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Israel - A Rant


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2 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:




Seems to me they're posturing. Bitching and arguing about semantics and playing who's got the biggest dick. 


Just vote for a ceasefire you cunts. Not that it'll make any difference. They make me fucking spew. 


Just about sums it up. Our politics/politicans from all sides is/are fucking awful. 

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4 hours ago, Jennings said:


Is that why he did it? Sincere question. Politics is baffling sometimes.

This, massively this. 

Can’t get my head round this whole

thing today.


In a nutshell - SNP brought the motion to vote on a ceasefire, labour blocked it, and then Tories walked out with SNP, not because they support the motion, but to object to the way Labour manoeuvred it?


Is that it? 

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3 minutes ago, Curly said:

This, massively this. 

Can’t get my head round this whole

thing today.


In a nutshell - SNP brought the motion to vote on a ceasefire, labour blocked it, and then Tories walked out with SNP, not because they support the motion, but to object to the way Labour manoeuvred it?


Is that it? 


Explanation here- https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/21/how-keir-starmer-averted-gaza-ceasefire-vote-crisis


Great to see some parliamentary shenanigans going on, it's not as if it's a serious matter after all.

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2 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:


He broke with convention and precedant to allow the Labour vote, which is obviously catnip to the Tories and SNP who want to make a huge deal out of it.


Hoyle is free to do it, but it is unusual, and stories have been 'leaked' about Labour effectively threatening him when they are in power.


The Tories pulled their bill, meaning the SNP's bill is also no longer up for debate.


The only ammendment would be Labours which obviously would be waived through as governent and other opposition parties have walked.


Odd all round, but really performative from all sides.


In short, Starmer tested the system by putting pressure on Hoyle which led to a massive kick off.

My take on it was that it was a debate the SNP put forward to cause mischief for Labour, which the tories agreed to have knowing it would cause mischief for Labour. Starmer has obviously “convinced” Hoyle to table Labour’s amendment, which causes himself less mischief but causes uproar, largely because the tories (who ride roughshod over precedent on a weekly basis) have missed out on a rare opportunity to turn the tables.


In short: SNP are shitstirrers, Tories are hypocritical shitstirrers, Starmer is canny but a bit of a cunt, Hoyle is a wetwipe. Nobody comes out looking good, and in the meantime the bodies continue to pile up in Gaza.


If nothing else I hope this teaches Hoyle that you can’t appease the Tories. He’s been soft as fuck on them since he got in but the first time he steps away from their bidding they throw their toys out the pram.

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3 minutes ago, Manny said:

My take on it was that it was a debate the SNP put forward to cause mischief for Labour, which the tories agreed to have knowing it would cause mischief for Labour. Starmer has obviously “convinced” Hoyle to table Labour’s amendment, which causes himself less mischief but causes uproar, largely because the tories (who ride roughshod over precedent on a weekly basis) have missed out on a rare opportunity to turn the tables.


In short: SNP are shitstirrers, Tories are hypocritical shitstirrers, Starmer is canny but a bit of a cunt, Hoyle is a wetwipe. Nobody comes out looking good, and in the meantime the bodies continue to pile up in Gaza.


If nothing else I hope this teaches Hoyle that you can’t appease the Tories. He’s been soft as fuck on them since he got in but the first time he steps away from their bidding they throw their toys out the pram.


In defence of the the SNP they've tabled a motion on Gaza before and Stephen Flynn often leads with questions on Gaza.  The SNP leader in Scotland had family stuck in Gaza.



This motion has been penciled in for weeks. It was an SNP motion and protocol says it should have been heard, and heard first. 


Today's vote/motion wasn't a secret.







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Paul Sweeny. Labour MP and shadow mental health minister.  Talking about a demonstration. Glasgow.





This is the protesters he says had people "cowering behind a door for an hour' 





So another bullshitter on the Labour front bench. Must be compulsory. 







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5 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:


He broke with convention and precedant to allow the Labour vote, which is obviously catnip to the Tories and SNP who want to make a huge deal out of it.


Hoyle is free to do it, but it is unusual, and stories have been 'leaked' about Labour effectively threatening him when they are in power.


The Tories pulled their bill, meaning the SNP's bill is also no longer up for debate.


The only ammendment would be Labours which obviously would be waived through as governent and other opposition parties have walked.


