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American Politics


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Israel is going to finish America. Its a joke. This woman is a teacher. 




As posted further up this is the chief political correspondent of CNN. Her report is as embarrassing as the woman from North Korea. Main stream media has thrown its credibility away trying to defend the indefensible. Hasanabi makes a good point. 





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28 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

Nothing says "Democracy vs Autocracy" like what's happening to those protests lately.



Hardly warrants a mention on here. 








From the brilliant people above to some of the stupidest people on earth. 













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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:



Hardly warrants a mention on here.





It could be good if the US had a decent new party to try and get a bunch of those gimps out of there.

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4 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:



It could be good if the US had a decent new party to try and get a bunch of those gimps out of there.


Like over here they need one. Gaza  has shown the extent of the Israeli influence and its not good. Not good at all. 







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This is mad. America has no idea how fucked it looks to the outside world. Mission impossible against American college kids protesting about their country's role in a genocide. ..Is this "spam"?













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I bet the Israeli hardliners are pissing themselves at the state of Americas politicians. New York Mayor and Musk wave the flag. Got to wave the Star Spangled Banner. He's just a proud American. Any other flag from any other country is treason. God bless America. 




Hang on who's this?  It's good ol Mayor Adams flying the er.. flag with pride. 




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25 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

I bet the Israeli hardliners are pissing themselves at the state of Americas politicians. New York Mayor and Musk wave the flag. Got to wave the Star Spangled Banner. He's just a proud American. Any other flag from any other country is treason. God bless America. 



What flag is he talking about here

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7 minutes ago, No2 said:

What flag is he talking about here


The Palestinian ones that we're being  flown at Colombia University and throughout New York. 











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This phoney patriotic bullshit didn't take long to unravel. Its amazing how many in high office will make utter fools of themselves for Israel. They're obviously in the pocket but fucking hell. 









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America. Tearing itself apart.  Scenes being flashed across the world. A world that on ths whole is on ths side of the protesters and the Palestinians. The country of Colombia mocked America yesterday by choosing that day to break ties with Israel. The New York major embarrassing himself and his police force. A President gone to ground. 





All to defend this!!! Gaza yesterday.









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2 minutes ago, Mudface said:


There's a live blog on the Guardian (along with several articles) for people who don't want to wade through dozens of Tweets.


Here come the Bibi bummers. I didn't know they were concerned.

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14 minutes ago, Section_31 said:



I thought you were only concerned with Ukraine. I didn't think the Palestinian issue or the trouble in America warranted your attention. You've gave little opinion nor shown an ounce  of concern. Same with Mudface. Yet here you are. 






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25 minutes ago, Mudface said:


There's a live blog on the Guardian (along with several articles) for people who don't want to wade through dozens of Tweets.


This fella taking to cunts like you. Not on opinion offered on here or the Israeli thread by you cunts. Just shit. 







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11 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

It's still here lads - will keep you posted.


Yah. The minister of truth. Mr CNN himself. 











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6 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Keep posting Gnasher. This is importnant. If people want to sit on the sidelines and snipe at you, ignore them.


Thank you. 

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Shocking footage this. Police shooting students with rubber bullets in America. All because young people are protesting over Americas involvement in Israel/Gaza.


you won't see that on the Mudface/Gaurdian feed. Which is why some would prefer information suppressed. 




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The LAPD have always enjoyed tearing down encampments. Allows them to exercise their authoritarianism. Carpenter depicted the LAPD clearing a homeless encampment in They Live, and a few short months later it played out for real in one of LA's parks.


We're watching the country that supposedly leads the free world idulge in fascism at the behest of a small nation in the Middle East, for no good reason at all. And as we've seen in the past, where the US goes we usually follow. Blindly.

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