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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/02/24 in all areas

  1. I was lucky enough to see Keegan's first game for us against Forest at Anfield when he scored in the first 10 minutes. I still think he's probably the most transformative signing in my time watching. The previous season we'd scored 42 goals in 42 games and were never in contention for the league. His first season we scored 64 times and missed out on the title by one point. The following season we won it, our first title for 7 years. Like others, I was devastated when he left, but we got a huge sum of money for him and spent only two-thirds of it on the King.
    7 points
  2. The last line of this article is a thing of pure unadulterated joy... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-68288991
    7 points
  3. Popped along to that Palestinian solidarity/Stop bombing Gaza/Stop slaughtering children, you evil bastards protest outside the Town Hall earlier. A half decent turn out, I’d say about a hundred altogether and noisy, lots of chanting and people beeping their horns as they went past.
    5 points
  4. I'm voting Labour because I fucking hate the tories with every fibre of my being but fuck me they are making it hard. It's like voting for how much shit you will allow someone to shove in your mouth, both disgusting but at least one doesn't have worms in it.
    5 points
  5. I don’t have all the details but apparently the police have agreed that he was indeed helping the woman up! No mention of what’s going on with the peeping but he’s still in the care home. I’ll have to bring it up to her mum around the dinner table. “So he’s not groped anyone, but what about all those windows he’s been looking in?”
    4 points
  6. So what I'm getting is 'you had a head start and yet you're miles behind"
    4 points
  7. If Thomas Frank has got anything about him he'll be pinning this up on the dressing room wall and asking his team if they feel that anything less than three points against us would be morally acceptable.
    4 points
  8. Kuyt went on to win the Turkish league, the cup and super cup. After he was done conquering Turkey, he single handedly delivered Feynoord their first league title since ‘99, with a hat-trick in his last ever game. He also went on to win 104 caps for the Netherlands.
    4 points
  9. The snowdrops have come up in our front garden too. First signs of spring. Lovely.
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Going full Eubank with that Sheriff's badge.
    3 points
  12. Arbeloa. After leaving us he won the league, the cup, super cup, European super cup, Champions league, FIFA world club cup, the Euros, and the World cup.
    3 points
  13. Larry Lloyd. Uncle Bob sold him to Coventry, he moved on to Forest and won another league title and 2 European Cups.
    3 points
  14. Messi just farts now and wins it. Keegan was a true great wasn’t he, loved him to bits. My first Liverpool hero.
    2 points
  15. What do you mean “his” knee? It’s Liverpool’s knee.
    2 points
  16. He wasn't limited at all. He played a role for the club and played it extremely well. Limited players don't often Captain their club for years and lift trophies regularly. He was a very good player and far better than a lot of people give him credit for.
    2 points
  17. I think if a country is invaded, the international community should be backing them against the oppressors.
    2 points
  18. I'll have a fuck the Tories please Bob.
    2 points
  19. I hope they get more points taken off them, the sale falls through and they step on a plug.
    2 points
  20. My guess... Lucas would have been a cult hero and his substitute appearances the following season would have been met with cheers rather than groans; the big question is whether that improved atmosphere would have been enough to convert a couple of those disappointing draws of 2008/09 into wins.
    2 points
  21. Cheryl is one bitter old bitch who supports Tranmere as well. Dave Prentice did an article a few years ago explaining that Everton have never used the Liver Bird on their shirts or any club correspondence. These medals were made and given to Everton when they won the league that year by Liverpool City Council because the football league never made winners medals at that point. As usual Everton cried their arsed off about it until LCC stepped in to appease them. After that the league started making medals for the league winners. At that time the league consisted of about 12 clubs.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. What's their point. Their badge is Everton lock up and they called themselves Everton and wear blue, that's who they are and who they chose to be. We are Liverpool named for the city itself so wear the city's emblem. We are liverpool they are a small region within Liverpool, its only right the City's namesake is the true successful representation of the city and all its people.
