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American Politics


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US plod is building a Cop City in Atlanta, have killed protestors there trying to save the forest, are now highly militarised, and often receiving training from the IDF. 





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On 23/04/2024 at 10:55, Mudface said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.


Tell them Mugface. As you're so concerned with truth and people misrepresenting the Israelis. I imagine you've a lot of Israeli critics you'd like to silence. I see you. 




Try that trick with these below. 







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Pictures of snipers on university buildings is somewhat concerning. Especially the ay the police have been sent in. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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14 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Hasn't that Mossad Commentary account been debunked as a blag account?


Yep, it's not the official Mossad account. I know I'm going to regret wondering what the stupid bastard was posting, but fuck it, it's a slow day at work.


Two replies to the first Tweet Gnasher posted point out that it's not Mossad itself-




As does several other articles, easily found with a 10 second Google-






There's more than enough lies and gaslighting coming from Israel and its supporters to avoid diluting things with nonsense like this. But as I pointed out earlier in the thread, actually thinking and doing a little bit of fact checking is far too hard for Gnasher when he can just copy and paste endless spam and pompously assume he's some kind of white knight rather than a fat drunken moron stuck on Twitter for 12 hours a day.

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On 24/04/2024 at 18:48, Gnasher said:


Intresting that this is one of the posters who keeps urging other posters to put me on ignore. This one seems to have a special fetishism as although he continually mentions my name and he's first to jump into any thread where I'm critical of the Israeli government. In short hes a scummy little cunt.



Mugface was once again first in to try debunk the tweet and so defend the IDF, Mossad and their outsider's in the post above. Although no claims were made to authenticity anyway. He has  seemed unconcerned on all the other Israeli falsehoods on the issue. Plenty of them, not a peep. 




Here is life long Jewish anti apartheid campaigner, the son of a holocaust victim and an ex advisor to Nelson Mandela, Andrew Feinstein. He posted the same tweet as I posted. I'm waiting for the Mudfaces of this world/forum to label him a crank.



For those who don't know him here he is, although you wouldn't have been able to learn about the man if you'd taken Mudfaces advice and put me on ignore. Which seems his aim. 







By Mudfaces criteria, on what 'he' chooses is 'spam'  a man such as Finkelstein would not be welcome to give his veiws on this issue, not produce his links on this subject, on this forum. Dismissed as not worth listening to. Mocked. Finkelstein. 



Just let that sink in. 





Hahaha, Jesus. Looking back over the last couple of pages, you really don't like being called out, do you? It might have helped if you could spell this fella's name correctly- it's Feinstein, not Finkelstein you absolute idiot- and no one's mocking him, he's just wrong to assume this is the Mossad account. Equally pointing out that you're wrong, doesn't imply support for Israel in any way, shape or form, it just means I think you're a thick bellend.

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Finkelstein could never fit into the confines of Twitter - the man can write. Alot.

Substacker him. 


Feinstein would do well to jib off making films and writing books - Twitter is what allows him to communicate. Nobody would have a clue otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Mudface said:


Hahaha, Jesus. Looking back over the last couple of pages, you really don't like being called out, do you? It might have helped if you could spell this fella's name correctly- it's Feinstein, not Finkelstein you absolute idiot- and no one's mocking him, he's just wrong to assume this is the Mossad account. Equally pointing out that you're wrong, doesn't imply support for Israel in any way, shape or form, it just means I think you're a thick bellend.


The only people pretending it's what you say it is are the israeli shill cunts like yourself. I don't know who the fuck you think you are trying to tell other posters who they should and should not read  You've exposed yourself for what you are now fuvk off back under your stone you sly little runt. 





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3 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:




Show me where someone on here said it was an 'official' Mossad account. 



Its a well known outrider. The Israelis give it a wide berth when it suits or when it makes them look bad, although obviously not this time. It hasn't been community noted and it hasn't been rebuked. Even though people such as Feinstein and Dallaul to name but two have retweeted it. Which should give some clues.



Now let an Israeli shill like Mudcake go on the two accounts such as below and try to pull the same shit he tried to pull here with me. I'd like to see how he gets on. Is he going to advise other posters not take notice of them? The disingenuous cunt. 






Intresting that of all the untrue information coming out of this war the shill took offence about  the quote above. 





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19 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

You learned a new word. Time well spent.


Who the fuck do you think you are  pompous bellend. Give it up  before I give you another couple of words that are universally understood. 

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3 hours ago, Mudface said:


Yep, it's not the official Mossad account. I know I'm going to regret wondering what the stupid bastard was posting, but fuck it, it's a slow day at work.


Two replies to the first Tweet Gnasher posted point out that it's not Mossad itself-




As does several other articles, easily found with a 10 second Google-






There's more than enough lies and gaslighting coming from Israel and its supporters to avoid diluting things with nonsense like this. But as I pointed out earlier in the thread, actually thinking and doing a little bit of fact checking is far too hard for Gnasher when he can just copy and paste endless spam and pompously assume he's some kind of white knight rather than a fat drunken moron stuck on Twitter for 12 hours a day.


Says the idiot who drank 8 pints last Friday night and embarrassed himself talking about me on the members forum. Self awareness not a strong point with you Mudface. 

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3 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

Finkelstein could never fit into the confines of Twitter - the man can write. Alot.

Substacker him. 


Feinstein would do well to jib off making films and writing books - Twitter is what allows him to communicate. Nobody would have a clue otherwise.


The pomposity from cranks such as yourself and Mudface is fucking  cringeworthy.








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26 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Who the fuck do you think you are  pompous bellend. Give it up  before I give you another couple of words that are universally understood. 


I didn't say it was used properly but at least you spelled it correctly. 

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Who the fuck do you think you are  pompous bellend. Give it up  before I give you another couple of words that are universally understood. 

Give him the words! Give him the words!

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