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Leaning On Things At Melwood

Alan Sex

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The groundsman was painting anti vandal black paint on top of the exterior Melwood walls the other day ....presumably to discourage the fans who climb on bins to try to see their idols training.

Considering they put the curtains up around the first team players area when they are training,it seems a bit over the top to me.( no pun intended)

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The groundsman was painting anti vandal black paint on top of the exterior Melwood walls the other day ....presumably to discourage the fans who climb on bins to try to see their idols training.

Considering they put the curtains up around the first team players area when they are training,it seems a bit over the top to me.( no pun intended)

That's a bit shameful as Shanks use to say he'd draw the curtains if Everton were playing in his back garden. We are now so shit we are doing it to ourselves!

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Joking aside, it's a shitty trick that your management have done structurally at Melwood.

Painting anti vandal black paint on the top of the walls, and barely letting fans know about it.

Black staining and hand marks in various places as unsuspecting fans become  unwitting members of the black hand gang.

There are  large signs in bright yellow ( about the size of a Guardian newspaper) warning about taking photos or recordings all over the walls 

The odd warning sign about anti vandal paint ( about the size of a bus pass ) in small black and white writing

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Joking aside, it's a shitty trick that your management have done structurally at Melwood.

Painting anti vandal black paint on the top of the walls, and barely letting fans know about it.

Black staining and hand marks in various places as unsuspecting fans become  unwitting members of the black hand gang.

There are  large signs in bright yellow ( about the size of a Guardian newspaper) warning about taking photos or recordings all over the walls 

The odd warning sign about anti vandal paint ( about the size of a bus pass ) in small black and white writing

I'd rather get mucky hands than a splintery arse.


Joking aside, I agree. Another contribution to how football can get fucke these days. Run by cunts, played by cunts, followed by a lot of cunts.

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