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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/02/24 in all areas

  1. She's not the first person to see him and think "I'm in here. I'm definitely going to score."
    11 points
  2. 'I’ve sold stadiums to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook and by gum it put them on the map.
    7 points
  3. Monday Feb 12: Reports today say Postecoglu won't be joining us at the end of the season. In other news, I can confirm that I won't be taking up a membership at Augusta National. Seriously, how the fuck is he even being linked with the job? Because he's a fan? So are all of you reading this and you won't be getting the job either. Ok, I'm being flippant as he's clearly got something about him, but that's not anywhere near enough to be qualified for this job. If we appointed him I'd be fucking livid. I don't care for that guy. I've been watching loads of tactical analysis videos of Alonso's Leverkusen and I'm all in on this. I was even before I'd seen all the tactical stuff, but that was based on the fact he's Xabi Alonso, he's top of the Bundesliga and he's taken a team from 2nd bottom to being unbeaten in all comps this season. I knew very little about how he'd done it. Now that I've seen what he's actually doing, fucking hell. It's proper high end, ahead of the game shit. He's not unbeaten because he's got the best players, it's because he's got the best tactics and motivational skills. Some of his key players were free transfers like Xhaka and Grimaldo. He's got another lad who was at Southampton and Burnley and pulled up no trees. He hasn't done this by buying boss players, he's done it by coaching. There was another team that took it to Bayern Munich in similar fashion in recent times. You might be familiar with their manager.... This is the biggest no brainer decision any club could ever make. Don't overthink it, this is just so obvious. Of course there's risk involved and none of us can know how it would turn out, but there's risk with any appointment as there are never any guarantees. You just have to make the decision that gives you the best chance of success, that's all you can do. And if it doesn't work, there's no regrets because you made what was the best decision you could have made at that time with all of the information available to you. It's almost like the NFL draft in some ways. The Bears have the number one pick this year and there are a lot of arguments going on about what they should do. There's a quarterback available who is being touted as a generational talent and half the teams in the league would kill to get him. He might turn out to be a flop, but if you don't take him you'll always be kicking yourself in case he becomes what the experts are saying he could be. We're in that unique situation this summer. We've basically got the number one pick in the draft as we're in a position where we can choose ANY manager we want (nobody is turning down this job, it's the most attractive available job in the world other than maybe Real Madrid, but I just don't see Xabi wanting to join them over us at this point in his career). Alonso is the clear stand out star of the draft, yet you've got people suggesting we pass on him and take De Zerbi, the Sporting fella or even Eddie fucking Howe (ok, that was Agbonlahor who said that so it doesn't count). If we took anybody else other than Alonso the risk would be much bigger than giving it to him and it's a decision we might live to regret forever. Like when the Bears traded up to draft Mitch Trubisky instead of Patrick Mahomes. It takes years to recover from mistakes like that.
    6 points
  4. Fuck off Ajer you useless bastard.
    4 points
  5. Always remember going there for a Xmas Do, and one of my female colleagues calling me posh for having pate and toast as my starter.
    4 points
  6. "Hello Gino's takeaway." "Hi, Can I please order: Potato waffles on toast, 10 Siracha Turkey dinosaurs, a large portion of oven chips and a side order of garden peas in gravy?" "........" "Hello...you still there?"
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. And they all met at the San Siro in the Round of 16 when the Germans took on the Dutch. West Germany had looked like one of the 2 best sides in the competition (the other being the host nation), and the Dutch looked a shadow of the side of 2 years earlier. Van Basten failed to score in his only World Cup tournament. Gullit did manage one goal against Ireland but was largely shackled (he'd had a few knee issues over the previous couple of seasons). Rijkaard hadn't been his dominant self, and his most memorable moment was gobbing in Voller's perm not once but twice. In contrast, Matthaus was the best player in the tournament, Klinsmann was on fire and Brehme was hugely productive in both assisting as well as scoring goals. Brehme scored the winning goal against the Dutch, got a goal against England in the semi final (thanks to a wicked deflection and Shilton's concrete boots), and of course the winning goal in the final. Incredible to think that the 1990 World Cup winning coach and the player that got the important goal have both passed on within months of each other.
