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VAR Thoughts?


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3 hours ago, Mook said:

I can't believe people are suggesting challenge systems.


This is Football we're talking about, not under 12s fucking netball.


Football (the sport itself) was absolutely fine five years ago, you got the odd bad decision, you dusted yourself down and then got on with it. None of this fucking circus.


VAR has sucked the life out of it.

It is this type of arrogance that is plaguing football at the top level regarding reforms.


Rather than see what works best in other sports like tennis, rugby, NFL etc we would have the likes of people at the top implementing a system stupidly because "this is football".

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There is no coherent argument against a challenge system. Only the "this is football" shout. Some of us already called for the challenge system when VAR was being introduced. There are definitely more positives to it.


1) The challenge system would let the game flow better. VAR won't get involved every few minutes. It would only be called into action if a team uses their one challenge per half.


2) It leaves almost every decision to the on field officials. Almost the way it always used to be.


3) It moves pressure off the officials and onto the team to make a judgement call whether they want to waste a challenge or not.

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4 hours ago, Mook said:


It'll never happen but the TV companies wouldn't like a month of 80% empty stadiums if people actually wanted to their arse in gear and get rid of this pish.


Yeah, but that's not happening either..because if we didn't go, there'd be loads behind us waiting to take seats who don't give a fuck. The best we can do is keep banging the drum, let it drift into social media and all that till someone with profile is willing to take up the narrative of the fan. I thought change may happen if it got worse, but it is worse, ruining games to a ridiculous extent, but it just won't..it's down to fans to keep complaining about it. It's the only power we have. And if we can get them to move to a.system that reduces their involvement, I'm all in. 

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4 hours ago, Supremolad said:

It is this type of arrogance that is plaguing football at the top level regarding reforms.


Rather than see what works best in other sports like tennis, rugby, NFL etc we would have the likes of people at the top implementing a system stupidly because "this is football".


I take it you've been asleep the last five years?


They've been fiddling around with the rules constantly & that's the problem.

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I hate the way the handball rules are interpreted. If the ball hits a defenders arm in a natural position, then play-on.  If the ball hits an attackers arm in a natural position, then hand-ball.


It's not there for any other reason than to make the officials' life easier.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:


I take it you've been asleep the last five years?


They've been fiddling around with the rules constantly & that's the problem.


What the fuck are you on about?


Fiddling with the rules isnt the main issue. VAR keep sticking their noses into the game every few minutes micro-analysing almost every incident. The challenge system would limit such VAR interference. The game would flow naturally with the on field decisions being final, the way it used to be.


The game would only stop a maximum of 2 times per half for a VAR check IF a team makes a challenge. And the teams won't want to frivously waste their challenges because they wouldn't have any extra. So they would only use it when they believe it absolutely necessary.

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One of the funniest things about it is even people within the game still have no idea how it works.


The commentator on ITV for Real Madrid v. Valencia just said he was surprised a particular incident wasn't checked and the co-comm reminded him everything is checked.



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17 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

One of the funniest things about it is even people within the game still have no idea how it works.


The commentator on ITV for Real Madrid v. Valencia just said he was surprised a particular incident wasn't checked and the co-comm reminded him everything is checked.



Communication around it is largely abysmal.


From what it does and does not do, to how it is supposed to do stuff and of course when it actually is being used.


It is an absolute cluster fuck for the most part - add in pundits, commentators and other people involved including managers and officials talking bollocks about it and it is at times laughable.


It's actually embarrassing for the game how it goes about pretty much everything around a system that if it was being handled correctly could benefit the game.

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1 hour ago, Supremolad said:


What the fuck are you on about?


Fiddling with the rules isnt the main issue. VAR keep sticking their noses into the game every few minutes micro-analysing almost every incident. The challenge system would limit such VAR interference. The game would flow naturally with the on field decisions being final, the way it used to be.


