to jinx it. Fingers crossed it happens. 


I've never even known him to go to a game. Just goes the pub to wind up Liverpool fans when our games are on.

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13 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Got to love them. Had a text off some Evertonian I know. "Well done on getting to the Mickey Mouse final and getting  to Wembley. Just remember, we were at the new Wembley before you were". 


Pity they've never won the Mickey Mouse cup, won anything when they got to Wembley and never got to play at Cardiff in the time the new Wembley was getting built.

You don't have to win at the new Wembley to win at the new Wembley but they've not won at the new Wembley.

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21 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Don't want to jinx it. Fingers crossed it happens. 


I've never even known him to go to a game. Just goes the pub to wind up Liverpool fans when our games are on.

Fella in my local who is just the same. Reckons he went loads of games with us and them in the 80's "different time then we all went together I know more about your club than you" etc etc but try and pin him to any detail about anything and he starts raising his voice "look at him he's rattled all the same you lot no idea about anything" no honest, what games did you go? "aaahhh see these lot they haven't got a clue, got us banned and think it's all about them" then just keeps talking all over everyone until he eventually fucks off when nobody pays anymore attention to him. I reckon his batteries run out in the car-park and a group of fellas in NEC bubble jackets throw him in a van, charge him up and throw him in a pub down the road. 


Thing is, he probably did but can't go into it because he knows they're shit and we aren't but will he fuck ever ever face up to reality. 


Completely different breed of human. 

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35 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Got to love them. Had a text off some Evertonian I know. "Well done on getting to the Mickey Mouse final and getting  to Wembley. Just remember, we were at the new Wembley before you were". 


Pity they've never won the Mickey Mouse cup, won anything when they got to Wembley and never got to play at Cardiff in the time the new Wembley was getting built.

Yes but they were first at new Wembley and for them firsts are everything, well except for coming first in any competitions of course.

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8 hours ago, angie said:

Can someone settle an argument for me? I was down at bramley Moore today and I thought the wall on the dock and the surrounding buildings make it a tight squeeze down there. I can imagine it will be mayhem on a match day. Anyway I mentioned this to my evertonian fella and he says “ well they’ll just have to knock the wall down then” but I’m under the impression that the wall is grade 2 listed and can’t be knocked down, is he right or am I and if I’m right can they touch the wall at all? As in can they remove some of it or because it’s graded is it totally off limits? Thanks in advance to any kind soul who can help me prove him wrong.

They applied for permission to knock three new 13.5m openings in the wall, so for the most part it's staying.

(See page 88 of "The People's Project" Heritage Statement)

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7 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

Got to love them. Had a text off some Evertonian I know. "Well done on getting to the Mickey Mouse final and getting  to Wembley. Just remember, we were at the new Wembley before you were". 

Another Everton first. First club from Liverpool to lose at the new Wembley. 

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'Everton co-owner Farhad Moshiri has ploughed another £100m into the club after increasing his stake to 94 per cent, according to PA Sport. The Iranian businessman, who has already spent over half-a-billion pounds on transfers since his £200m takeover in 2016, is converting loans from his Blue Heaven Holdings into equity.


Last February 100,000 new shares were issued and he has purchased the final third of those, having already acquired 66 per cent 12 months ago.


The move, announced in a letter to fans, provides a much-needed boost to Everton’s finances, having posted a combined £265m loss for the last three financial years.


“I write to you to assure you that my commitment remains strong and focused,” he said in his letter. “The club has announced today the conversion of a £100m loan to the club into equity which is a clear demonstration of my commitment and greatly strengthens the balance sheet.


“I am a private man and I do not speak publicly very often. But I promise you that my determination to deliver for Everton will not waiver.”'

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Dear Evertonians,

It has been a difficult season to date - with results not meeting the expectations of anyone associated with the Club. As a result, the decision was taken last weekend to part ways with Rafa Benitez as our manager.

After a very disappointing run of results, it was the right decision for the Club – although it is never one that is taken lightly.

As we prepare for our forthcoming games, we have a fiercely passionate Evertonian in Duncan Ferguson taking charge of the team on an interim basis. He is a remarkable man and I know he will give his all in leading the team, as he did so impressively during his spell as caretaker boss in December 2019.

I understand the frustration felt by everybody who loves Everton because of our inconsistent form in recent seasons, despite significant investment in the playing squad. 

The money that has been spent since 2016, not just on the playing squad but also on key projects including our new stadium, demonstrates my commitment to Everton.

