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Israel - A Rant


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25 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

190 bodies found in shallow graves in southern gaza,as Israeli forces pull out.

Great bunch of lads


What's being unearthed there is horrendous. Its a major reason why foreign journalists are not allowed in. 


The BBC and Co has been preoccupied with an extreme right wing zionist pretending he can't cross the road. He's been telling everyone he's been afraid to go out form months and does not wear his star of David. Naturally Braverman, Sunak and the media have made it the main story all weekend. They've even tried to get Britains top policeman sacked. The copper in the video used common sense and tried his best put looks like  he's going to be thrown under the bus  



Heres the same man. He's very well known to the press yet none of them asked even the most basic of questions. 



Here is a member of his organisation with Tommy Robinson. 


Yesterday was staged. Shows how easy his blag was to pull with our journalists. Without twitter uncovering some truths the media would stilk be running with his original story. They are dangerous people. Here he is again. Yesterday he said he just 'stumbled across the march. 








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16 hours ago, Jurgen Knows said:

So it is not just Islam that has religious zealots then.

Every religion has its fair share of these bastards. 

Remember that the next time someone tries to paint all Muslims with the zealotry brush. 


Also remember that the hundreds of thousands of Brits who live and work in the Middle East never receive this kind of abuse or get asked why they don’t go back to Britain.



Somebody really needed to just walk up to that fucking gobshite and leather him.

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He's a little beauty this fella. He put that copper in a difficult position. Now he's trying to throw him under the bus.  Seems to me the police were just trying to keep the peace. The wording they used was clumsy but their aims were fair to all concerned. 









This ex copper nails it. The BBC run with the fellas account of what happened all day yesterday and this morning. Even Braverman and Sunak took his account at face value. He was out looking for trouble. 







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Now, this omission could be for many reasons. They may be bogged down with the kid slaughtering? Or planning which country they can bomb in next? Or dealing with the paperwork needed to authorise more land grab settlements? Or, to be a cynic, maybe the evidence doesn’t exist or hasn’t been fabricated yet? 


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The BBC are still running every bulletin with that troublemakers account of proceedings. They are still saying Mark Rowleys position is under threat and the marches may have to be curtailed. Every panellist on the daily politics show criticised the police. They all failed to give context. Journalism in this country (especially the BBC) s a joke. 

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Braverman this morning. These people are dangerous for British democracy.






Mishal Husain of the BBC is exempt from any firm of criticism. She's brilliant. Unfortunately she's very rare within the BBC setup but brilliant she is. Here she is this morning with Suella Braverman. Braverman has called for the dismissal of the UKs top policeman. 





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It's the Andy Ngo tactic. Go to a protest and antagonist enough people until someone snaps back and then post the excerpt on social media to cry about how antifa are all violent thugs.


The police just got in the way.

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Some main players seem to be getting very unhinged. 









Very odd. I suppose the tiktok take the piss response (below) is correct way to answer loons like above. 












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47 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Some main players seem to be getting very unhinged. 









Very odd. I suppose the tiktok take the piss response (below) is correct way to answer loons like above. 












It’s probably worth adding that Hamas despise Jewish people and the people of Palestine will now hate Israel even more after seeing their people get slaughtered. It’s not completely one sided when it comes to racist cunts 

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There was something off about his version of events from the off. The CE of an anti-Semitism campaign group just going about his business right next to a pro-Palestinian march with cameras recording and a bouncer in tow? He was clearly looking to make a scene, provoke and get a reaction. He should have been arrested, just as people who've done the same in both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian marches have been previously.


I've seen a few clips of the round of interviews he's been doing since the story broke. What an insufferable arrogant cunt he comes across as.

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5 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Now, this omission could be for many reasons. They may be bogged down with the kid slaughtering? Or planning which country they can bomb in next? Or dealing with the paperwork needed to authorise more land grab settlements? Or, to be a cynic, maybe the evidence doesn’t exist or hasn’t been fabricated yet? 


Liars. As usual.



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33 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

There was something off about his version of events from the off. The CE of an anti-Semitism campaign group just going about his business right next to a pro-Palestinian march with cameras recording and a bouncer in tow? He was clearly looking to make a scene, provoke and get a reaction. He should have been arrested, just as people who've done the same in both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian marches have been previously.


I've seen a few clips of the round of interviews he's been doing since the story broke. What an insufferable arrogant cunt he comes across as.


Yeah smacked of when Rees Mogg walks his kids through a crowd of protestors while cameras happen to be rolling.


I stuck a 15ft liverpool flag out the 12th floor window of the Marriot in Cardiff when we beat the mancs in 03, attracting a mob of around 100 people shouting "you scouse bastards!", and a concierge shouting "for God's sake close the window!".


I had to stay in that night and order room service. Did I make a meal of it on Sky News? No I did not.

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If the US and Germany/EU don't resume funding UNRWA, how will the Palestinians, in Gaza and elsewhere, survive?


At least for the US, I think there is no chance that they resume funding, regardless of what happens going forward.


Neither party will touch it.


So the Palestinian refugees in Gaza are left to starve in the rubble, and those elsewhere, in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the West Bank, also face an uncertain future.


I'm sure some in Israel, and elsewhere, will see that as a major victory, but will it lead to more violence or less?

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