The game would only stop a maximum of 2 times per half for a VAR check IF a team makes a challenge. And the teams won't want to frivously waste their challenges because they wouldn't have any extra. So they would only use it when they believe it absolutely necessary.


I was wondering what the fuck you were on about so I think we're at cross purposes.


Anyway, make it zero VAR challenges for each side & you're on.

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4 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


I think it might be better but you can be sure all available (whatever the number might be) challenges would be used in every game.

That could well be true. Which is why the proposal should be only 1 challenge per half.


So for example, if a major 50/50 decision doesnt go a team's way 10 minutes into the game, they would really need to be sure they want to use their 1 challenge because there would still be 35 minutes more in which there are potentially worse decisions.



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Also the challenge has to be indicated to the referee by the team captain within 10 seconds of the incident happening. No chance should be given to any club's video analysts to look at multiple angles in slow motion, taking ages before advising team captain to challenge.


And then a time limit of 1 or 2 minutes for VAR to look at it and make a decision.

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48 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

A challenge system is bollocks. It needs killing with fire as quickly as possible. Any tweaking doesnt solve the problem as the problem is VAR and poor referee training. That is where the changes need to happen.


I agree. It would just be another chance to double down on the original decision as VAR is now.

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The challenge thing won’t work. Football doesn’t have naturally occurring timed breaks other than half time. We’d all be complaining and arguing and the media would stir up more controversy and shit if a captain missed challenging certain things coz he was down the other end of the pitch or he made a stupid pick. And if you’re a captain are you going to believe, say, Anthony Gordon when he tells you that he was definitely fouled in the penalty area? Nah. If it can’t work like goal line technology, it shouldn’t be used. 

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2 hours ago, bossy said:

The challenge thing won’t work. Football doesn’t have naturally occurring timed breaks other than half time. We’d all be complaining and arguing and the media would stir up more controversy and shit if a captain missed challenging certain things coz he was down the other end of the pitch or he made a stupid pick. And if you’re a captain are you going to believe, say, Anthony Gordon when he tells you that he was definitely fouled in the penalty area? Nah. If it can’t work like goal line technology, it shouldn’t be used. 

Someone here mentioned I think 5 appeals per season. We can all live with that imo. If it's really about getting the big stuff right, there shouldn't be more than 5 per season that are shockingly wrong and if there are, it's reasonable then to put more pressure on PGMOL to improve their quality. 

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I have the solution to VAR woes, an overnight fix (cos let's face it, it's here to stay).  Change the terminology "clear and obvious" to "massive fucking howler" or words to that effect. Clear and obvious shouldn't be too vague, but it obviously is for these dickheads.

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On 12/11/2023 at 16:48, Turkish Delight said:


I agree. It would just be another chance to double down on the original decision as VAR is now.

Haha yeah, can you imagine for example Paul Tierney siding with a Liverpool challenge to a decision Anthony Taylor had made?

”Yes, he’s pulled out a gun and murdered Salah in the six yard box, happy to stick with your original decision, no penalty”.

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On 11/11/2023 at 18:05, Jennings said:

I hate the way the handball rules are interpreted. If the ball hits a defenders arm in a natural position, then play-on.  If the ball hits an attackers arm in a natural position, then hand-ball.


It's not there for any other reason than to make the officials' life easier.

I have no issue with this accept the officials don’t understand what a natural position is. Athletes throwing themselves around a playing field don’t always have their arms by their sides 

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On 12/11/2023 at 05:48, Turkish Delight said:


I agree. It would just be another chance to double down on the original decision as VAR is now.

Here is an example of how confusing and how much tinkering goes on with the 'laws' of the game. Last season the brief was that if the ball hit a players body and then hit his hand afterwards then it was almost impossible to give an offence. On my training course a few weeks back I am now told that this isnt the case any more. I had no idea of that. You might as well just aim for a defenders hand as you will no doubt get a penalty/free kick. After a 5 minute delay of course.

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