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Keir Starmer


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7 hours ago, TheSire said:

You're reading way too much into this. Who gives a fuck? It's just playing to the gallery, this stuff. We know how this country and America are, it's a bullshit game you have to play to be given the keys.


I think you and a lot of others are the ones reading too much into politics tbh. 


It's not this magical game of 5d chess where strategy is all important to gain the keys of power. Most people make binary choices where politics are concerned. These choices are set more by events than political performances. Most of the time the people make the right choice, although they are easy choices to make. 


A few examples. Austerity, a failure. Most of the country agree its been a failure and now want more investment in public services. 


Wealth inequality; most people believe in a fairer tax system where the wealthy pay more to ease the burden on the NHS and public services. 



Public workers. Most people (especially after Covid) realise the value of public workers and our staff in the NHS. They now also recognise the value of farm workers, transport workers, workers in the hospitality sector etc. Although the last few mentioned are because of lack of staff due to Brexit. Most of the general public agree these people deserve decent pay rises. 


Overseas wars. Most can see the guilty party in the Russia/Ukraine.  Israel/Gaza conflicts are Putin and Netanyahu (bar what our politicans say about Israel) and expect them to act accordingly and put themselves and the country firmly on the side of the victims whilst trying to find solutions behind the scenes to end the bloodshed. 



Privatisation; the majority of the country now realise its been a disaster, from our railways to our waters to our post office. I believe a foreign firm (Czech, although I may be wrong) are about to take control of the post office. Not a squeak of protest by our elected politicians who happily walk around drapped in the Union flag. That's where the patriotic angst should be targeted. At all the overseas Privatisation investors ripping the people of this country off for a product which we rightfully own.



Homelessness, Child poverty, social incoherence. most recognise its become a massive problem and would welcome a government made it a priority to fix it. If it means borrowing and spending money, so be it. 



The Labour Party are shying away from even attempting to solve any of the above problems. They'll never have a better chance, they're about to win a massive majority. They are not serving the public. They are just content playing politics by numbers, because it suits themselves. Which is why for the first time in my lifetime they won't be getting my vote. 

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I think you and a lot of others are the ones reading too much into politics tbh. 


It's not this magical game of 5d chess where strategy is all important to gain the keys of power. Most people make binary choices where politics are concerned. These choices are set more by events than political performances. Most of the time the people make the right choice, although they are easy choices to make. 


A few examples. Austerity, a failure. Most of the country agree its been a failure and now want more investment in public services. 


Wealth inequality; most people believe in a fairer tax system where the wealthy pay more to ease the burden on the NHS and public services. 



Public workers. Most people (especially after Covid) realise the value of public workers and our staff in the NHS. They now also recognise the value of farm workers, transport workers, workers in the hospitality sector etc. Although the last few mentioned are because of lack of staff due to Brexit. Most of the general public agree these people deserve decent pay rises. 


Overseas wars. Most can see the guilty party in the Russia/Ukraine.  Israel/Gaza conflicts are Putin and Netanyahu (bar what our politicans say about Israel) and expect them to act accordingly and put themselves and the country firmly on the side of the victims whilst trying to find solutions behind the scenes to end the bloodshed. 



Privatisation; the majority of the country now realise its been a disaster, from our railways to our waters to our post office. I believe a foreign firm (Czech, although I may be wrong) are about to take control of the post office. Not a squeak of protest by our elected politicians who happily walk around drapped in the Union flag. That's where the patriotic angst should be targeted. At all the overseas Privatisation investors ripping the people of this country off for a product which we rightfully own.



Homelessness, Child poverty, social incoherence. most recognise its become a massive problem and would welcome a government made it a priority to fix it. If it means borrowing and spending money, so be it. 



The Labour Party are shying away from even attempting to solve any of the above problems. They'll never have a better chance, they're about to win a massive majority. They are not serving the public. They are just content playing politics by numbers, because it suits themselves. Which is why for the first time in my lifetime they won't be getting my vote. 

Are they though? In 2019 the tories gained an even stronger majority on the back of 9 years of tory government.


The media ensure that political debate is dumbed down and focus on spectacle over substance, the goal of the media is to generate drama and spectacle, not to inform the public.


Political campaigns are run by advertisers, the job isn't to help the public make an informed choice. This is why we get slogans and soundbites, it's why we get brexit done etc.


It's very naive to think it's as simple as having and selling good policies, just look at Corbyn who was character assassinated because the wealthy and media interests saw him as a threat. The game is rigged.

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I think you and a lot of others are the ones reading too much into politics tbh. 


It's not this magical game of 5d chess where strategy is all important to gain the keys of power. Most people make binary choices where politics are concerned. These choices are set more by events than political performances. Most of the time the people make the right choice, although they are easy choices to make. 


A few examples. Austerity, a failure. Most of the country agree its been a failure and now want more investment in public services. 


Wealth inequality; most people believe in a fairer tax system where the wealthy pay more to ease the burden on the NHS and public services. 



