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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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25 minutes ago, Moctezuma said:


That is ridiculous, the manager is basically the bulwark against them overspending again.


All they had to do was not breach loses of greater than £105m over 3 years (excluding stadium and numerous other costs) and not only did that happen, in the following accounting period they managed to lose another huge chunk of money, hiring more staff and shellacking a load in transfer fees in the process. 


The indignancy of their fanbase is bizarre, if Liverpool had been run that badly (ala Hicks and Gillett) then loads of us would have been putting the boot in, instead they're just moaning at the arbitrary nature of the rules their club signed up to.

imagine if we’d have lost the city the World Heritage status, they’d be fucking livid 

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They'll appeal and have the point back bit get 2 points suspended. 


They should have been given 6 with the aggravating matter being its their second offense. 


Seems that you can cheat either hardly any punishments. City's punishment will be fun when they get a suspended fine ect. 

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City should definitely be getting ripped apart but blues are making this an anti-Everton plot and it blows my mind that they think anybody outside of Merseyside and North Wales gives a flying fuck about them 

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Appealing a 2-point deduction in case you go down instead of other much smaller clubs you’ve already cheated on by spending hundreds of millions more than. 

Then blame everyone else, act all faux wholesome and innocent. 

There’s then a thread on boardhost called “Harvey Elliott’s parents”. 

40 and 50 year old fellas. He’s about 20. 

The absolute state of the scruffy cunts, I fucking hate them. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

City should definitely be getting ripped apart but blues are making this an anti-Everton plot and it blows my mind that they think anybody outside of Merseyside and North Wales gives a flying fuck about them 

I've met a few people from the UK who didn't know they were from Liverpool.

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

Laughable how they have the neck to appeal.


They should cop at least what was the suggested punishment.



This is fucking mental, so it's not even finished, if the commission sides with the PL, there'll be more punishment. The PL needs.to get it's fucking act together. It's embarrassing that this can't be dealt with quickly and efficiently. 



Screenshot_20240408_184753_BBC Sport.jpg

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

This is fucking mental, so it's not even finished, if the commission sides with the PL, there'll be more punishment. The PL needs.to get it's fucking act together. It's embarrassing that this can't be dealt with quickly and efficiently. 



Screenshot_20240408_184753_BBC Sport.jpg

It’ll be like paying a grand debt back £2 at a time each benefit payment, like some scruff fined by the courts. 

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1 hour ago, Bourbon said:

There’s then a thread on boardhost called “Harvey Elliott’s parents”. 

40 and 50 year old fellas. He’s about 20. 

The absolute state of the scruffy cunts, I fucking hate them. 


Didn't know Harvey had 2 gay dads. Don't know them so won't judge them scruffiness or otherwise. Daft haircut aside, Harvey seems a very level-headed chap so they must be doing something right.


On a serious note, the points deduction is handed down by an independent panel not the PL. The PL wanted a harsher 5-point deduction but the panel decided that 2 large deductions in one season is overkill (it probably is, but the first deduction really should have been handed out last season if the PL's PSR process had got its shit into gear on time) so deemed that to be a mitigating circumstance, as is the admission of guilt by Everton. 


Not that any of that will be absorbed by the fuming hordes who will continue to absolve their club's board of culpability while slinging shit at 'the cartel' (meaning Der Redshite, because these independent panels obviously consist of Aldo, Stevie G and Badgeman).

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

City should definitely be getting ripped apart but blues are making this an anti-Everton plot and it blows my mind that they think anybody outside of Merseyside and North Wales gives a flying fuck about them 

They genuinely believe that everyone is out to fuck them over but can't explain why. They are like the weird Americans Louis Theroux does documentaries on. 


The only thing they come up with is the stupid argument that the league is out to get them because they stood up about the Super League. The club statement was like one of those cringey vaguebook status updates where some woman hasn't hgot the guts to say exactly who they have fallen out with. 


The league was opposed to the SL but they can't explain why the league want to punish Everton for opposing it too. Fucking cranks.

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