    2 points
  24. One of the Rhubarb crowns has sprouted!
    2 points
  25. Gvardiol is out for two to three weeks, Grealish likely out for a few weeks and Silva took a "big" knock on his ankle. Would be brilliant if they lost Silva for a while. He's a knobhead but a brilliant player.
    2 points
  26. The real leaders of the Labour Party. They're now showing who's boss. They want a return on the money. This Labour friends of Israel nonsense should be disbanded and banned. Its a cancer within the party and its divisive. Especially as Israel are currently facing charges of genocide at the Hague.
    2 points
  27. Kenny used to name the team at the last possible moment. Never let the players know any earlier than that as he wanted to avoid complacency and to keep everyone on their toes. When he does it he's shrewd, but when I follow suit I'm just a disorganised clown apparently.
    2 points
  28. Monday Feb 5: Lots of talk about the Arsenal celebrations and loads of people are completely missing the point. “They’ve won, why shouldn’t they celebrate”. Oh fuck off. They should celebrate, of course they should. We’d have celebrated too. We celebrate after every win and no-one enjoys a celebration more than Klopp. The problem with Arsenal is the WAY they celebrate, it always just makes me want to die of cringe, and it’s not just me and it’s not just Reds. Everyone takes the piss out of Arsenal and there’s a good reason for it. It just all feels so forced and lame, especially Arteta. That cunt does not have an authentic bone in his body. He’s the anti-Klopp. He’s worse than Sadio when it comes to stealing celebrations too. Little bit of Mourinho running down the line, a touch of the Guardiola’s sideline antics and a big dollop of the Klopp fist pumps. Fuck that guy, he’s just an embarrassing little ex Everton knobhead. It’s not just him though, it’s the players. It’s the Arsenal culture and it has been for years. They haven’t moved on from the “4th placed trophy dressing room selfies” and everything about them just makes me squirm. So yeah, celebrate all you like, but act like you’ve been there before because otherwiseyou look like a lower league club who’s just sprung an FA Cup upset. That Odegard with the cameraman was pure cringe. You know what that was? It was the kind of thing players do when they’re acting daft when they’re doing the lap of honour after they’ve just won a trophy. I could see Sadio or Kostas doing something like that, but not after winning a fucking league game. Fuck off Arsenal you sad cunts, you deserve every bot of ridicule you’re getting and it’s not about being the ‘celebration police’ it’s more about being the ‘cringey bastard police’. I hate the fact that this was what we served up for Klopp’s last game against Arteta.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. Even now, if you happen to see an old clip or two of him playing for us, it's astonishing, what he did and tried to do. He was constantly inventive, just all over the place and yet always disciplined and always aware. I'm not having a dig at Mo but if Keegan had been blessed with his speed and skill he would have been even better, because, for example, he would have trained and trained with his right foot until he was dangerous with both feet. He was his own best critic. No one thought more about his game, his ability, his potential and his physical powers, and he wouldn't rest when it came to the effort to make the best of himself. There was a spooky aura about him on a pitch - I've never seen a player whose mood seemed to affect a stadium as much as him. If he was in a great mood, it spread like wildfire, but it was the same if he had a cob on. During his last season, when he was chronically angry about Joey Jones not being Alec Lindsay, there were times when everyone in the front rows of the stands were on edge whenever he was near. But as has been said above, what a wonderful last performance for us. The romanticising of his barcode relationship has always niggled, but he's said some nice things in recent years about his bonds with us, and he's one of the true greats of the club.
    2 points
  31. I still believe he was our most important player in my lifetime. He was the catalyst who drove us from an ordinary side to an extraordinary one. Kenny came in and did a fantastic job, as did many others, but the platform would not have been there without Keegan.
