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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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16 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

What happens if Everton survive, but go bust in the summer?


I think automatic 9 point deducatiin ans the administrators need to prove they have the cash to operate through the whole season


5 hours ago, AHA said:

Noticed in the latest report that they were due to repay MSP $200 million by April 15th. The league has stipulated they must do that but 777 are trying to extend the repayment date. Thing is they are being sued in the states by some Russian guy who they owed a loan to and they had repeatedly extended even though he wanted it repaid. The report on it seemed to indicate it this was how they operated. If MSP know that and don’t let them extend then they’ll need to find that money otherwise I can’t see the league approving them.

If MSP don't get paid by then, I think they get automatic right to a 25% stake in either Everton or the stadium, I can't remember which. I assume taking 25% in Everton, they would need to get PL approval. 

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17 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

What happens if Everton survive, but go bust in the summer?


Well, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, amid a wider frisson of excitement, that the Transfer Window Trophy will once again be up for grabs, them having monopolised it in recent years, giving nobody else a cat in hell's chance of claiming it.

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1 hour ago, AdamD said:

This is what the remaining part of the recent PL case is isn't it? It relates to a loan Everton registered with companies house as being for running costs and not capital expenditure. They're claiming this was an admin error and not fraud. 

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2 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

This is what the remaining part of the recent PL case is isn't it? It relates to a loan Everton registered with companies house as being for running costs and not capital expenditure. They're claiming this was an admin error and not fraud. 

If its an admin error then surely it can be corrected and then they can have a few more points deducted to align with the new truth.

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50 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If its an admin error then surely it can be corrected and then they can have a few more points deducted to align with the new truth.

the admin error they are claiming is the loan shouldn't have been reported for operational costs and should have been reported as stadium. this is what the argument is about - the PL say they don't care what they're calling it now, the reporting was clear it was a loan to cover standard opex and not investment. so right now they could have more points coming, the commission said it was too complex to be considered inside the PL's time lines of the 8th April. so their 2 point deduction currently is only a partial punishment. 

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5 hours ago, coachpotato said:

But will any further deduction happen this season, or apply to this season?


Sure I read it would only apply to next season. So after last season's deduction not being applied until this season, yet again it looks like they'll get away with their cheating.

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8 hours ago, AdamD said:

The Esk laying in to the directors…15th April seems like the key date



The last part of this is a thing of great, great beauty:


He and they’ve got us to this point. A point in which realistically, despite there having been alternatives, the only realistic outcome is insolvency. Whilst I’ve stated previously (and stick by) the belief that the acquisition by 777 Partners was the worst of all outcomes, the second worst, administration is seemingly inescapable.


I don’t believe the directors can ignore this most likely outcome any longer.


It is the most desperate of times.

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Fucking outrageous if they go into administration and the points are deducted next season  because they've been taking dodgy loans to cover this season. Does their cheating know no bounds! For the good of the sport infact for the good of all sport, all human endeavour, every single thought and action that was taken for the sheer joy of being alive and wanting every fibre of your being to know it... they should be demoted and maybe more than once, anything less just dishonours us all, every living thing that's lived, is alive or ever will live.

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7 hours ago, coachpotato said:

But will any further deduction happen this season, or apply to this season?


If I heard right the other day the league does not officially end till last owners meeting which I think was June. No doubt City,Chelsea,Everton,Forest and Newcastle will get together to try and block vote shit as they are I trouble with FFP and try and get rid of it

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9 hours ago, coachpotato said:

But will any further deduction happen this season, or apply to this season?


The part from the current charges won't happen and be appealed this season. 


1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Fucking outrageous if they go into administration and the points are deducted next season  because they've been taking dodgy loans to cover this season. Does their cheating know no bounds! For the good of the sport infact for the good of all sport, all human endeavour, every single thought and action that was taken for the sheer joy of being alive and wanting every fibre of your being to know it... they should be demoted and maybe more than once, anything less just dishonours us all, every living thing that's lived, is alive or ever will live.

If they go into administration before the season ends, the points go on this season.

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22 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


The part from the current charges won't happen and be appealed this season. 


If they go into administration before the season ends, the points go on this season.


Wouldn't that be... the points 'come off' this season?


Let's hope we get the chance to find out.

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