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Israel - A Rant


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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:


I don't think so, why?


Then why parse what Starmer has or hasn't said from the party in power if not to fill some other agenda? With the exception of a few individuals the UK's stance is consistent over both parties. Much like the US.


Put it this way - if someone genuinely wanted the UK to change tact they wouldn't be focusing on Starmer.

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36 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Then why parse what Starmer has or hasn't said from the party in power if not to fill some other agenda? With the exception of a few individuals the UK's stance is consistent over both parties. Much like the US.


Put it this way - if someone genuinely wanted the UK to change tact they wouldn't be focusing on Starmer.


Because we have a two party system, and some people expect the Labour Party to be less hateful than the Conservative Party. 

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US vetoes UN security council resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza.


UK abstains.


I'll be damned if I can find out who voted for it though. Ten stories read, not a mention.


The incompetence of what passes for the press these days is distressing. 


Presumably: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland and the UAE plus Russia China and France.



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51 minutes ago, polymerpunkah said:

US vetoes UN security council resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza.


UK abstains.


I'll be damned if I can find out who voted for it though. Ten stories read, not a mention.


The incompetence of what passes for the press these days is distressing. 


Presumably: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland and the UAE plus Russia China and France.




Here you go mate.




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1 hour ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Are we allowed to call this horrible cunt a “rat?”


Fucking scumbag. 


Hes a cunt, and anyone who defends him, is also a cunt.


And the UK doesn't vote for or against, it takes the cowards way out and abstains


What a fucking shit cowardly country we are these days.

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Why would you veto a ceasefire, fucking psychopaths the lot of them. It's never been more clearer that at the very top of politics, big business and media its one big mafia, the world is their trough and everything and everyone else is nothing but cattle and resources to be used up on a whim for their self interests. 

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Waking up in shame. How can they live with themselves? Westminster is a nothing more than a fucking pig trough. Our politicans are greedy unprincipled pigs who are driven by money and power instead of basic humanity and justice.








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