    2 points
  32. He came to a charity night at our local ale house back in the day, to accept a cheque on behalf of a local charity he was representing. Could’ve easily turned up, picked up the cheque, had a few photo’s taken and left, but he didn’t. He was there well over an hour after the presentation, and although people didn’t have picture taking mobile phones then, there were a fair few who had brought camera’s and he didn’t turn anyone down, spoke to anyone who spoke to him and signed dozens of autographs. There’s a photo somewhere of my missus sitting on his lap, she was working behind the bar, and he made sure he thanked the bar staff personally as they’d worked that night but donated their pay to the charity. Really top fella.
    2 points
  33. He’s won 2 ballon d’or and should have got one the year before when he won everything but failed short to Simonsen who was also a great player. I have never seen him play at his peak except that final vs Forest but one of my best mate is adamant He was the best player in Europe for 6 years and way better individually than Dalglish. For some reasons He is indeed totally underrated.
    1 point
  34. Without a fucking doubt, and if they’ve any sense, they’re already on the blower to Alonso. From our perspective, you’d hope it’s a better dilemma than us or Real Madrid.
    1 point
  35. That forum looks like it was built and never updated about a fortnight after they last won a trophy.
    1 point
  36. The points deduction is kind of irrelevant to Everton in a sense - they're not going down with the deduction and they're not making Europe without it - but the precedent it sets if it gets rescinded is fucking disgraceful. Everton are screwed long term anyway. Even if by some miracle they finish the stadium they will still owe unbelievable amounts of money and pay huge amounts of interest for the privilege of doing so.
    1 point
  37. You want to get that dandelion out now while the ground’s still wet
    1 point
  38. I'm going for cunts
    1 point
  39. They’ve got Samba in black for £60 and white for £65 available on here. Good selection of sizes. The black go with pretty much everything. https://www.mandmdirect.com/02/fts/?search=adidas+samba
    1 point
  40. I’m sat looking at the Tyne Bridge from my hotel bedroom window so I’ll throw Peter Beardsley into the mix. His Everton experience was mixed, however he had a very successful second spell up here (as a player anyway). Not in terms of trophies maybe, but he was adored as a player in these parts.
    1 point
  41. Aspas, Solanke, Alberto etc have done okay at lesser clubs, but we have not missed them.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, both him and Luis Alberto turned out to have very decent careers in top flight leagues and we barely played them when we were crying out for a bit of depth. I reckon Aspas might have just been one of those players who is a real one club man though. Brilliant legend at Celta, just not the same anywhere else.
    1 point
  43. I’m sick of being fat. Every time I was weighing myself (not too often) the number was getting bigger. In the last few years I’ve gone from ten and a half stone to over fifteen stone and it’s all around my belly and midriff. One time I got put on some anti-depressants that saw me put a stone on in a month. They got fucked off sharpish. I said at New Year that I was gonna lose weight but January went by with me still doing fuck all except eat more fruit. Too much fruit. The start of February was my boy’s birthday, he was back from uni for the weekend. Takeaways galore. Since last Monday I’ve been eating carrot sticks and hummus for my tea every night, been snacking on trail mix instead of crisps and when I inevitably have the munchies late at night I’ve been having a bowl of muesli. Had a couple of exceptions. Chicken wrap on the way home from the pub on Friday (I’d normally get a large kebab or pizza) and then egg on toast (brown bread) on Saturday to try and ease my hangover, but other than that I’ve stuck to it well. Went the cinema last night. Instead of M&M’s and Doritos I was eating a little bag of Bombay Mix. Got the kids a KFC on the way back, ordered nothing for myself, came home and ate my carrots and hummus. I feel better for just trying, and I intend to stick to it. Haven’t weighed myself yet though, gonna give it a couple of weeks. Once I’ve shed a few pounds and I can wear some of my swimming shorts without splitting them open, I’m gonna get back into going down the baths three nights a week. Weights, running and cycling are all out of the question for me. This is radical change. I’ve never been on a diet in my life.
    1 point
  44. It's these sort of attitudes that get women buried under the patio.
    1 point

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