    4 points
  9. Its good to see people watching Man City games again, hoping they can drop points when its 0-0 at 70, before being crushed by 4 goals in the last 10 mins. Its almost like im in my 30's again.
    3 points
  10. They're still making their way in from greeting the bus.
    3 points
  11. Reminds me of that joke. Wiganer walks past a pie shop that says pies 50p, wanks a pound. Interest perked up in he walks. Beautiful 20 year old serving " are you the girl that gives the wanks for a pound?" he says with a quid in his hand " I am indeed" " well wash your hands and give me two meat and potato pies "
    3 points
  12. I said a few months ago it was all set up for Joe Gomez to get his first goal in the UEFA Cup final and for it to be a late winner. I now think Jay Spearing will clinch the title for us on the final day of the season.
    3 points
  13. They basically used a pandemic to make their mates richer and roughly 30% of the electorate would go and vote for them Tomorrow
    2 points
  14. Just saw Dan Meis down at Sandhills
    2 points
  15. One Life True story of Nicholas Winston who dedicated his life to the rescue of Jewish children from the clutches of the Nazis. Anthony Hopkins is stellar and Lena Olin (despite my reservations about her casting) excellent. 8.5/10 for the film, 10/10 for the story. Heartbreaking and wonderful.
    2 points
  16. If you could bet on one slimeball having his dirty paws in this rip off , you just knew it would be Gove , corrupt twat .
    2 points
  17. Seriously why is this shit being dragged out beyond all measure. Just double their punishment and be done with it.
    2 points
  18. Okay, well you can have a quick "fuck you" on the last comment and let's move on. There's no confirmation of how they were injured at all. Even the evidence we're presented with doesn't show what we're told it shows. It's an anecdotal story with questionable presentation. Also not sure who said it was brave either, but I left that bit. I'm not comfortable with any school kids being given free reign to hurt other kids for under the excuse of sport and, as I said, it's part of the reason why there are referees. I explicitly mentioned that I'm not fully comfortable with trans athletes in some settings, but don't know the full situation here so can't say for sure. I am not sure if this is an unfortunate situation being politicised or a rabid abuser being given licence to attack girls, as it has been presented. No one is in favour of the latter, but it should be said that there are also plenty of hallmarks that this may be the former so, in summary, stick your sanctimony up your arse.
    2 points
  19. Carrot sticks and hummus. Can’t wait.
    2 points
  20. My late Mum in Law was a Yellow Peril stationed there in the 70s-80's before they got moved to St Anne St.
    2 points
  21. Cracker from Angie’s Liverpool on Twitter. The old toll booth at the Mersey Tunnel.
    2 points
  22. I know it’s ’only’ an online forum but we’re still people interacting on it and it really truly is laughably pathetically cowardly to have for several months been ‘negging’ comments on this particular thread without uttering a single opinion on the subject.
    2 points
  23. I remember once having a dream where I was sat in a pub on my own, flicking through a newspaper and feeling bored because there was nothing worth reading. I woke up really angry at my brain: my sleeping mind could have gone anywhere and done anything... and it chose that.
    2 points
  24. . I’m an arl arse in my late 60s and I am shit scared of having a fall and breaking my hip. So many old people go into hospital for that injury and die from complications. The only answer for me is plenty of walking and strength training at gym- lots of compound exercises.
    2 points
  25. At least with those ears there is something for her to hold onto during sex.
    2 points
  26. Sad news. 63 is no age. I do like that shirt though.
    2 points
  27. Went for a Health Check last week and while my cholesterol etc numbers were ok,my weight and family history put me in an increased risk zone of heart disease. I go to the gym 3 times a week,almost all aerobic stuff and referee kids footy when able (due to appalling weather since October I've only reffed 6 or 7 games since.) My weight is now 17st 2lb (this shocker me tbh) although I don't look fat,more stocky, I obviously needed to take action and that is what I am trying to do. Medication for IBS and Bladder pain problems don't help my cause but I am trying to get into a better frame of mind. I don't aim for a target weight but I am aiming for a point where I feel 'lighter' and more energetic most of the time. No,I'm not starting on Cocaine thanks! Got to back in three months time for re-testing as I am refusing to get on the recommendation of statins,so far. The biggest challenge is a small family budget so eating more healthy is not as easy as it should be due to cost. Bastard Tories and their corporate friends.
