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It sounds like very early Beachwood Sparks.  



Edit: two listens and I'm erring on the side of Shit Waffle. For better or worse (worse) I wish they hadn't released this.  There are glimpses of something good, like when the vocals stop because it means you can't hear the lyrics someone's 12 year old wrote as a school project.    

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Sounds like an Oasis song. n.b. this is not a good thing.  Sorry Stig.


My gut reaction, too.  Trying to hard for the big anthem and failed.  I do like the Squire interludes but it's hard to get past the lyrics and dreadful verse.  The chorus is okay but the lyrics again let it down.   

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My gut reaction, too.  Trying to hard for the big anthem and failed.  I do like the Squire interludes but it's hard to get past the lyrics and dreadful verse.  The chorus is okay but the lyrics again let it down.   

And the production is shocking too.   Wonder who wrote the lyrics, as Squire did quite a lot of the original one, e.g. Waterfall.

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It's got that little British drum beat and it does sound like an Oasis track. But Noel wouldn't have thought up that solo, he'd be playing some pentatonic stuff over the top of the outro. Beady Eye wouldn't have wrote that chorus either, nor would Liam be able to sing it in his ketamine register.


In short i like it, although i've just noticed the similarities between the opening guitar riff and Ten Feet in the Deep by Lost Lady Luck which is slightly worrying.

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For anybody, like me, who hasn't heard it yet and, like me, was expecting there to be a link to it in here already, but, like me, your disgusted at the lazy cunts who've posted above not bothered to link it, here it is:


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