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Leaning On Things At Melwood

Alan Sex

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Who is that David Tennant wannabe looking Cunt. Is that Edwards, if it is I now hate him more than I did before. He needs to fuck off to the mancs as he'll fit right in there.


No, Michael Edwards looks more like a daytime TV stand-in presenter.

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Do you think they made a panicked phone call to him this morning, " Listen Mo, the locals are getting restless they need a lean and they won't believe your officially ours until we provide them with a few leaning shots. You're going to have to come down to Melwood lad"







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It's become the done thing, the lean.


There is even the possibility that some players are happy with the wages, the club, the manager, the gengen press, the players, champions league or no champions league but when they learn that they have to lean for the pictures, their nerves kick in to overdrive and they know it's all over for them.


Who knows, may Virgil van Dyke knows he just cannot lean.


Time will tell.

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Do you think they made a panicked phone call to him this morning, " Listen Mo, the locals are getting restless they need a lean and they won't believe your officially ours until we provide them with a few leaning shots. You're going to have to come down to Melwood lad"







That's not Melwood that's the new dressing room at Anfield.


We've been duped!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who wrote that tripe on the wall?


I get the sentiment.

I get the idea of wanting to convey the importance of Melwood. But the two paragraphs are horribly written. Reads like a teenager trying too hard to write something with depth and weight.

Looks and reads very amateurish.


Better still don't write any descriptions on there. Just leave it as Melwood.


In trying to describe the importance of the place, those shitty paragraphs make it look and sound like we are forcing a type of "Image".


We know how important the place is.

Stop trying to sell the "Image".

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Who wrote that tripe on the wall?


I get the sentiment.

I get the idea of wanting to convey the importance of Melwood. But the two paragraphs are horribly written. Reads like a teenager trying too hard to write something with depth and weight.

Looks and reads very amateurish.


Better still don't write any descriptions on there. Just leave it as Melwood.


In trying to describe the importance of the place, those shitty paragraphs make it look and sound like we are forcing a type of "Image".


We know how important the place is.

Stop trying to sell the "Image".

It's Blooworthy drivel.
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