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14 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

By "they" - I meant Tik Tok.


No US court has upheld a Tik Tok ban except for usage by gubmint employees. Those are by individual states.


Ah thanks, thought you meant Trump won. I was wondering how the fuck Biden thought this was going to help his election chances as well but that issue has already been covered :


Screenshot (324).png


From the last part of this : TikTok Braces for US Divest-or-Ban Law — And a Fresh Legal Fight

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Terry Anderson, the former Mideast correspondent for The Associated Press who was kidnapped in 1985 and held captive for nearly seven years in Lebanon, has died at 76.


The AP journalist worked out of Kentucky, Tokyo, South Africa and ultimately Lebanon, after he volunteered to go there in 1982 following Israel’s invasion as the news agency’s chief Middle East correspondent.

Anderson covered Lebanon’s civil war for The AP for three years before his capture in 1985. He was released in 1991, as the 16-year civil war ended.

Many foreign nationals, including Anderson’s first wife and then-young daughter, had evacuated Lebanon due to the sprawling war there in 1983, but Anderson stuck it out.

He even found love again in a Lebanese woman named Madeleine Bassil. She was six months pregnant with their child when he kissed her goodbye the morning of Saturday, March 16, and headed out to play tennis. 

Armed men grabbed him on a Beirut street, threw him into the trunk of a car and whisked him away.

His autobiography calls his next home the “Den of Lions.” In fact, it was many dens as he was moved regularly, presumably around Lebanon. Each place, he had shackles, chains, and blindfolds so he couldn’t look his captors in the eye.

“Some of them were really bad, some of them were evil,” Anderson said of his guards. “Some … were psychopathic.”

On December 4, 1991, he was taken from his holding room shortly after 6 a.m., handed to Syrian officers, and driven to Damascus.

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2 hours ago, bossy said:


Wow. The report is from last November and the site still hasn't been taken down or forced to say (as it should) its a parody. Like this one.





Weird how neither Musk nor Israel haven't acted on an account thats so prominent and has been operating for so long. Its got over 300,000 followers and the post below has already had over a million views and still no community note. Surprised the Israeli government haven't complained. The posts are a bit reserved for them.











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3 hours ago, bossy said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.

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9 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.


Aww look who's piped up again, Mudface!


I understand enough to know you're a cunt. So that's a very good start. Mudface. 

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Wow. The report is from last November and the site still hasn't been taken down or forced to say (as it should) its a parody. Like this one.





Weird how neither Musk nor Israel haven't acted on an account thats so prominent and has been operating for so long. Its got over 300,000 followers and the post below has already had over a million views and still no community note. Surprised the Israeli government haven't complained. The posts are a bit reserved for them.











There are plenty of reliable sources for news of Israeli government subterfuge and murder. I don’t know why you’ve doubled down by sharing the actual tweet, I’ve seen it. This nonsense is counter productive. 

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1 hour ago, Mudface said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.

He loves a Twitter post does old Gnasher and there are so many I only properly notice those that are obviously ridiculous. 

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21 minutes ago, bossy said:

There are plenty of reliable sources for news of Israeli government subterfuge and murder. I don’t know why you’ve doubled down by sharing the actual tweet, I’ve seen it. This nonsense is counter productive. 


I'm not doubling down, I'm genuinely surprised as its stayed up so long without being taken down or community noted, especially as it has so many followers. I'm wondering if it's an Israeli outrider account. 

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2 hours ago, bossy said:

He loves a Twitter post does old Gnasher and there are so many I only properly notice those that are obviously ridiculous. 


Why is it "obviously ridiculous? The Israelis wouldn't say such things. Why hasn't the Israeli government demanded it to be taken down?

Considering the information that get debunked that the IDF put out on a regular basis? Why not distance themselves? Maybe it's  an IDF outrider account that they can wash their hands with when they choose? 



If people like Mudcake are genuinely concerned about 'fake news' surely their are more pressing examples flying about in this war. Hundreds, almost all by Israel, which makes truth difficult. Where is the concern there. Such as this below from today 



I'm sure such stoic defenders of truth such a Mugface and Co asked questions about the above on the relevant thread at the time, didn't they? 


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33 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Why is it "obviously ridiculous? The Israelis wouldn't say such things. Why hasn't the Israeli government demanded it to be taken down?

Considering the information that get debunked that the IDF put out on a regular basis? Why not distance themselves? Maybe it's  an IDF outrider account that they can wash their hands with when they choose? 



If people like Mudcake are genuinely concerned about 'fake news' surely their are more pressing examples flying about in this war. Hundreds, almost all by Israel, which makes truth difficult. Where is the concern there. Such as this below from today 



I'm sure such stoic defenders of truth such a Mugface and Co asked questions about the above on the relevant thread at the time, didn't they? 


I don’t know why they haven’t asked for it to be taken down. 

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14 minutes ago, bossy said:

I don’t know why they haven’t asked for it to be taken down. 


Because unlike you and Mugshot they have no issue with the content?  Not so upsetting for them as it is for those such as Mudache?



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16 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Because unlike you and Mugshot they have no issue with the content?  Not so upsetting for them as it is for those such as Mudache?



I have no idea what you’re blathering on about. It might be left up so people share it and as it’s fake it helps to undermine other points. I just don’t know.
I’m going to stop the back and forth on this particular issue now as I’ve said my bit and as the lyric goes, ‘say something once why say it again.’ I’m pretty certain you’ll like to have the last word so fill yer boots.

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24 minutes ago, bossy said:

I have no idea what you’re blathering on about. It might be left up so people share it and as it’s fake it helps to undermine other points. I just don’t know.
I’m going to stop the back and forth on this particular issue now as I’ve said my bit and as the lyric goes, ‘say something once why say it again.’ I’m pretty certain you’ll like to have the last word so fill yer boots.


OK but its not fake and its not a parody. Otherwise it'd be taken down or community noted. 


I just find it odd that a posh little prick like Murkface would jump straight in when the disingenuous rat has never once raised an eyebrow over all the fake news stories pumped out by Israel. Such as below.








Why is that I wonder? Maybe the fella in the vid below can give us a couple of clues about the real character of people such as Mudface. 







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7 hours ago, Mudface said:


Yep- https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-roadside-bomb-world-central-kitchen-096413602260


This is one of the numerous reasons I suggest putting gnasher on ignore. It's not just constant Twitter spam, he doesn't do any sort of critical thinking- or even read, never mind understand- the tidal wave of shite he posts.



Here you are Mugface. Have a complimentary "tide of shit" on me.



Mates of yours?




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7 hours ago, bossy said:

There are plenty of reliable sources for news of Israeli government subterfuge and murder. I don’t know why you’ve doubled down by sharing the actual tweet, I’ve seen it. This nonsense is counter productive. 


Are there really? 


Can you name me a few? Because I thought information regarding this war was a little harder than some pretend. 


Go on but you can wipe these off your list.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle east-68423995.amp






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