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Islamic Positive Thread

Anny Road

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The development of chess, Arabic numerals.


Immense contributions to the fields of mathematics and astronomy.



Of course, any religion or system of belief that forbids booze can get tae fuck.



< pours another glass of wine and hits the 'rep' button >

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I think you have got them mixed up with the French.


Haven't met any French people. Which, given the geography of it all, is quite surprising.


The chances are there's plenty of French people here. Just don't notice them.


Must be a compliment to their integration skills.


Lack of blankets on their head and not marrying their nieces I guess

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Haven't met any French people. Which, given the geography of it all, is quite surprising.


The chances are there's plenty of French people here. Just don't notice them.


Must be a compliment to their integration skills.


Lack of blankets on their head and not marrying their nieces I guess

Are you another troll?

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Some of them are alright.


Most of them aren't


And they fuckin stink.

Almost all of the Muslims I have ever met smell of some sort of perfumed scent; I honestly can't say anyone smelled of anything nasty.


Now that's generalising.

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Are you another troll?

I truly have no idea what you mean.


I often hear of people being trolled online. I have no idea what it means. I'm not on Facebook, twitter etc.


I'm guessing you've been a victim of said trolls.


But, to keep with the norm, you can't crtisise trollls. Give them a box to stand on to shout troll things at us

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The only odorous fuckers I encounter regularly are almost universally skanky white people who smell like they just took a bath in week-old piss.


Although my sister bought her house off a Pakistani family. Took six months to get the smell of curry out of the walls.

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The only odorous fuckers I encounter regularly are almost universally skanky white people who smell like they just took a bath in week-old piss.


Although my sister bought her house off a Pakistani family. Took six months to get the smell of curry out of the walls.

I guess that comes down to geography also.


Probably millions of stinky white people on our shores.


Probably less so in Afghanistan.

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I truly have no idea what you mean.


I often hear of people being trolled online. I have no idea what it means. I'm not on Facebook, twitter etc.


I'm guessing you've been a victim of said trolls.


But, to keep with the norm, you can't crtisise trollls. Give them a box to stand on to shout troll things at us

Never been a victim of trolls as I'm much too old get too upset by what some people say on the internet. I simply asked as you seemed to find another way of calling Muslims 'Towel Heads' by attacking their headwear.


You do appear to be some sort of wind up merchant or troll if you like, by making striking generalisations against people who adhere to a particular religion.

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The only odorous fuckers I encounter regularly are almost universally skanky white people who smell like they just took a bath in week-old piss.


Although my sister bought her house off a Pakistani family. Took six months to get the smell of curry out of the walls.

I pity the next buyers who'll be struggling to get the smell of massage oil out of the walls.

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You do realise Science was around a long time before Islam was made up.

You do realise that without the Golden age of Islam we wouldn't have half the knowledge in science, mathematics we have know.They were the only culture that spent time translating the works of the older cultures to preserve it.
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