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Mon 2 Jan 17:30 Brentford vs Liverpool


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9 minutes ago, an tha said:

Short and sweet 'pre recorded' presser:



Firmino and Milner probably available, Jones back in training.

Don't ask about transfers. We never have and we don't splash the cash.

If something makes sense, we'll do it. Otherwise we won't.....

Hopefully Konate and Jones will be back.


The stuff on transfers sounded like 2-3 mins of saying not a lot really. 


It sounded like he was doing his best to avoid answering it directly really. Talking about the importance of talking up what he has at his disposal instead of doing a Conte or a Mourinho and criticising it. 


He wasn't saying we need signings and he wasn't saying we don't. A politicians answer really. 



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10 minutes ago, HBenn said:

Hopefully Konate and Jones will be back.


The stuff on transfers sounded like 2-3 mins of saying not a lot really. 


It sounded like he was doing his best to avoid answering it directly really. Talking about the importance of talking up what he has at his disposal instead of doing a Conte or a Mourinho and criticising it. 


He wasn't saying we need signings and he wasn't saying we don't. A politicians answer really. 



Yeah - he must get bored of having to talk about it really.

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12 minutes ago, an tha said:

Yeah - he must get bored of having to talk about it really.

Yes, I am sure he does.


Maybe there was more to it than the 7 mins I saw released but it just seems his comments are being spun to be something they are not. 


He just seemed to me to be doing his best to avoid undermining a potentially fragile confidence by agreeing we need to buy a load of players after just buying one. 


He stopped well short of saying he doesn't feel we need players though or ruling out buys. I am not getting this "sell to buy" bit either. Maybe I missed it but he seemed to start his bit on that by saying they were unrelated. 


Maybe he knows we aren't going to do anything but based on those comments it didn't tell us anything too concerning at this point I didn't think. 


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36 minutes ago, HBenn said:

Yes, I am sure he does.


Maybe there was more to it than the 7 mins I saw released but it just seems his comments are being spun to be something they are not. 


He just seemed to me to be doing his best to avoid undermining a potentially fragile confidence by agreeing we need to buy a load of players after just buying one. 


He stopped well short of saying he doesn't feel we need players though or ruling out buys. I am not getting this "sell to buy" bit either. Maybe I missed it but he seemed to start his bit on that by saying they were unrelated. 


Maybe he knows we aren't going to do anything but based on those comments it didn't tell us anything too concerning at this point I didn't think. 


Yeah - nothing of note can be taken from what he said there...it was all straight bat stuff - just answering the questions as respectfully as he could but not really having anything he wanted or needed to say.

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7 minutes ago, Fallen Angel said:

Rather see Hendo for Elliott to shield Trent and anyone for Ox (pref. Bobby in the 9 and Nunez left). 

Hendo had as bad a game as I've seen from a player just a couple of days ago I can't see the lack of recovery time improving his performance other than the fact he won't be a number 6.

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9 minutes ago, an tha said:

If Keita is now fit which it appears he is, then if he can't get in the side ahead of Elliott being shoehorned into a position he is ill equipped for and having to learn on the fly, then there really is no point at all in keeping him going forward.


I agree with this.  What the fuck is going on with him?  He actually looked ok when he did play.

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