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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/01/24 in all areas

  1. We've got to shake all this glum shit off though. There's matches to be won this week and it's not a death. Quite the opposite, he's going off to have a life. And we've got leagues and cups to win. We've all said klopp has never won enough due to the cheats, well here's an opportunity to put some of that right - we're in one final, doing sound in the other domestic competition with a nice home tie and lots of PL teams sure to be out by the end of this round, we'd be one of the favourites in the CL let alone the Europa and for once we have our noses in front of city AND they're coming to us. Time to get bouncing and hostile. What we need now is an aggressive Liverpool fan base, make anfield as hostile as we can. Smash Norwich tomorrow, fuck Chelsea on Wednesday before our away support get down to the Emirates and carry that support on to help the team finish the week with 3 wins.
    13 points
  2. Been mentioned a few times. Could do a poll but there are so many. For me beating Barcelona 4-0 in 2019. My dad was at deaths door at the time, he told me before the match we'd win 4-0. I put it down to the amount of morphine he was on. Just unreal to come back like that. We won number 6 two days after his funeral.
    8 points
  3. I knew Guardiola would be a great manager if he wanted to before he retired, I knew Alonso would be a great manager if he wanted to before he retired, you can see some players have it in them by the way they understand the game itself. This is a no brainer, the talk about him needing more experience is a bit daft. He started coaching in the Real Madrid youth system, then he went back to Sociedad and the B team, then he went to Leverkusen. He’s been playing at Sociedad, Liverpool, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich, he’s won everything there is to win apart from the PL as a player. He got pretty close in his last season for us though. He’s been working under managers like Toshack, Benitez, Mourinho, Ancelotti, Guardiola, Inaki Saez, Aragones and Del Bosque, you would think a player with his football brain and capacity would be able to understand and develop based on working in these professional conditions from 2000 when he got into the Sociedad first team until he retired in 2017 at Bayern. Can some of the names who have been brought forward as more experienced coaches even get close to the actual football experience Alonso has got at the highest level? What Mourinho said in 2010: “He has the quality that a ‘metronome’ should have. I’m sure that when he hangs up his boots he will be a great coach if he wants to. He reminds me of Pep Guardiola when I had him as a player. He was already a coach on the pitch.” What Alonso said in 2019: Of course, I have taken a lot from all of them. I've been lucky enough to experience great clubs, with great players, great team-mates and great managers," Alonso said. "I've always tried to be close to them, to understand how and why they make decisions. You learn from that but you need to build your own personality - it's not a copy and paste thing this manager's job. You need to build your own ideas and believe in them to be able to transmit that idea and that's what I'm trying to do. "Occasionally I call them (his former managers). I try to keep in touch with some of them that I have a good relationship with. "That's the good thing that you have after 18 years playing football, I have been lucky to have contact with John Toshack, with Jose Mourinho, with Pep Guardiola, with Vicente Del Bosque." Here is Alonso discussing Guardiola and Mourinho tactics with Carra in 2016.
    8 points
  4. I reckon Guardiola would love to be our manager. I'd sound him out, see if he's interested. He'd need to quit City first though because there's no way they'd let him talk to us. Get everything agreed with him on the quiet, let him quit City and say he's achieved everything and needs a fresh challenge. The only thing is we'd need to keep it all hush hush and not let City have any sniff of what's going on until the day he comes in to sign the contract. And on that day I'd have the press conference unveiling Alonso.
    8 points
  5. To all the various Blueshite, Mancs and Cockneys having a laugh, go fuck each other in The Brick. Jurgen instilled excellence in this team, we went from Lambert and Ballotelli upfront to the Red Arrows. We won every cup we were eligible to win. We handed out fucking arse tannings to The Blueshite and United by routine. You got slapped like you went to s Christian Brothers school. We are Liverpool Fucking FC and whatever happens now Jurgen Klopp was our manager, and you weren't good enough for him like we are. We will continue booting you round the place you fucking deadbeats. Fuck Off
    8 points
  6. I suspect one of the main reasons it's such a blow is the fact that Klopp managed, amongst so many other things, to make football seem like a proper sport, a proper game, and above all else proper fun again. At a time when so many were absolutely pissed off by the hyped-up tribalism, the obscene amount of money being used to buy success and the increasing pomposity and inasanity of the various governing bodies, Klopp made you just enjoy the sight of fast and frantic footie again. There are a few other managers around who might offer a similar tactical sophistication, even excitement, but they won't bring that simple unforced joy of playing the game. Not even Shanks, Paisley, or Kenny offered that to the same extent. That's an irrecoverable loss.
    7 points
  7. Yeah, living in Darwin with my daughter atm (monsoon time). Been here for 3 months. previously in Tasmania with my son for a year, after 47 yrs in QLD. I'm missing Liverpool more and more. This forum is my connection, Thanks.
