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January 2024 Transfer Thread


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4 hours ago, joe_fishfish said:

Think it's just fatigue and acclimatisation with Szoboszlai. I know he put up amazing numbers for Leipzig for distance covered and sprints per game, but most of the German season has one game per week, and we've been using him a bit in Europe and the League Cup. Plus there's the international games as well.


I'm expecting him to look completely fucked in like late Jan / early Feb as well because we'll be playing loads over Christmas and New Year instead of having a break like they have in Germany as well. But I'm also expecting him to look even stronger and fitter next year once he's got used to it as well.

He's on pace to play basically double the minutes here than he did at Leipzig.


That said, if he's going to be a top player, he has to play that much. 

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2 hours ago, El Dangerous said:

I still think we missed a trick not having Red Bull as investors when we were searching for money. Should have sold them a percentage small enough not to be called Red Bull Liverpool and become the third stop after Salzburg and Leipzig.

No thanks. Don't want us to be part of any of this bullshit dodgy multi club ownership model, even if we were the beneficiaries. 

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7 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Aren't we already partly in that world. We're 10% owned by Redbird Capital who own Toulouse and Milan?

Well that's taken the jam out of my doughnut.


Hopefully it doesn't get any more influential than that 10%

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5 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

We are partly owned by an entity which employs multiclub model. 


Who has no say about what happens with us. Red Bird own a small percentage of FSG. Cardinale has no direct involvement with Liverpool. He is already considering selling Toulouse as not to have issues with UEFA

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11 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Who has no say about what happens with us. Red Bird own a small percentage of FSG. Cardinale has no direct involvement with Liverpool. He is already considering selling Toulouse as not to have issues with UEFA

If you think cardinale has no opportunity to have his say where liverpool is concerned, you're kidding yourself. He's not involved day to day, but if he wants to see something happen, he'll have influence to make it happen. 

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Joyce saying today that Matip “out for months”.


Unless we feel Quansah, Bradley & Chambers can now step in permanently, given Matip was likely going in June anyway, Shirley we’ll move any defensive replacements forward to January?

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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

Joyce saying today that Matip “out for months”.


Unless we feel Quansah, Bradley & Chambers can now step in permanently, given Matip was likely going in June anyway, Shirley we’ll move any defensive replacements forward to January?

You'd think so wouldn't you, but this is Make Do FC we are talking about here.


Even without his injury we shouldn't be anywhere near finishing improving this new team.

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9 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

You'd think so wouldn't you, but this is Make Do FC we are talking about here.


Even without his injury we shouldn't be anywhere near finishing improving this new team.

**Exasperated groan**.



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