    2 points
  28. I somehow had the ‘Plymouth prick’ come up on my fb earlier, I can only assume it’s after I wrote to him…
    2 points
  29. A big win that looks to have come at something of a cost. The Reds made a tricky fixture look easy but lost three players to injury and at least one of them looks to be very serious, but Salah was back with a goal and we're still top of the league. Chris Smith is joined by Ian Brown and TLW Editor Dave Usher to pick the bones out of an eventful game down in West London in which Nunez showed his finishing prowess, Salah returned in style, Cody bagged himself a goal and Macca chipped in with a lovely strike. View full article
    2 points
  30. Everton haven't won a game at Goodison where the opposition scored since May 2022. They win to nil or they don't win.
    2 points
  31. Two girls waiting for the 78 to Halewood.(1970s)
    2 points
  32. He wants Fuge’s email but he won’t meet El Capitano for a straightener outside the club shop in Williamson Square. I don’t think there’s a bigger fanny on the forum, and I say that as someone who knows Bjornebye personally.
    2 points
  33. One more and you'd have a barber shop quartet.
    2 points
  34. Sous vide rump Steak with a homemade chimichurri.
    2 points
  35. That picture of Ruddock says everything about the man. Chewing gum, no shirt on, probably half-cut, too. Just thinking of any way he can show disrespect for a global figure and make the whole thing about him. My loathing of him could not be higher. A very dark period in our club's history.
    2 points
  36. A bloke I used to work with reckoned he had played for Liverpool and Everton and he'd won an Oscar. He played cornet in the Post Office brass band and they had, indeed, played pre-match at Anfield and Goodison. They also played the national anthems during the filming of Chariots of Fire at Bebington Oval, so he was claiming his share of the awards that the soundtrack won.
    2 points
  37. To be fair Nikki did get better. Like I said, I loved it.
    1 point
  38. Not sure where to start with this one. I bet she'll be gutted. Probably write a couple of songs about the deluded old fool. This sums it up, an people curse twitter....
    1 point
  39. Are you just going to take that @YorkshireRed ?
    1 point
  40. I think we're in broad agreement generally, I don't know if Starmer believes anything, I don't find him inspiring at all, I just view him as a means to an end. Starmer’s labour might be Cameron lite, I don't know until they're in power, but they're not gangsters. We're literally run by gypsies, tramps and thieves. People who profiteer off pandemics and social strife, then brag about it on their own GB News channels. The difference between Labour and Tory now is the same as Democrats vs Republicans. One is centrist, the other is a collection of thieves, liars, flat earthers and abject scum. What absolutely bakes my noodle though is that there's people out there claiming to be left wing who'd happily see Starmer’s labour lose. They can't claim to care about ordinary folk and hold that belief, they just can't. There's lots of people out there now, people with blogs, YouTube channels and all that bollocks - bums generally - who if they weren't obsessing over all this, it'd be lower league football or steam trains. They rant and rave in their own echo Chambers. Owen Jones makes money out of Starmer the way Alex Jones rants about gun control, monetised fume to the already initiated. But 99.9% of people through don't give a fuck, they just don't want to live in a country that's falling apart around them. I'm one of those people.
    1 point
  41. Wonderful journalism from the BBC as usual. Gets to the important stuff.
    1 point
  42. Top top Darwins finish analysis Dave (I’ve not listened yet)
    1 point
  43. Anyone who went to South Africa at the height of apartheid to coach an all white team is an absolute cunt: he did and he is, as well as being a nasty self serving piece of human garbage
    1 point
  44. I love the way they described what he was wearing like when they did when the Queen attended some ceremonial occasion
    1 point

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