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Keir Starmer


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9 hours ago, Section_31 said:


The media were horrendous to Corbyn, they always are to Labour leaders exept Blair. Brown and Miliband got it too but Corbyn got it far worse.


But I suspect a lot of what Corbyn genuinely stood for wasn't palatable to a lot of working class folks, rightly or wrongly.


For instance, how many working class people have you met who didn't like the Queen, the yanks or the military? 


Corbyn was perceived as anti establishment, the British working class are probably the most pro establishment working class in Europe (or certainly the English are at least.)

Yep, loads of that stuff is just off limits. Get in power and then get the guillotines out. 

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Greenstein is a Jewish anti-Israel activist who was expelled for using the word Zio, short for Zionist and which it was argued was antisemitic, and also for accusing Louise Ellman of supporting IDF child abuse because she’d mounted a vociferous defence  of the IDF practice of rounding up Palestinian children at night and interrogating them. For the avoidance of doubt, child abuse is a term that covers a range of adverse behaviour towards children (not just sexual in nature), including physical abuse, mental abuse, and emotional abuse. Just to head the dickhead arguments off at the pass.

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29 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Greenstein is a Jewish anti-Israel activist who was expelled for using the word Zio, short for Zionist and which it was argued was antisemitic, and also for accusing Louise Ellman of supporting IDF child abuse because she’d mounted a vociferous defence  of the IDF practice of rounding up Palestinian children at night and interrogating them. For the avoidance of doubt, child abuse is a term that covers a range of adverse behaviour towards children (not just sexual in nature), including physical abuse, mental abuse, and emotional abuse. Just to head the dickhead arguments off at the pass.

That seems to sum up how the term anti semetic has been incorporated to avoid criticism of those who deserve it. Isn't a Zionist just an extremist just like a Fascist or Communist?

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2 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

That seems to sum up how the term anti semetic has been incorporated to avoid criticism of those who deserve it. Isn't a Zionist just an extremist just like a Fascist or Communist?

No, it’s a bit more complicated than that.


The term Zionism, dating from the late 19th century, originally meant the belief that the Jewish people should have a secure homeland in the historical land of Israel where they could be free from persecution. Supporters of that idea still use the term Zionist to describe themselves, including people who are highly critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.


Since the creation of the state of Israel it’s also been increasingly used as an insult by critics / opponents of Israel who say Zionism is a racist undertaking which deprives the Palestinian people of their right to land and self-determination.


Whether you can have some arrangement in Israel/Palestine that meets the first definition without meeting the second is a subject of ongoing debate. As well as different meanings used by pro- and anti-Zionists, there have always been lots of different conceptions of Zionism held by Zionists themselves. Some don’t even see an official state of Israel as being necessary, while at the other extreme some think the state of Israel should encompass the entire biblical land of Israel which includes the Palestinian territories.


It’s a complicated and emotive subject which is made even more problematic by the inflammatory use of language that surrounds it.

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Oh what a surprise, the "antisemitism" shite resumes after not being mentioned AT ALL since December. 


The last time I heard about Labour antisemitism was around the same time the last person in this country said the word "liberal democrat".


Ian Austin, a cunt for all seasons.   



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Wonder how long it will take for the ratings of Johnson to plummet? Most people think the government didn’t prepare well for the pandemic and were too late on lockdown but they also think they are handing the crisis well. Madness.


Seen someone on Twitter speculating the need to believe the government are doing a good job protecting you is artificially inflating their numbers temporarily. 



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Very disturbing article about lack of workers’ rights regarding protection from infection.




If Labour aren’t going to go on the offensive about the Tories’ handling of the pandemic itself, they should be kicking up a stink about this. The Tories never concede ground on this issue through discussion and gentle persuasion, it always takes public pressure and vocal criticism. And if Labour are scared of the pushback they might get for standing up for the workers keeping the country going, what are they good for?

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4 hours ago, Neil G said:

No, it’s a bit more complicated than that.


The term Zionism, dating from the late 19th century, originally meant the belief that the Jewish people should have a secure homeland in the historical land of Israel where they could be free from persecution. Supporters of that idea still use the term Zionist to describe themselves, including people who are highly critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.


Since the creation of the state of Israel it’s also been increasingly used as an insult by critics / opponents of Israel who say Zionism is a racist undertaking which deprives the Palestinian people of their right to land and self-determination.


Whether you can have some arrangement in Israel/Palestine that meets the first definition without meeting the second is a subject of ongoing debate. As well as different meanings used by pro- and anti-Zionists, there have always been lots of different conceptions of Zionism held by Zionists themselves. Some don’t even see an official state of Israel as being necessary, while at the other extreme some think the state of Israel should encompass the entire biblical land of Israel which includes the Palestinian territories.


It’s a complicated and emotive subject which is made even more problematic by the inflammatory use of language that surrounds it.