    7 points
  8. I won't say it feels like a death in the family as I'm all too familiar with that feeling and saying it about a man I've never met is a bit too melodramatic (for me, other people are entitled to their own feeling). It does, however, feel like a really good mate moving away and knowing he is never coming back. Can't help but think about all those special moments (Dortmund, Barcelona, no. 6, no. 19, battering United repeatedly, beating Everton in the cup with a team of children haha) and feeling things will never have that same magic again, no matter who comes in. As has been said, you can replace the coach, but you can never replace the man. Love the man to bits and hope he can find the rest and normalcy he is looking for. No one deserves it more.
    7 points
  9. At some clubs the manager is really the first team coach and that is it. At a huge club like Liverpool, especially Liverpool, historically as the manager, you are the face and voice of the club. The boss. De Zerbi and a few others mentioned seem like coaches. Alonso has the charisma and gravitas to be a coach and manager of Liverpool Football Club.
    5 points
  10. Gnasher still spectacularly missing the part where the Far-Right across the globe were emboldened by the UK Referendum and that the Labour Party have to move to the right in the UK to win votes and an election.
    4 points
  11. What I've taken from what he's said today, he was pretty ready to go after last season, but we didn't want to sack him (the fans and fsg both wanted him here) and he didn't want to leave us in that state. Once he's seen the foundations for the new team were in place, he's thought I just need to enjoy this and then get out. Fair play to him, his own health and wellbeing must come first and if his heart isn't in it, I could imagine he becomes half the manager. It's devastating news and something I've been dreading for years. He really is a genius, he's a wonderfully gifted football manager and then is a fantastic human being, which helps him drag every ounce of talent and effort out of the players, while simultaneously being the fella every one of us would pick to go for a pint with before anyone else on the planet. The next manager, no matter how talented, has impossible shoes to fill. I look out there and I've genuinely no idea where we would go next.
    4 points
  12. It's been a fuckling privilege to have gone on this journey with him. I am so grateful to him for bringing the joy back. It's a fucking great big fairy story. Rocks up. Says he is normal. Tells everyone that if they want success they need to buck-up! Wins everything. God bless, you massive fucking legend. Hope all your future endeavours bring you happiness.
    4 points
  13. Jurgen Klopp dropped a bombshell on us this morning with the news he was leaving at the end of the season, so we recorded this emergency podcast to try and make some sense of it all. TLW Editor Dave Usher is joined by Julian Richards and Stu Montagu, while there are drop ins from a couple of other lads as we discuss the whys, wherefores and what nexts. What started out as a serious, sombre discussion descended into chaos thanks to interruptions from cats, home smart speaker systems and the distraction of a Xabi Alonso press conference. View full article
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Sometimes I think I love Everton, they always cheer me up when I'm feeling down. The Klopp news this week was pretty saddening along come Everton to the rescue, ensuring another year passes by without any silverware :0)
    3 points
  16. Just thought I'd post a quick ha fucking ha. That is all. Cunts
    3 points
  17. You can always count on one thing when Liverpool are on a downer.
    3 points
  18. Oh, Everton! Trophyless again.
    3 points
  19. He thought that through. He planned it and decided "Yes. That'll be good. I will do that."
    3 points
  20. The one where we batter Wolves and win the league at home.
    3 points
  21. I think we have to take a chance on Xabi, not for nostalgic reasons (though it helps he was a red), but he might just be the new outstanding coach of his generation. He'd get time here to implement his ideas and will inherit a great squad of players. Of course no one knows for sure how it will go for him I think it's worth a shot.
    3 points
  22. I don't think Alonso is popular just because he played for us. When he signed for us, he watched us before playing and was telling benitez what was wrong with the team. He was already showing signs as a good thinker in the game then. He then went on to have one of the most incredible careers. He worked for most of the best managers of his generation. He's got off to an absolute belter of a start at Leverkusen. He has some of the things I place that make you think he could be right, there's just no doubting it's early for him. But when he was a player, he played like a 30 year old when he was 22. Alonso would be one of the leading (in fact the leading) young managers candidates for this job without his Liverpool history. Him knowing the league and the club is a bonus and maybe helps make up for some of his lack of experience as a manager. I feel that is all a bit of a swings and roundabouts thing though. There's no doubt if there were faultless CL winning managers available with enourmous character, Alonso wouldn't be in the running yet. But looking at the field of runners, we are going to need to make a compromise somewhere. For instance, Emery is another front runner..but he was a flop at arsenal. His PSG record is ok, but it's one horse town territory. And have you listened to him? He doesn't really have any communication skills at all. That might have been ok for Bob on the 70s. I don't know that can work now. Honestly , can you think of any manager out there who doesn't come with some question marks? Even ancelotti went to Everton, which makes you question his sanity.
