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VAR Thoughts?


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Get rid of it until you can have a truly automated system that takes out the clowns running it. At the moment it's not VAR that's the problem but the group of chummy mates running it. I'd be happier keeping it if you cut out Howard Web and his mates.

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53 minutes ago, Freddo said:

Let's hope this goes through and our sport can get back to what it's always been. Spontaneous,  fun, fast with no stop start rubbish and actually allow fans to celebrate goals again. To bring the emotion back. Yes we need better officials, training, leadership. All that stuff but var detracts in a big way from the game. 

Amen brother.

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If it is believed that there is bias towards “certain clubs” who court PGMOL officials or have influence over them currently, then can you imagine what sort of performances those same officials will be producing with no check on them?
VAR hasn’t been and isn’t the “cure all” that many thought it might be when it was introduced, but that is down to the incompetence and, dare it be said, the corruption of those using the technology.

There should be a much greater push towards replacing the PGMOL and its head I think, because the same or similar technology is used in other sporting spheres without anything like the negativity it has caused in football.

If the officials stay in place after the technology has been binned, then the outcome will be worse for us and anyone who haven’t got the same influence as “certain clubs”.

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16 hours ago, The Midnight Rambler said:

This is going to be like Brexit again. Some inbred town voting for VAR to stay and we lose by 1 vote.


In reverse though. The inbred towns will be voting to get rid of VAR and it'll be us and the other big city clubs keeping it.

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19 hours ago, The Midnight Rambler said:

This is going to be like Brexit again. Some inbred town voting for VAR to stay and we lose by 1 vote.

Heard on radio last night we're not going to support the proposal 

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  • 2 months later...
4 minutes ago, sir roger said:


The company who have just won the contract have to install 28 new cameras at every ground and do test events to check it is working properly, I believe.


I'm not blaming them, but clearly the contracts should have been sorted out earlier so that this could get done in June/July.


It's dreadful for the integrity of the league. Your season will be determined by the variance of when you get your dog shit decisions.

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2 hours ago, Jairzinho said:


I'm not blaming them, but clearly the contracts should have been sorted out earlier so that this could get done in June/July.


It's dreadful for the integrity of the league. Your season will be determined by the variance of when you get your dog shit decisions.


I agree, but not sure when the Prem clubs agreed that the new system would be implemented in England. Might have been at the ' Wolves hate VAR ' meeting.

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2 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

No doubt the system doesn't work. They're doing their own semi automated with Hawkeye aren't they instead of using the one that's already working? 


Hawkeye got jibbed for it, they just have a contract for the goalline tech for another year and then gone completely. Cant remember the name of the newbies.

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