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Israel - A Rant


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27 minutes ago, Anubis said:


The Empire of The People’s Republic of the Kingdom of the Autocracy of the City State of Jerusalem.


Fuck the name it should just be a cool symbol - like when Prince dropped his moniker.


Holywood didn't sound nearly as good when Kushner suggested it. 

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So it is not just Islam that has religious zealots then.

Every religion has its fair share of these bastards. 

Remember that the next time someone tries to paint all Muslims with the zealotry brush. 


Also remember that the hundreds of thousands of Brits who live and work in the Middle East never receive this kind of abuse or get asked why they don’t go back to Britain.



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Yea sure.


It's you. When you get negative reaction it is you. People reacting to a Brexit voting, Trump supporting "Green" tired of seeing bot driven social media recycled aimlessly and endlessly.

No one "hates" Twitter and certainly not for the reason you have suggested. They may take offence to the guy running it. And of course how it is now being run - I think alot do.

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8 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Yea sure.


It's you. When you get negative reaction it is you. People reacting to a Brexit voting, Trump supporting "Green" tired of seeing bot driven social media recycled aimlessly and endlessly.

No one "hates" Twitter and certainly not for the reason you have suggested. They may take offence to the guy running it. And of course how it is now being run - I think alot do.


Nah its people such as you (and the Israelis) who'd prefer the truth contained in reports such as above remained unseen.  To blame not liking twitter content was just a convenient excuse that's now easily seen through. 

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These words from Skys Alex Crawford should be hard to believe, unfortunately they are not anymore.  America have just given 26 billion more in aid for more weapons and bombs to Israel and this truly repulsive regime. 







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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

That fella who had the trouble with the met was on the news before,describing the protesters as 'these people' and calling it a hate march.

Nice chap 

The fella who just wanted to cross the road but was out with his bodyguard and people filming him? 

Yes, he was definitely just going about his daily business…

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2 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The fella who just wanted to cross the road but was out with his bodyguard and people filming him? 

Yes, he was definitely just going about his daily business…

Just seen a video where someone films him constantly trying to front them,the protestors ignore as the busy tries to guide him away.

Probably get nagged for this but if a certain sports team were playing another,and after the game I was constantly trying to get at their fans, id be in the back of a van in a matter of seconds  


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