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Israel - A Rant


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So the overpaid shitkickers in Westminster are this afternoon all arguing about what the UK should call for. Like whatever they proclaim is going to make a fucking jot of difference. Twats. 




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2 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Anyone who doesn't vote to cease the firing is a cunt.

There are some inhuman shithouses in that place.


And Lindsay Hoyle covering his own back so Labour don't vote him out after the GE is one of the biggest acts of cowardice I've ever heard of.

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3 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:



And Lindsay Hoyle covering his own back so Labour don't vote him out after the GE is one of the biggest acts of cowardice I've ever heard of.


Is that why he did it? Sincere question. Politics is baffling sometimes.

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8 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Anyone who doesn't vote to cease the firing is a cunt.




Seems to me they're posturing. Bitching and arguing about semantics and playing who's got the biggest dick. 


Just vote for a ceasefire you cunts. Not that it'll make any difference. They make me fucking spew. 

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19 minutes ago, Jennings said:


Is that why he did it? Sincere question. Politics is baffling sometimes.

It's not confirmed but all the background stories coming out are that Labour basically warned him that he'd be out on his arse if he didn't bend to their will.

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Horrible story on the BBC news now.


An IDF raid to rescue 2 hostages ended with an innocent family of refugees living in a tent nearby struck by shrapnel which killed the family figurehead; a 32 year old father of six, created a widow at the age of 27, caused their 12 year old daughter to suffer severe trauma from watching her father die and caused another daughter, 13, to lose an eye. 

I hope even more of the genocidal, murdering cunts get their faces burnt off. 

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5 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Someone who understands this stuff, jump in and explain it to me.


He broke with convention and precedant to allow the Labour vote, which is obviously catnip to the Tories and SNP who want to make a huge deal out of it.


Hoyle is free to do it, but it is unusual, and stories have been 'leaked' about Labour effectively threatening him when they are in power.


The Tories pulled their bill, meaning the SNP's bill is also no longer up for debate.


The only ammendment would be Labours which obviously would be waived through as governent and other opposition parties have walked.


Odd all round, but really performative from all sides.


In short, Starmer tested the system by putting pressure on Hoyle which led to a massive kick off.

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7 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Someone who understands this stuff, jump in and explain it to me.

SNP motion should’ve been voted on.

Keir Starmer has been bought and paid for by the Israel lobby so he effectively did a “that’s a nice job you’ve got there. Be a shame if something happened to it…” style shakedown on Hoyle to get the SNP motion shelved as Starmer didn’t want the truth to be told re: Israel’s illegal acts of “collective punishment” which was part of the wording of the SNP motion. 

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