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Fulham (H) - Sun 3rd Dec 2023 (2:00pm)


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1 minute ago, waddy78 said:

If Ali is in goal were 2 up here, Kelleher no where near, awful performance from him.

Yeah, I think this is what people need to realize; this isn't a very atypical performance. It's maybe a bit sloppier, but the difference to the norm is we have a keeper in there who can't save shots.

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8 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Largely shit overall. Kelleher and Núñez embarrassing.


It's why despite being close at the moment points wise talk of title challenges just seems hugely unrealistic. 


we’re certainly lacking consistency at the back, but no team is undefeated, surprises are springing up all over the top six and it could be that the team that wins the Prem is as unconvincing as we are today.


One game at a time. Let’s just get out there, tighten up at the back and keep finding the net. Luck may be with us this afternoon.

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What a crazy half. I'm not confident in Kelleher at the moment either, I've noticed him seem to freeze in place when a striker has a run on goal against him too. Maybe he'll get used to playing soon and improve but if not it looks like we're going to have issues defending until Ali is back, or maybe Kelleher is replaced.


It really sucks that those two amazing goals got cancelled out too.

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8 minutes ago, Joey8FrogsLegs said:

Absolutely shocking first half that, piss poor performance and I’d say we’re lucky to be level. Thankfully we have players now that can shoot from distance, a very nice thing when nothing else is working.


That said, attacking wise it hasnt been terrible, probably more like average.


Defensively though it has been as bad as the worst spells last season. Giving the ball away in your own half at this level is normally gonna cost you. Matip had two of those against City and one today, even if today Salah and others have to share the blame on their first goal. Others have done it as well, Nunez with a terrible crossfield ball.


Gravenberch our best player by some distance imo, the way he receives the ball between the lines, turns and brings it forwards has been brilliant.


Apart from that a lot of poor performances. Wouldn’t say Kelleher has been very poor, but on the other hand if Alisson was in goal chances are we’d be two up at half time.


We look likely to score more goals, unfortunately so do they. Unless we get out act together they’re as likely to win it as we are.


Agree on all but the Gravenberch bit. At least 4 times he's had a chance to play a simple ball in front of player to put them in space in a good position. Each time he's played it slow and behind them.

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1 minute ago, Elite said:

He's never going to be that superstar we all hope for. He's useful at times but not a top class talisman that wins you trophies.

I don't think he'll reach that elite level, mostly as he doesn't have the mentality to consistently perform at the highest level.

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