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Dougie Do'ins

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8 minutes ago, rico1304 said:

It’s weird how the left thinks it’s right wing and the right think it’s left wing.  Then it produces world class documentaries, huge amounts of radio, comedy, kids programmes and drama and people still fucking moan about it.  Proof positive that people are cunts.  

Of course people are allowed moan about it; 1) we pay annual license fee 2) it’s not north korea 

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7 minutes ago, Strontium Dog said:

Marr is within his rights to question a politician who claims to support Remain yet campaigns under a manifesto which commits us to Leave.


In any case, Ash Sarkar complaining about political bias in another media outlet is all the irony I can take for one day.

Did you actually watch the clip?

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9 minutes ago, Strontium Dog said:

Marr is within his rights to question a politician who claims to support Remain yet campaigns under a manifesto which commits us to Leave.


In any case, Ash Sarkar complaining about political bias in another media outlet is all the irony I can take for one day.

Which party is she a member of?

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12 minutes ago, Strontium Dog said:

Marr is within his rights to question a politician who claims to support Remain yet campaigns under a manifesto which commits us to Leave.


In any case, Ash Sarkar complaining about political bias in another media outlet is all the irony I can take for one day.

I think it was the aggressive manner of his questioning compared to the fawning reverence shown to Tory guests - Raab for instance. As for being a remainer, if she'd been allowed to get a word in edgeways, she'd have pointed out that Labour are committed to respect the outcome of the referendum rather than committing to leave. There is a difference.

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3 minutes ago, Strontium Dog said:


How would I know what was in the clip without watching it?

So then you’ll understand she was referring to the “don’t you patronise me...” bollocks while he was shaking his notes at her, not the bit where she was being cross examined on policy; although, incidentally, it’s quite obvious that the same intellectual rigour isn’t applied to government figures in that regard, either. 

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Is this thread about the BBC or Brexit? 


If it's about the BBC, they have some good channels and some bad ones, some good shows and some bad ones and some good presenters/actors&actresses and some bad ones.


If it's about Brexit, I might pop over the the Brexit thread.

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Neil's the main culprit there.  I don't know if I'd call Marr so much biased as a poundshop Paxman who can't sustain the approach evenly and follows the lead of others.


Regardless, the BBC's political coverage does miss Paxman and Robinson - even though they were both clear tories and both declined badly toward the end, the standard of coverage gave the viewer a far more informative experience than Neil, Marr and Dimbleby's often pointless haranguing. 

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41 minutes ago, rico1304 said:

It’s weird how the left thinks it’s right wing and the right think it’s left wing.


Then it produces world class documentaries, huge amounts of radio, comedy, kids programmes and drama and people still fucking moan about it.


Proof positive that people are cunts.  

 I don't see how in this instance how your first two points are linked.



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