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11 hours ago, Strontium said:

It's the deeply boring, thinly-veiled homophobia we're going to endure over the next few weeks which I'm least looking forward to.


An interesting paradox about the whole thing is that alongside the homophobia there's also the strange way he was deemed to be a hero for coming out publically.


Because he admitted his affair was with a very young man, not woman, he was brave and courageous for coming out. Cheating on his wife, the unpalatable nature of how he met the 3rd party were all initially ignored. I saw a commedian talk about this saying that he abused the goodwill of the pride movement and find it hard to disagree. 



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58 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

there's also the strange way he was deemed to be a hero for coming out publically.


When he was bribed into doing an exclusive with the rag as they’d found out about his affair with the young lad and were going to publish it if he didn’t cooperate. 

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10 hours ago, Fugitive said:

If the lad was underage, then string him up. However, if the lad was legal, who gives a fuck? If I started shagging an 18 year old bird with massive tits, I’d expect a round of applause from you cunts.


Not gonna happen but a man can dream and think back to his younger years.

I agree with this.

However the story is supposedly he knew the lad from when he was about 12. Then helped the lad get a start in tv. Then when he turned 18 ( and not a bit before) got in a relationship with him. Maybe that's true but definitely a hint there may have been grooming 


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11 hours ago, Fugitive said:

If the lad was underage, then string him up. However, if the lad was legal, who gives a fuck? 


The iffy bit here is that he allegedly met the lad on a school trip when he was 12/13. He allegedly sent him twitter messages when he was 15 etc. Now if he waited until the day of his 16th birthday to engage in his affair then he's technically legal but if all these allegations are true then there is a defiantly grooming air to it. 


Paulie Dangerously and The Liverpool Way © believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

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17 hours ago, Strontium said:

It's the deeply boring, thinly-veiled homophobia we're going to endure over the next few weeks which I'm least looking forward to.


Said like someone who is focusing on him being gay rather than his brother being a nonce. 


5 hours ago, Mook said:

Schofield has always been a cunt. I didn't like him when he was kicking about with Gordon the gopher, always knew there was something dodgy about him.



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He's groomed this lad. Offered to get him into show business, said he'd make all his dreams come true, then when he's of legal age he's swooped in. 


No adult in their right mind would want to have sex with someone they first met as a kid unless they were a wrongun.


Its proper Jimmy Saville level beast behaviour. 

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15 minutes ago, Leyton388 said:

He's groomed this lad. Offered to get him into show business, said he'd make all his dreams come true, then when he's of legal age he's swooped in. 


No adult in their right mind would want to have sex with someone they first met as a kid unless they were a wrongun.


Its proper Jimmy Saville level beast behaviour. 


Didn't the s*n do that with Samantha Fox? Had a countdown to when they could legally show her tits? 

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Didn't the s*n do that with Samantha Fox? Had a countdown to when they could legally show her tits? 

That rings a bell. It was always a cunt of a rag though.

I never quite got the Samantha Fox thing, she was never a patch on Linda Lusardi.

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46 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Didn't the s*n do that with Samantha Fox? Had a countdown to when they could legally show her tits? 


Don't know I'm not that old but I'm sure they did the same thing to Charlotte Church. 


Beasts the lot of them. 

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3 minutes ago, Leyton388 said:


Don't know I'm not that old but I'm sure they did the same thing to Charlotte Church. 


Beasts the lot of them. 


She's got great tits but have we seen the nipples? No. 


Feel free to prove me wrong 

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