I write to you to assure you that my commitment remains strong and focused. The Club has announced today the conversion of a £100m loan to the Club into equity which is a clear demonstration of my commitment and greatly strengthens the balance sheet.

I am a private man and I do not speak publicly very often. But I promise you that my determination to deliver for Everton will not waver.

The strategic football review that is currently ongoing will ensure we have the best model in place moving forward. I am working closely with the Chairman and the Board as part of that strategic review - and I can assure you the recruitment process for a new manager is aligned to that. It is vital we appoint a manager who fits the structure we are putting in place and so, whilst we are keen to make an appointment as quickly as possible, we will work together to ensure it is the right candidate to deliver the success we all crave.


I have the utmost faith and respect in the Board and I work incredibly well with them. The experience and knowledge of our Chairman blends perfectly with the vision and leadership of Denise, our CEO. He is respected across football, not only as an expert in player trading negotiations - skills that have been put to good use already this month with three new signings - but for the unwavering commitment and guidance he has given to Everton over so many years. There is no one working harder to bring success and happiness back to the Club. 

The Boardroom also boasts the financial acumen of one of the most respected Finance Directors in football in Grant Ingles, and the recent addition of the footballing expertise provided by a true Everton legend in Graeme Sharp completes a robust and well-balanced team that leads by example in all areas of our operation. As always in business, we will not stand still - and will continue driving forward for the benefit of the Club.

The expertise of our senior leaders has been undeniably demonstrated in the past 18 months by the huge strides taken in delivering our new stadium on the banks of the Mersey despite the great-many challenges posed by the pandemic.

In the coming weeks and months, our new stadium will begin to rise from Bramley-Moore Dock as we maintain our progress as part of the three-year build schedule.

The Board and the Club’s Executive Leadership Team will deliver a new home befitting our Club’s incredibly passionate fanbase.

Indeed, the passion that is always demonstrated very clearly by fans is something I value and understand. Fans are the lifeblood of the Club and only by working together can we deliver the success we all long for. With that in mind, I am fully supportive of the work the Board and our CEO are doing in conjunction with key fan groups to put in place a Fan Advisory Board with representation at Board level. The Club is moving forward with its discussions with fan groups to ensure the voice of ALL Evertonians can be heard through a robust structure for the future. We will also introduce a series of regular events that will be accessible to all fans, enabling open and clear dialogue with the Club’s senior leaders.

Further updates on these important matters will be provided by our CEO in the weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, I thank you for your ongoing support – it is truly appreciated. 

Thank you.

Farhad Moshiri


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1 minute ago, manwiththestick said:

Is Moshiri involved in some sort of Brewster's Millions scenario in which he has to piss away a huge amount of money in order to win a bet?



He's already spent something like £465m and now he's lashing in another £100m. That's even before the stadium. 


He'll never get that money back if he decided to sell.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

They’re desperate for Dunc to get the job full time. This is a man who finishes every sentence with the words “Do you know what I mean?”

And, quite seriously, expects you to answer every time.


"Yes, Duncan"

"Mr Ferguson"

"Yes, Mr Ferguson"

"What's in your packed lunch?"

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11 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Fella in my local who is just the same. Reckons he went loads of games with us and them in the 80's "different time then we all went together I know more about your club than you" etc etc but try and pin him to any detail about anything and he starts raising his voice "look at him he's rattled all the same you lot no idea about anything" no honest, what games did you go? "aaahhh see these lot they haven't got a clue, got us banned and think it's all about them" then just keeps talking all over everyone until he eventually fucks off when nobody pays anymore attention to him. I reckon his batteries run out in the car-park and a group of fellas in NEC bubble jackets throw him in a van, charge him up and throw him in a pub down the road. 


Thing is, he probably did but can't go into it because he knows they're shit and we aren't but will he fuck ever ever face up to reality. 


Completely different breed of human. 

This fella always hijacks any Liverpool related post on my Facebook to talk about the time he was in the pub winding up Liverpool fans.


I posted a few months back about the 2001 final when Houllier passed away saying how great a final it was and he just goes on about shouting when Arsenal's goal went in etc. Completely not seeing the irony of me going to a final to see my own team winning a trophy while he's a sad twat sitting in the pub watching a team he doesn't support trying to get a reaction out of people. 


Never known him to go to any games despite saying "I was at Villa Park in 89".


Known him for 20 odd years and the only game I can confirm he's ever been to was the fa cup game against Lincoln about 3 years ago because the tickets were about a fiver. 

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