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Guest Pistonbroke

My heart goes out to the both of you Colin, such sad news. Hope whatever time she has left is as comfortable and happy as possible.

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Guest Pistonbroke
Given C's previously expressed views on marriage...and life...nothing would surprise me. Has she agreed to the tacky Vegas wedding complete with a dwarf Elvis?


Sounds fun! One of my best mates got married in Miami and did the whole Florida tour while they were there, said it was worth every dollar. When the yanks hear you are on honeymoon/getting married there they go out of their way to beat each other to hospitality points.

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Guest Pistonbroke
That is just what I needed, thank you!


Aye, a nice bit of humor tends to help a little bit, obviously the recipient has to be able to deal with it and you can mate. From self experience too much sympathy can drag you down at times.

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Aye, a nice bit of humor tends to help a little bit, obviously the recipient has to be able to deal with it and you can mate. From self experience too much sympathy can drag you down at times.

Just tell us when to stop....and we'll ignore you anyway

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Daft cow has agreed to marry me.
My congratulations to you both. She's getting a good man.

As for the prognosis, I, like everyone else, am just lost for words.It's just too sad for something like this to happen to someone so young. It's so fucking unfair.

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