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Jeff Winter || Boro, Darlington, Hartlepool news, reviews and comment


From: James, 19th November 2008


Jeff, I am an Everton fan and I think you are a melon with a bad tan.


But what I want to know is did your awful goatee affect your performance as a ref cos you were terrible?


Jeff's reply


I have just finished editing your almost unreadable message, you ignorant twat.


Go and play with the traffic on the M62.


From: snide_beard, 16th November 2008




Your a top tit but what i want to know is, why a goatee?


Jeff's reply


Well thanks for your valued opinions Liam Martindale. You are that fucking stupid that you have a daft name on your email but still use your own name on the address.


Who the fuck are you and what is it to do with you how I look and dress? Get a life you sad little tosser.


Best wishes




P.S. You were lucky to get a point off the mighty Boro.

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This was also good, from October's archive:



From: Harvey, 28th October 2008


Gallagher is on Sky Sports again as I write this. He is still a prat!!




Jeff's reply

Yes but he is a prat that they can control. He is merely the mouth piece of the FA and Premier League - they don't want someone like me on there actually telling it the way it is.


Best Wishes




Harvey responds:


Gallagher is a puppet. I didn't like Poll on live footie the other night either.


Cheers Harvey


Jeff's reply


Poll came across as an arrogant prat, quite a true reflection actually.



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Elswick Mag, 25th November 2008


Dear Jeff


How did you feel when you were overlooked in favour of 'Jet' off Gladiators in turning on the Middlesbrough Christmas lights?


Jeff's reply


I have never felt so low, well apart from watching Boro's pathetic performance against Bolton.


Nevermind, I was involved with Alpha Radio's light switch on in Darlington, although Vernon off Coronation Street is hardly Jet is he?


It seems that the Gladiators and I are not to be as I had to turn down the offer to be the programme's resident ref due to other commitments. That's life!!


Best wishes





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Apart from one ridiculous penalty decision in the derby in 2001, I thought Jeff Winter was a good ref and since he's moved into the domain of after dinner speaking and generally taking the piss out of people on his website, he comes across as a pretty sound person.


He's been on the wind up on that website of his for years.

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Apart from one ridiculous penalty decision in the derby in 2001, I thought Jeff Winter was a good ref and since he's moved into the domain of after dinner speaking and generally taking the piss out of people on his website, he comes across as a pretty sound person.


He's been on the wind up on that website of his for years.


I like how he winds everyone up, whaddaguy. What was it? He thought The Kop was applauding him cause they knew it was his last game?

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Winter's a Boro fan isn't he?


I know it sounds strange, but I wouldn't be surprised if that thing he said about the Gary Mac derby had a bit of truth in it because, for some reason, Boro and Everton hate each other.


One of my mates is a blue and he said there's seriously bad blood whenever they mate.


I remember we went to Boro a few years ago and we were about to go into a pub for a drink and this Boro fan shouted "you don't want to walk in there, lad, the hardcore drink in there." Anyway, we walked with this Boro fan to the nearest pub and he was going on about how much he hated Everton. This fella was a copper and he said "you know, if you were Evertonians, I would have let you all go straight in there."

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I met Winter in the Hilton in Sheffield a few years ago (I think he'd been reffing a couple of the 'legends' games at Sheffield the previous day). He was stuffing more breakfast into his face than I'd have thought was humanly possible. Anyway, I was leaving my table and walking past his and we made eye contact. He sort of nodded so I said, "Mr Winter is is?" "Aye" he said. I shook his hand and said "You make a lot more sense when I listen to you on TalkSport these days than you ever made when you were a ref." To which he answered "That's ain't hard is it?!" which I thought was an ace reply.


A couple of months later I had TalkShite on in the car and he was on, being asked about some dodgy refereeing decision or other. Someone (Ian Danter, I think) asked him if he ever got any shit from football fans since he retired. He said "Sometimes, but there was this bloke who I met in a hotel in Sheffield a couple of months ago who said......"


Class. I am officially a Jeff Winter anecdote. Kiss my face.


That same night I won a phone-in competition on TalkShite for a chauffer driven, VIP trip to Liverpool v Barcelona. That was a good day.

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From: Oscar, 28th November 2008


Hi Jeff, long time reader, first time contributer.


I loved the quote in your autobiography about your final match at Anfield (the one where you claim the supporters were saluting you, not their team, at the end of the game).


As much as I'd love to think it was a piece of comedy genius on your part, I can't help but think that maybe you actually believed it and are in fact a completely self obsessed wanker.


I'd be greatful if you could put my mind at ease you Smoggy beast.




Jeff's reply


Thanks Oscar for your sincere thoughts. It was actually a piss take on my behalf but unfortunately many of the fucking idiots out there believed that I really thought that was what was happening.


Hope that my response settles your mind and you can now die a contented man.


Best wishes



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If he replies to this, I'll love him.


Jeff, I think you're a bit of a legend and am writing to ask a question about your much debated Beard.


I've heard the rumors and debated about it's many qualities myself with friends down the Pub but does it really possess magical powers?


I've heard it gives you the reflexes of a cat and strength of an Ox. If it was shaved off would you be relinquished of these powers and would you be prone to the three card attack from the evil Graham Poll?


The Evertonians may hate you Jeff but we love you.


The Beard Inspector.

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