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Mon 2 Jan 17:30 Brentford vs Liverpool


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15 minutes ago, stringvest said:


that's because most people not on tlw have no idea.  That's why you're an anomaly.  Rebel without a clue.

You’re right, stick to tlw clique.  The place where Adam Lallana and Joe Allen are world class and that Jordan Henderson will never achieve anything.

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6 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:













Gomez at right back is another ridiculous shout.  He made more defensive errors against city than Trent has all season.  He also offers the square root of duck all going forward.


Hes always been an average centre back that looked out of place at right back.  Now the narrative that Trent can’t defend is set so the little sheep repeat it.

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I've never been Thiago's biggest fan and think he's been poor recently but he was outstanding against Leicester. Always showing for the ball, putting big tackles in and brave in possession.


He was on his own in that midfield.


Fabinho's drop in form this season has been a disaster for us.

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15 minutes ago, Mook said:

I've never been Thiago's biggest fan and think he's been poor recently but he was outstanding against Leicester. Always showing for the ball, putting big tackles in and brave in possession.


He was on his own in that midfield.


Fabinho's drop in form this season has been a disaster for us.


He'll always show for the ball, put tackles in, and he's always brave in possession.  Problem is, when he's not on form, that bravery backfires, but it's accurate to say, he never changes in terms of those attributes.  He's the one midfielder that is always looking to start a forward move.    If Keita doesn't start, I think that means he's a goner in Jan.

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1 minute ago, stringvest said:


He'll always show for the ball, put tackles in, and he's always brave in possession.  Problem is, when he's not on form, that bravery backfires, but it's accurate to say, he never changes in terms of those attributes.  He's the one midfielder that is always looking to start a forward move.    If Keita doesn't start, I think that means he's a goner in Jan.


Aye, agree with all of this.

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46 minutes ago, Grinch said:

Gomez at right back is another ridiculous shout.  He made more defensive errors against city than Trent has all season.  He also offers the square root of duck all going forward.


Hes always been an average centre back that looked out of place at right back.  Now the narrative that Trent can’t defend is set so the little sheep repeat it.

I don't disagree iro Gomez but I believe the drop off at right back would be far lesser and a better option than the inclusion of the usual suspects in midfield.

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26 minutes ago, stringvest said:



If Keita doesn't start, I think that means he's a goner in Jan.


Can't see it myself. He's 6 months away from being able to bank a signing on fee somewhere. If he was in good form maybe a club would move for him early, but he's... well... Keita. 


Some skidmarks stick to the pan, no matter how much you flush.

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Just now, an tha said:

No surprise at all - Klopp laid it out clearly at presser, he hadn't even trained with us because he couldn't.

If sure if his permit had come through, he could have done a 15 min cameo, if required.

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Thiago is probably the last world class midfielder we've had since Gerrard retired. I love Henderson but he's never been world class. Fabinho looked like he could be the greatest DM ever but he's had too many shit shows. Love him as well but he needs to wake up. His bird however is world class. 


Thiago...... Thiago Alcantaaaaara

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The fact Carvalho can't keep Ox out the side tells you how far away he is. He really should ha e gone out on loan this year, but then that would have required not having so many injury prone players and actual investment in tbe squad

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