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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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If Nunez continues his little temper tantrum and fucks off (getting pally with Barcelona's Araujo on instagram apparently) then I'd take a chance on Sesko even if it is a year (maybe two) too early.

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God I hope we do fuck Nunez off. Biggest waste of money going. Absolutely horrendous decision from Klopp to replace Mane with him. 


I'd take a past it Bobby and Mane over him any day. If we still had them two we'd have won the league as they'd have scored the majority of the chances Nunez missed. 


As for his temper tantrum that just shows the mentality of the lad.

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There’s been a few recent mentions of us being interested in Alberto Moleiro from Las Palmas. Mentions that it’s been a deal we’ve been working on for a while and that we’re confident of securing his signing for around half of his release clause of £50m. 

He's a tricky number 10 type. Could be a shrewd signing. Although I’d prefer Eze or Olise. 

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James Pearce tweeted an article before saying that the focus is on retaining the squad and coaching/developing existing players rather than a summer transfer spree. 


He's got it in early this year to wind up the online fanbase and FSG haters. 

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4 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

James Pearce tweeted an article before saying that the focus is on retaining the squad and coaching/developing existing players rather than a summer transfer spree. 


He's got it in early this year to wind up the online fanbase and FSG haters. 


It's pre-empting the inevitable new manager, mass turnover of players expectation.


Same people have said the priority is a CB and Winger.

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9 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

For the wingers, not sure we need to overthink it, really. The best ones are Olise and Neto. If you're scared about the injuries then you can aim for a lower level.

Sadly Neto is a total crock.


Started 36 of Wolves last 120 PL games.



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13 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

James Pearce tweeted an article before saying that the focus is on retaining the squad and coaching/developing existing players rather than a summer transfer spree. 


He's got it in early this year to wind up the online fanbase and FSG haters. 

That's to be expected. I was saying here a week or so ago that FSG will think last summer was the big summer and the only chance of a spend really is if we flog Salah for a zillion quid. 


But in terms of the squad, it's weird. There's none I'd be desperate to sell, but equally, not that many I'd be too upset if they left. Matip and thiago should go. But from there, there's an argument to keep pretty much anyone. Equally you can make arguments to sell pretty much everyone aside from macca depending how some contract negotiating goes. I'd say the manager should get that choice, but it seems from this coach role he'll have, it might not be in his control. 

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7 minutes ago, Mathewbet1 said:

Would you take Olise?

Olise is very good and his injury problems have only really been this season - he was mostly ok in previous two.


Whether he is the right sort of character for us is a question.


Neto is also very good  - but we can't risk him, he is a crock and we can't afford gamble....abu dhabi could pay 60m for him and it is no bother if he hardly plays - we don't have that luxury.

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On 06/05/2024 at 20:53, No2 said:

Average starting 11 height minus the goalkeeper is the only one that matters. A small keeper or Dan Burn distorts the squad average.

If we're talking about 11 players, then the median is more meaningful than the mean.

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1 hour ago, 3 Stacks said:

For the wingers, not sure we need to overthink it, really. The best ones are Olise and Neto. If you're scared about the injuries then you can aim for a lower level.


Olise injuries might be a ine off as its been a hamstring injury that might just have been a reoccurring one. Neto though, it's ridiculous. League games played 29,31,13, 2,18,19. We shouldn't be going near him

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

Sadly Neto is a total crock.


Started 36 of Wolves last 120 PL games.




10 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Olise injuries might be a ine off as its been a hamstring injury that might just have been a reoccurring one. Neto though, it's ridiculous. League games played 29,31,13, 2,18,19. We shouldn't be going near him

I get that but, for example, Doku had a comical injury history and City paid good money for him. If you expect it and it's hitting you in the face, you might do something specific about it.


But yeah, if his body's not made for pro football, not much you can do. Depends what the issue is and if you can deal with it. Until guys get here and they can't get on the pitch, I don't care that much about the prior history.

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It's a mixture of knee,thigh,calf and hamstring injuries. That would suggest he isn't up to playing football regularly. 


Olise has been injury free before this year and its been 2 hamstring injuries back to back. So very likely a tear and then aggregated on his comeback. He's the better player anyway and he's count as home grown

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1 hour ago, Leyton388 said:

God I hope we do fuck Nunez off. Biggest waste of money going. Absolutely horrendous decision from Klopp to replace Mane with him. 


I'd take a past it Bobby and Mane over him any day. If we still had them two we'd have won the league as they'd have scored the majority of the chances Nunez missed. 


As for his temper tantrum that just shows the mentality of the lad.

I think we should just get off the guys back we have no fucking clue what's happened behind the scenes. At this time he plays for Liverpool football club and while I get the fact things have not gone well he is still our 2nd top scorer this season and quite frankly its fucking pathetic how he's been singled out, I expect that shit from the likes of the mancs but I always thought we were much better. 

As for Mane and Bobby they have scored 13 and 7 respectively this season in the league so there goal ratio is just as poor aswell in a much lower quality of league.so I don't get why anyone would take them over Nunez I don't think either would so much better at this time of there careers 

But to cut to tye chase fans are a fickle bunch when the team is winning he is captain chaos and everyone loves him second things go pear shaped he becomes the scape goat. What about Gomez? About 30 shots from outside the area zero conversion rate and never looked like scoring yet nothing said.

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