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Should Corbyn remain as Labour leader?

Sugar Ape

Should Corbyn remain as Labour leader?  

219 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Corbyn remain as Labour leader?

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What are you talking about. Labour are putting forward amendments in the debate today. 


Handful of Labour MPs still voted against allowing EU citizens right to remain and having any meaningful vote,

Corbyn didn't even turn up for the rally he called in Parliament square,


Join me tonight in Parliament Square and help defend the rights of EU citizens who have made a life here https://m.facebook.com/events/1304254299610323/?ti=icl 

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I think I mentioned alternatives in my statements and as we live on an island and our surrounded by wind,water and many days of rain it wouldn't be too difficult to harness them instead of the harmful and often deadly effects of nuclear energy. As for global warming nuclear power emits 10-20 times the Carbon dioxide that wind power does and is energy intensive as well as relying on massive government grants to keep it going. I think that money could be spent on cheaper and less harmful elements. 


But this is the real world we are talking about. You have to at least acknowledge the fact that you are trying to knock down the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries at the same time; and that, as nice as wind power might be, you might as well suggest we run the power stations on unicorn tears if you think you're doing that in the time required.

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But this is the real world we are talking about. You have to at least acknowledge the fact that you are trying to knock down the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries at the same time; and that, as nice as wind power might be, you might as well suggest we run the power stations on unicorn tears if you think you're doing that in the time required.

I am not suggesting nuclear power will stop overnight(if only!) but there have to be much safer alternatives available,at least for the sake of future generations. I would rather those nuclear power subsidies be allotted to something like Hydro Electric Power but am fully aware of the powerful nuclear lobbies have.

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Just one mention of the embarrassing backpedaling by Hammond and May in yesterday's PMQs. All six questions should have been about NICs yet he couldn't go off script. Laughable when the incompetent government make the opposition leader look even more incompetent and can walkaway scot-free.

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Just one mention of the embarrassing backpedaling by Hammond and May in yesterday's PMQs. All six questions should have been about NICs yet he couldn't go off script. Laughable when the incompetent government make the opposition leader look even more incompetent and can walkaway scot-free.

Apparently, Kuenssberg made it all about Corbyn.


Here's Peter Stefanovic's response.



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There's also the report of secret tapes with the Momentum leader discussing a left wing takeover of the party.




If left-wing politics as espoused by Momentum are what people want, why not just create a new party? You should then take all the support from the current PLP from what a lot of people say. This kind of clandestine nonsense just ensures further Tory governments.

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There's also the report of secret tapes with the Momentum leader discussing a left wing takeover of the party.




If left-wing politics as espoused by Momentum are what people want, why not just create a new party? You should then take all the support from the current PLP from what a lot of people say. This kind of clandestine nonsense just ensures further Tory governments.

s/takeover/take back/g

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There's also the report of secret tapes with the Momentum leader discussing a left wing takeover of the party.




If left-wing politics as espoused by Momentum are what people want, why not just create a new party? You should then take all the support from the current PLP from what a lot of people say. This kind of clandestine nonsense just ensures further Tory governments.

To set up a new party you'd need funds and therefore backers,rich ones. How about,instead,that the cunts who have hijacked the Labour Party and stolen a century's worth of the organisation and funds that real Socialists and campaigners fought hard to create,go and start their own party? Its clear they want nothing to do with what the party actually stands for and just want its historical kudos to further their career. They could be the Condemn Party as thats what they are doing to ordinary British people by guaranteeing an eternal fascist government. Fuckers.

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Hardly clandestine. Members have been organising on social media and co-ordinating between CLP's for ages, whether they are members of Momentum or not. Momentum is also funded by Labour Party members.


Organisations like Progess and Labour First are funded by private donors and big business.

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There's also the report of secret tapes with the Momentum leader discussing a left wing takeover of the party.


If left-wing politics as espoused by Momentum are what people want, why not just create a new party? You should then take all the support from the current PLP from what a lot of people say. This kind of clandestine nonsense just ensures further Tory governments.

You would think more people working together is effective.


Anyway maybe Mandy sent out an email.


Peter Mandelson: I try to undermine Jeremy Corbyn 'every single day.


“Something, however small it may be – an email, a phone call or a meeting I convene – every day I try to do something to save the Labour party from his leadership

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Hardly clandestine. Members have been organising on social media and co-ordinating between CLP's for ages, whether they are members of Momentum or not. Momentum is also funded by Labour Party members.


Organisations like Progess and Labour First are funded by private donors and big business.


Most of Progress's funding comes from Lord Sainsbury. Last time I checked, he was a Labour Party member.

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There's also the report of secret tapes with the Momentum leader discussing a left wing takeover of the party.




If left-wing politics as espoused by Momentum are what people want, why not just create a new party? You should then take all the support from the current PLP from what a lot of people say. This kind of clandestine nonsense just ensures further Tory governments.

Cracking piece of propagandising, that.  The article and the headline are full of snide allusions to clandestine plans (and, inevitably, that anti-Labour tub of shit Tom Watson sticking his oar in).  The actual tape is the leader of Momentum talking about the Labour Party becoming more open and democratic.

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Eoin Clarke‏ @LabourEoin


In case you are not watching #marr, Tony Blair just threw his full support behind Osborne being both an MP & editor of Evening Standard


Alex Tomlinson‏ @alexillustrator


@LabourEoin we are witnessing the dawning of a new age, that of the Cuntocrat.


Saw this old article posted from 08 below. Osborne, Mandelson, Yachts Rothschild, Russian Oligarch and that trade deal.



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From The Guardian :




An apparent plan by the leftwing Momentum organisation to take control of Labour amounts to “a battle for the future existence” of the party, Tom Watson has said, urging Labour members to combat the threat.




Looks like Tom and his fellow cronies are worried about democracy breaking out, as usual.

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