Odd all round, but really performative from all sides.


In short, Starmer tested the system by putting pressure on Hoyle which led to a massive kick off.

In realty without copy and paste Hoyle had no other option to keep his cosy seat than follow his orders there, however if you paid closer attention they might not necessarily have come from the opposition. 

But what do I know. 


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7 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Sociopathic. Just pure evil. 


Before being elected to office, Golan was known for a number of inflammatory statements she made about African asylum seekers in Israel, referring to them as rapists and infiltrators who would spread HIV among the Israeli population. Golan says “If I am racist for wanting to defend my country and for wanting to protect my basic rights and security, then I’m a proud racist”.




To be fair, it seems most Jewish people, ambassadors and Rabbis are equally appalled by her views. She is an absolute cunt. 

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9 hours ago, Manny said:

My take on it was that it was a debate the SNP put forward to cause mischief for Labour, which the tories agreed to have knowing it would cause mischief for Labour. Starmer has obviously “convinced” Hoyle to table Labour’s amendment, which causes himself less mischief but causes uproar, largely because the tories (who ride roughshod over precedent on a weekly basis) have missed out on a rare opportunity to turn the tables.


In short: SNP are shitstirrers, Tories are hypocritical shitstirrers, Starmer is canny but a bit of a cunt, Hoyle is a wetwipe. Nobody comes out looking good, and in the meantime the bodies continue to pile up in Gaza.


If nothing else I hope this teaches Hoyle that you can’t appease the Tories. He’s been soft as fuck on them since he got in but the first time he steps away from their bidding they throw their toys out the pram.


The second ‘debate’ the SNP wanted to have was ‘Should 28B be spent every year on green economies’ or words to that effect.


So yeah, they were out to cause trouble for Labour.


The rest I think is spot on.

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I had a 'discussion' on here the other day where I was informed by a certain poster their were plenty of other more reliable sources reporting from Gaza than the ones being posted.. Although when pushed he couldn't name any. 









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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:


The second ‘debate’ the SNP wanted to have was ‘Should 28B be spent every year on green economies’ or words to that effect.


So yeah, they were out to cause trouble for Labour.


The rest I think is spot on.

Also, I think the fact the SNP stormed out with the tories doesn't help convince me they weren't pissed off with an opportunity to stir the pot lost. I get their anger, but if they'd have voted with Labour on the amendment and been "this isn't the last of this" then I'd be more sympathetic that this was a motion of pure interest in Gaza, but they scrambled to the outraged moral high ground whilst letting a different motion blow in the wind with a set of hypocritical cunts I've got zero sympathy for.


As I say, nobody comes out of this looking good - although I do find all of the handwringing about this relative to the situation in Gaza a bit pointless. Even if it carried unanimously the IDF would continue to shell the fuck out of Rafah indiscriminately because that's what they do. Unless the EU and, far more importantly, the US threaten much more hardline measures than a mealy mouthed criticism and request for peace, then they'll continue to do so because realistically, who will stop them?

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I had a 'discussion' on here the other day where I was informed by a certain poster their were plenty of other more reliable sources reporting from Gaza than the ones being posted.. Although when pushed he couldn't name any. 









I assume you are referring to me so dont misrepresent my opinion. That is not what was said and my point was that twitter is not a verifiable point of reference.

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46 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

I assume you are referring to me so dont misrepresent my opinion. That is not what was said and my point was that twitter is not a verifiable point of reference.


Not all you said though was it? You also said their were other more reliable sources from Gaza. Forgot that bit? 


As for twitter, it does indeed have many faults although it's a platform who's truth depends on the person posting on it. Your original complaint about the legitimacy concerning the bombing in Lebanon proved false. By the time taken to write your post if you'd have typed 'Lebanon' into twitter you'd have seen pages detailing the same attack. Including the BBC. Instead you dived in feet first and made a cunt of yourself. Which makes me wonder on your real motive.


Here's the last tweet I posted on this thread. Pick out for me the misinformation here? Ot what offends you. In fact don't bother I'm off out. 









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20 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Hoyle is a horrible self serving cunt. Embarrassment of a human and the worst speaker imaginable. What the fucks he running round Isreal with a bullet proof vest on for for fuck sake 


Because after Oct 7th British politicians were falling over themselves to be seen with the Israeli government.

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