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Israel - A Rant


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Hoyle is chatting bubbles when saying today that he went with the Labour motion as he wanted to protect MPs and prevent any potential “terrorist” attack on the house. 

Did he mention this yesterday, when putting forward the Labour motion? I believe not. He’s just trying to cover his own back and, in the process, making shit up and creating an untrue impression about Palestinian rights protesters and the nature of their protests. 

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6 minutes ago, skend04 said:



Credible but not verifiable?


I mean, that's not surprising. I'm just waiting for the "credible" to be scrubbed off the next description about the accusations against UNRWA workers that were sacked and we'll then be back to normality with the Israeli authorities.

So, you’re saying that the IDF are making stuff up???


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It's nice that after last night's embarrassment we've arisen with a cool head to calm things down and put a level headed understanding of what caused all the problems in Parliament last night. It was all the fault of ...Isamic terrorism.




Bunch of bastards knew itd be them.Could have launched an attack on the house of commons. Lyndsey Hoyle was worried. Its all making sense now. Why didn't he tell us at the time? I'd have been terrified too. 




Britains highest paid journalist (don't tell Section) Desperate Dan Hodges has sniffed out the problem. Islamic terrorists and those protesting over the Israeli invasion of Gaza!! . Although their has been marches involving millions of people with few arrests and not one hospital treatment.


Anyway stop being nasty to your local MP. You are the problem  Not them. 










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48 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

It's nice that after last night's embarrassment we've arisen with a cool head to calm things down and put a level headed understanding of what caused all the problems in Parliament last night. It was all the fault of ...Isamic terrorism.




Bunch of bastards knew itd be them.Could have launched an attack on the house of commons. Lyndsey Hoyle was worried. Its all making sense now. Why didn't he tell us at the time? I'd have been terrified too. 




Britains highest paid journalist (don't tell Section) Desperate Dan Hodges has sniffed out the problem. Islamic terrorists and those protesting over the Israeli invasion of Gaza!! . Although their has been marches involving millions of people with few arrests and not one hospital treatment.


Anyway stop being nasty to your local MP. You are the problem  Not them. 










If Dan Hodges spontaneously combusted in front of me, I'd use the flames to make s'mores!

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16 hours ago, Arniepie said:

hoyle is one of those politicians where you genuinely couldn’t yell if we was a tory or a labour mp

the fact that he set off a round of applause in parliament for Johnson after he got his cards might clarify that one somewhat.

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3 hours ago, Anubis said:

A vicious mob.




Yep. Labour front bencher Paul Sweeney. 








To put this bullshit from Lyndsey Hoyle and Labour in context. I do not believe there was not one arrest at any demonstration yesterday. I went to one myself outside my MPs office Tuesday tea time and it was good natured. Parliament did not break with protocol when the IRA bombed Brighton or the police were having running battles with miners in the mid eighties. We are being spoon-fed utter lies from Westminster and the press. 



National papers today. 







Compere to.. Telegraph a little while ago. Not so shocking then. 





It shameful that the Labour Party are siding with and assisting these extreme far right murderous loons both home and abroad. 

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Some cunt from the Fail called Angela Epstein on Jeremy Vines vile show - the message being shone on to parliament made her feel sick and threatened.


What a load of fucking shite. Peaceful protest and shining a few lights on a building makes you feel threatened? Good fucking job it wasn't the likes of her standing up to Mosley's thugs in the 30's.


The media narrative in this country is inhuman and shameful. Innocent people are being murdered, and I seriously fucking doubt many of them were members of Hamas, especially not the fucking children who are being bombed, shot and starved to death in Gaza.


You sick fucking bastards, ceasefire now, and indict that bastard Netanyahu for genocide.

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Perfect summary of events by Jonathan Cook here. Plus Hoyle didn't even mention concern for MPs welfare before he held talks with Starmer. This whole sorid episode stinks to high heaven. 












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