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American Politics


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On 28/03/2024 at 05:45, Kevin D said:

Saw George Santos has left the Republican Party and is going to run as an independent.


The road to the White House has begun.

Former U.S. Rep. George Santos on Tuesday said he is dropping his longshot bid to return to Congress, months after he was expelled from the House while facing a slew of federal fraud charges.

Santos, who was running as an independent candidate for the 1st Congressional District in New York, said he was withdrawing from the race.

The announcement came after the disgraced former congressman’s campaign committee reported no fundraising in March, raising speculation that his campaign had failed to get off the ground.

Santos last month launched a campaign to challenge Republican Rep. Nick LaLota in the GOP primary for the eastern Long Island congressional district, which is a different district than the one he previously represented. Weeks later, Santos said he was leaving the Republican party and would instead run for the seat as an independent.

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On 23/04/2024 at 10:55, Mudface said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.


Intresting that this is one of the posters who keeps urging other posters to put me on ignore. This one seems to have a special fetishism as although he continually mentions my name and he's first to jump into any thread where I'm critical of the Israeli government. In short hes a scummy little cunt.



Mugface was once again first in to try debunk the tweet and so defend the IDF, Mossad and their outsider's in the post above. Although no claims were made to authenticity anyway. He has  seemed unconcerned on all the other Israeli falsehoods on the issue. Plenty of them, not a peep. 




Here is life long Jewish anti apartheid campaigner, the son of a holocaust victim and an ex advisor to Nelson Mandela, Andrew Feinstein. He posted the same tweet as I posted. I'm waiting for the Mudfaces of this world/forum to label him a crank.



For those who don't know him here he is, although you wouldn't have been able to learn about the man if you'd taken Mudfaces advice and put me on ignore. Which seems his aim. 







By Mudfaces criteria, on what 'he' chooses is 'spam'  a man such as Finkelstein would not be welcome to give his veiws on this issue, not produce his links on this subject, on this forum. Dismissed as not worth listening to. Mocked. Finkelstein. 



Just let that sink in. 




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What the fuck has happened to America? Its tearing itself apart. Netenyahu seems to think he can install himself as President (although he's probably not far wrong)

























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I wonder if Musk's excuse for retweeting that clip is that he's concerned about the "woke mind virus" invading US campuses or some shit, whilst ignoring all of the propaganda that's being spewed there and that the guy spewing it is a genocidal psycho. Complete cunt.


If his owning of twitter does go to shit I hope this becomes remembered as one of the moments where he started outing himself a bit too much before it started to go downhill, he can fuck off with that.

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42 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


If his owning of twitter does go to shit I hope this becomes remembered as one of the moments where he started outing himself a bit too much before it started to go downhill, he can fuck off with that.





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52 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:



I meant as in causing him so many problems he has to let it go because of what it's costing him, I suppose when you have the cash he does though there'll always be a way to hold on to it if it's important enough. At least his mask is falling off now and enough people can see that at least.


Any people/groups/corps that would have enough to buy twitter would probably just want to manipulate it to their own ends anyway so maybe the site will never get anywhere near back to what it was before people starting making the mess that it's turned into.

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5 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


I meant as in causing him so many problems he has to let it go because of what it's costing him, I suppose when you have the cash he does though there'll always be a way to hold on to it if it's important enough. At least his mask is falling off now and enough people can see that at least.


Any people/groups/corps that would have enough to buy twitter would probably just want to manipulate it to their own ends anyway so maybe the site will never get anywhere near back to what it was before people starting making the mess that it's turned into.


It won't.


Their own numbers show usage down over 25% in the last year. It would be difficult to have that adverse an effect even if you were trying to drive folks away. Tesla has been found out as well.

Gubmint contracts (Space X/Starlink) are what will keep him up.

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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


It won't.


Their own numbers show usage down over 25% in the last year. It would be difficult to have that adverse an effect even if you were trying to drive folks away. Tesla has been found out as well.

Gubmint contracts (Space X/Starlink) are what will keep him up.


Yeah he'd probably be in the shit a lot more if it wasn't for those contracts. I think his main aim with twitter is to try and help swing the election in whatever way he can for Republicans too, maybe after that's over in November he'll start getting bored and backing off more. Or if Trump gets in he might find that helping the US gov more with twitter issues is fine again seeing as they're in power and not Dems.

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48 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


Yeah he'd probably be in the shit a lot more if it wasn't for those contracts. I think his main aim with twitter is to try and help swing the election in whatever way he can for Republicans too, maybe after that's over in November he'll start getting bored and backing off more. Or if Trump gets in he might find that helping the US gov more with twitter issues is fine again seeing as they're in power and not Dems.


If Trump gets in there will be a federal ban on Twitter and all it's users forceported to Truth Social over night.

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Brilliantly put.







America has not only lost its mind its now arresting the best of them. Chairman Mao would be proud. Absolutely fucking mad. 









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4 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

If Trump gets in there will be a federal ban on Twitter and all it's users forceported to Truth Social over night.


I hope he enjoys all the spam filled threads if he does.

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