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Keir Starmer


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14 hours ago, Section_31 said:

What opportunity is that then? The one that comes when you're still in opposition?


I don't know if these people genuinely don't get politics, or haven't been paying attention to where they've grown up, or they just like to lob shitballs. It's a bit mental.


"We're the left", like the left is all one big gang and everyone else isn't in the club. Owen Jones's left and a Garston docker's left are probably not very similar at all.




Sorry but unless I've read that wrong I'm failing to see what's upsetting or wrong with that statement. 


The last but one paragraph where he voices his objection to Labour not going through with the policies which were promised and were popular is 100% true. It's infuriating. 


A few examples off the top of my head We need a fairer tax system (you mentioned Capital gains tax in another thread). A fairer tax system more beneficial to a Garston docker than a billionaire oil executive perhaps. Most in the country agree those with the broadest shoulders should pay a bit more. 


Most in the country would welcome our assets being taken back into public hands. Mosr understood these things don't happen overnight but even if it took a decade or do. Our waterways and water rates are a national embarrassment. Our energy bills the highest in Europe. An intention by Labour to do the right thing would probably be enough. 


Most in the country want the green energy scheme, which would create up to a million well paid jobs and push  Britain out of the economic and environmental doldrums. It would bring with it lower energy bills and help the environmen. I've put the George Monibot figures further up but here they are again. If they are fairly accurate the latest Labour Uturn could've been fairly easily paid for. A lot of it from that postcode in West London you mentioned in the inequality thread. 






Also what part of him saying about Labour  "not addressing this country's injustices and the crisises affecting modern Britain" would a Docker or anyone object to? It's a bit  broadbrushed and vague but I can't see much wrong with that observation. If he's talking about Gaza I think the latest polling shows he's overwhelmingly with the majority of public opinion. Especially Labour voters, 84% I think we're in favour of an immediate ceasefire. So not really controversial. 



I think you may be playing the man not the balls with little Owen on this one Sect tbh. 




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21 minutes ago, Strontium said:

The Conspiracy Theory thread is leaking again.

The fact that you think things you can’t accept are just “conspiracy theories “ even when presented with absolute reality sums up you. 

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8 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

The fact that you think things you can’t accept are just “conspiracy theories “ even when presented with absolute reality sums up you. 


It's the same tired old conspiracy theories with literally no evidence whatsoever to support them, tarted up for the 21st century.


If you think utterly baseless nonsense is "reality" then that goes a very long way to explaining your worldview.


You and anyone else who believes this shit is utterly batshit fucking mental.

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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


It's the same tired old conspiracy theories with literally no evidence whatsoever to support them, tarted up for the 21st century.


If you think utterly baseless nonsense is "reality" then that goes a very long way to explaining your worldview.


You and anyone else who believes this shit is utterly batshit fucking mental.

You can throw away nonsense words like that all you want. It’s not a big deal to anyone really. I know that you lie. I know you’re a hypocrite. I know you’re intelligent. I know you don’t actually fuck dogs (I hope) and I know you can troll with some of the best. 

If anything I’ve just said is wrong, show me. 

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Just now, Bjornebye said:

You can throw away nonsense words like that all you want. It’s not a big deal to anyone really. I know that you lie. I know you’re a hypocrite. I know you’re intelligent. I know you don’t actually fuck dogs (I hope) and I know you can troll with some of the best. 

If anything I’ve just said is wrong, show me. 


Okay. Show me the evidence that Starmer and/or Hoyle and/or anyone else has been "compromised by a foreign state". Any evidence at all. A single receipt. A single recording. A single phone call. Literally anything.


Because from where I'm sitting it looks just like the same old racist nonsense with a wash and brush up.;

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5 hours ago, Strontium said:


Okay. Show me the evidence that Starmer and/or Hoyle and/or anyone else has been "compromised by a foreign state". Any evidence at all. A single receipt. A single recording. A single phone call. Literally anything.


Because from where I'm sitting it looks just like the same old racist nonsense with a wash and brush up.;


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6 hours ago, Strontium said:


Okay. Show me the evidence that Starmer and/or Hoyle and/or anyone else has been "compromised by a foreign state". Any evidence at all. A single receipt. A single recording. A single phone call. Literally anything.


Because from where I'm sitting it looks just like the same old racist nonsense with a wash and brush up.;

Hoyle was over in Israel on a jolly up, pictured out and about with members of the murdering IDF. Let me guess, that has no impact on any of this and is just a pure coincidence? 

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Nobody seems to care that labour have as much influence on the situation as the Boy Scouts, that's what's making all this utterly bonkers.


If Netenyahu was poised to pull the trigger on a fresh wave of cluster bombings and was on the blower to Starmer saying "I'm a bit dubious, but if you tell me I'm good to go ill sign off', then fair enough.


Labour has no control over sanctions, the military, it can't lobby other governments, it can't stop arms sales, it can't do a single thing. Nothing it says or does will have any impact, at all.


The genocide enabler stuff is nuts. The anti starmer/pro corbyn stuff has attracted a hard core of mentalists who are every bit as hardline as Trump supporters. They see what they want and don't see what they don't want to see. It's batshit.

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