    3 points
  23. We knew we were lucky to have him and get 7 or more seasons out of his reign. I can completely understand it when somebody like him has said 'enough is enough' and needs a break. I think his stepping down is symptomatic of a game that's changed so much that it was only him,Klopp,keeping it worth watching. I don't watch any other football outside our games and that was largely down to Klopp.
    3 points
  24. Leverkusen were 2nd from bottom when he took over in early October. They won only one of their first four matches under Alonso but then won 38 points in 17 games. They then fell off a cliff at the end of the season drawing 3 and losing 2 of the final 5 games, but 4th (Champions League) was unattainable at that stage, so there wasn't much to play for. They lost the semi-final of the Europa League to a Mourinho masterclass (dourfest) 1-0. This season they have won 15 and drawn 3 (to Bayern, 3rd placed Stuttgart and 5th placed Dortmund) from 18 games in the league. They have scored 50 goals and conceded just 14. He has achieved this while spending just £22m net. He speaks three languages which would help. He just seems the real deal.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. From Hansard: Dame Caroline Dineage MP, Chair of Culture, Media and Sports Committee: We welcome Mr Masters' contrition and willingness to set the record straight with regard to his description of Everton Football Club as a "small" club. Richard Masters: I thank the honourable lady for the opportunity to clarify that my language which was careless, and without due thought. If it pleases the committee, I would like to confirm that Everton are not a "small" club. I meant to say "small time club". Thank you.
    3 points
  27. I read that like you broke down sobbing mid way through.
    3 points
  28. I just put rocket and garlic oil on a Tesco finest pizza. All I need to do now is move to a new build estate and get an A3 on PCP and I'm there.
    2 points
  29. Conspiracies are tiring, there’s so many. Negativity is tiring, there’s so much of it. I prefer to believe what Klopp says until there is real evidence to the contrary. I prefer to believe that Klopp has bought lots of really good players who are capable of playing really good football under any good manager until I see that they can’t. The loss of Klopp is massive but we are in good shape thanks to his planning and I prefer to believe that Liverpool FC as one of the worlds most famous and successful clubs will continue to attract the very best. We probably won’t have the sheer joy and fun Klopp brought, but trophies will continue to stack up.
    2 points
  30. To lose one home game to Luton may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
    2 points
  31. Haven’t been arsed to check the accuracy of it but just read that from March 10th of this year onwards Everton’s last trophy will be closer in time to England’s 1966 World Cup win than it is to the present day.
    2 points
  32. Magic of the FA Cup. George is sound.
    2 points
  33. I'm not laughing, you're laughing
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Everyone is saying “Klopp this” and “Klopp that”, but nobody is saying “worship this” or “Jericho that”.
    2 points
  36. Fucking hell I’ve just put this on now and Paul’s opener has nearly got me in tears.
    2 points
  37. More importantly, who doesn't want to watch episodes of inside training that are just Alonso and Trent pinging 80 yard balls to each other and hitting the laces every time.
    2 points
  38. Last season he joined them when they were 17th and finished the season in 6th, this season he's taken that side to 4 points clear of Bayern and are unbeaten in the league (15 wins 3 draws) and won all their games in the Europa league groups on a a 12 million net spend (net spend bollocks aside) losing Diaby in the process. Not won anything, could all go wrong in the next 4 months but he's getting massive praise for both the results and tactics/style of play.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Yeah mate. I completely get it. There's no doubt klopp has pulled many of us back in who previously thought this game was no longer for us. He's different to everyone as a human and one of the few out there who makes you think it's real, it matters and it's not just a load of bantz for wealth creation for billionaires - although his brilliance has certainly delivered on that score too for both our club and the over all PL product. I dunno if it'll be the end for me. It could be though. I often feel like I've genuinely had enough and really I go to see mates. Klopp has created a blip in that feeling, even though at times the club do their best to destroy it. I don't think I'll call it a day in the summer, but if I stop enjoying it all together, I think one more season and I could be done. It's never been the same for me since we had to fight to get rid of H&G, the lustre of it all was gone then for me and all that was left was the darkness of the greed of those running and owning the game, from FIFA to "blow me fuck face" Hicks. I used to love the game, I definitely don't any more. I used to love the club. That I'm more uncertain on. I deffo love being with my mates. And I've loved the team klopp built and the man himself. But the club? Nah. It's finding the balance for me when to jump off.
    2 points
  41. He was the closest anyone could ever come to making me feel like a kid again supporting the Reds. I don't love the game any more. I love Liverpool FC, but not the game. I think this gives me a "way out" emotionally - my "retirement" as a fanatic. Football doesn't deserve the likes of me anymore... if you take my meaning, Baz.
    2 points
  42. Would be a huge loss to football if he doesn't return somewhere.
    2 points

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