I would rep you for explaining it well but I am a non season ticket holder at present. Thanks anyway.

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3 hours ago, Sugar Ape said:

Wonder how long it will take for the ratings of Johnson to plummet? Most people think the government didn’t prepare well for the pandemic and were too late on lockdown but they also think they are handing the crisis well. Madness.


Seen someone on Twitter speculating the need to believe the government are doing a good job protecting you is artificially inflating their numbers temporarily. 



They don't even make sense. The government has fucked up but is doing well!WTF?

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3 hours ago, Sugar Ape said:

Wonder how long it will take for the ratings of Johnson to plummet? Most people think the government didn’t prepare well for the pandemic and were too late on lockdown but they also think they are handing the crisis well. Madness.


Seen someone on Twitter speculating the need to believe the government are doing a good job protecting you is artificially inflating their numbers temporarily. 



I would think the reasoning for a lot of people is “yes they got off to a bad start but they’re working hard to put things right.”


The current reality is that a majority of people in the country don’t as yet have first or second hand experience of serious or fatal cases of the virus. They won’t have family, close friends or colleagues who’ve either been victims or have witnessed it up close as frontline workers. They’re therefore unaware of the multiple government failings in resourcing and supporting the NHS and care system to deal with the pandemic. And they certainly won’t be hearing about them in any meaningful way from the media. Labour’s low key approach is a factor here, I don’t see that there’s any getting away from that regardless of whether it’s the right long term strategy politically for them.


The one government measure that everyone is aware of is the lockdown, and that continues to enjoy widespread support. I can only see their ratings falling significantly if they’re perceived to ease it too early and there’s a serious spike as a result, or if there’s an absolutely calamitous error or scandal which the media can’t possibly downplay.

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13 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Yep, loads of that stuff is just off limits. Get in power and then get the guillotines out. 

The sooner these fucking stupid poor people realise that they don’t understand a thing and they’d be much better off with you telling them what to do the better.  I mean, who isn’t better placed than an English teacher who left the U.K. because he couldn’t get the job he deserved and is now living in Spain (I think, might be mistaken). 

The fucking contempt shown for the working class by you Trots is brilliant.


Someone with time and inclination could no doubt sew the posts together.  

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5 hours ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

Oh what a surprise, the "antisemitism" shite resumes after not being mentioned AT ALL since December. 


The last time I heard about Labour antisemitism was around the same time the last person in this country said the word "liberal democrat".


Ian Austin, a cunt for all seasons.   



Any reason why you negged this @Strontium Dog™ you little child murder supporting snide? Did someone speak the truth? You are just a bleach-haired Rachel Riley troll who should have been fucked off from here years ago. Lying cunt. 

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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

Any reason why you negged this @Strontium Dog™ you little child murder supporting snide? Did someone speak the truth? You are just a fat bleach-haired Rachel Riley troll cunt who should have been fucked off from here years ago. Lying cunt. 


What the hell is wrong with you.

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1 minute ago, Strontium Dog™ said:


What the hell is wrong with you.

No SD what the hell is wrong with you? Why did you neg it? You have said time and again you never neg without explaining why. Is that yet another lie? Liar 

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10 minutes ago, Strontium Dog™ said:

It's getting pretty tiresome having you demand that I explain each and every single neg, something you never demand of any other individual. Not one.

No other poster has made such a big deal about negging and stated that the categorically never neg with out explanation. Not one other. None. Nada. Just you. Only you. 


Now come on. too scared to say why you negged that post? You bang on calling people less intelligent than you, make up lies and then when challenged you lie or (as has been noticed) disappear for a day or two then swan back slowly trying to be fun y then bang. Straight back into cuntville. You can't stand people having a different opinion to you. 


Everything I have said is a fact. Something you can't say. 



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For someone who calls me a liar, despite not once being actually able to show a single occasion where I've lied, you don't half write a load of absolute guff with zero resemblance to the truth.


This must be so boring for everyone else, so I'll just copy and past my response from the last time you had a fit because I negged a troll:


On 06/09/2019 at 17:18, Strontium Dog™ said:

I don't really understand why you feel the need to scrutinise every single neg I give, nobody else gets this kind of attention. Nevertheless, as I've said previously, I'm happy to explain anything you don't understand via PM.


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6 minutes ago, Strontium Dog™ said:

For someone who calls me a liar, despite not once being actually able to show a single occasion where I've lied, you don't half write a load of absolute guff with zero resemblance to the truth.


This must be so boring for everyone else, so I'll just copy and past my response from the last time you had a fit because I negged a troll:



Oh but I have provided evidence of you lying. You ignored it because you are a massive shit bag. Others saw it. You are a liar. I still don't know how you came 5th out of 5 in that Liskard election because quite frankly I think you fit the bill of lying snivelling racist sleazy MP. 

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