Public workers. Most people (especially after Covid) realise the value of public workers and our staff in the NHS. They now also recognise the value of farm workers, transport workers, workers in the hospitality sector etc. Although the last few mentioned are because of lack of staff due to Brexit. Most of the general public agree these people deserve decent pay rises. 


Overseas wars. Most can see the guilty party in the Russia/Ukraine.  Israel/Gaza conflicts are Putin and Netanyahu (bar what our politicans say about Israel) and expect them to act accordingly and put themselves and the country firmly on the side of the victims whilst trying to find solutions behind the scenes to end the bloodshed. 



Privatisation; the majority of the country now realise its been a disaster, from our railways to our waters to our post office. I believe a foreign firm (Czech, although I may be wrong) are about to take control of the post office. Not a squeak of protest by our elected politicians who happily walk around drapped in the Union flag. That's where the patriotic angst should be targeted. At all the overseas Privatisation investors ripping the people of this country off for a product which we rightfully own.



Homelessness, Child poverty, social incoherence. most recognise its become a massive problem and would welcome a government made it a priority to fix it. If it means borrowing and spending money, so be it. 



The Labour Party are shying away from even attempting to solve any of the above problems. They'll never have a better chance, they're about to win a massive majority. They are not serving the public. They are just content playing politics by numbers, because it suits themselves. Which is why for the first time in my lifetime they won't be getting my vote. 

I think people do know all of this, but they knew after 5, 7 and 9 years of tory government too, this still voted against their interests and beliefs. Conservatives are the safe economical choice etc, this is what you're up against.


Labour will get in, but it's not because everyone has shifted to the left. Their mortgages and bills are out of control, food is expensive, the middle classes have now been burned, it wasn't a problem when it was the poor and homeless being crushed. 

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11 minutes ago, TheSire said:

Are they though? In 2019 the tories gained an even stronger majority on the back of 9 years of tory government.


The media ensure that political debate is dumbed down and focus on spectacle over substance, the goal of the media is to generate drama and spectacle, not to inform the public.


Political campaigns are run by advertisers, the job isn't to help the public make an informed choice. This is why we get slogans and soundbites, it's why we get brexit done etc.


It's very naive to think it's as simple as having and selling good policies, just look at Corbyn who was character assassinated because the wealthy and media interests saw him as a threat. The game is rigged.


I know your points are valid and the game is certainly rigged but times change with events and Labour (for whatever reasons) are pretty much bomb proof now. The floor is theirs, theyre on course to win a massive majority and are pretty much guaranteed two terms. Cant be no excuses. Any politician with ideas to shape the country couldn't ask for more. Plus they have an opposition in disarray.



Being timid and unambitious will imo ultimately cost them as well as the country. 

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I know your points are valid and the game is certainly rigged but times change with events and Labour (for whatever reasons) are pretty much bomb proof now. The floor is theirs, theyre on course to win a massive majority and are pretty much guaranteed two terms. Cant be no excuses. Any politician with ideas to shape the country couldn't ask for more. Plus they have an opposition in disarray.



Being timid and unambitious will imo ultimately cost them as well as the country. 

I mean one thing I keep in mind is that winning an election vs getting through policy once in power are entirely different in that the level of risk is so much higher when campaigning to win. People tend to vote for who they think will win, as bizarre as that sounds. If the media and big donors go after what they perceive as a left wing threat, they'll absolutely make sure the public are terrified of the opposition party. I'm just happy to wait and see tbh, there's fuck all other choice unfortunately. 

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6 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I know your points are valid and the game is certainly rigged but times change with events and Labour (for whatever reasons) are pretty much bomb proof now. The floor is theirs, theyre on course to win a massive majority and are pretty much guaranteed two terms. Cant be no excuses. Any politician with ideas to shape the country couldn't ask for more. Plus they have an opposition in disarray.



Being timid and unambitious will imo ultimately cost them as well as the country. 

BTW I think if Labour continue this line of language after election you'd be absolutely right. That's the key for me. Get in and just run a competent government and unfuck this country.

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15 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


What are you hoping to achieve with all this mate? Seriously?


Why? It's an excellent article. Would you rather she not write it or the guardian not publish it? 


Do you want this to be ths Keir Starmer fan club thread? Our politicans should be scrutinised. The country/press made a massive error in not scrutinising Johnson. 


Anyway what are your thoughts on her article?

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Just now, Gnasher said:


Why? It's an excellent article. Would you rather she not write it or the guardian not publish it? 


Do you want this to be ths Keir Starmer fan club thread? Our politicans should be scrutinised. The country/press made a massive error in not scrutinising Johnson. 


Anyway what are your thoughts on her article?


I haven't bothered my arse to read it, I'm enjoying my Friday evening and Mrs Tash is currently having a go at me for being on my phone.


I admire your dedication, but none of your Twitter linking will change anything, least of all opinions on here. Why don't you jib off your phone,  grab a drink and watch the disco tribute on the beeb at he moment?

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10 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


I haven't bothered my arse to read it, I'm enjoying my Friday evening and Mrs Tash is currently having a go at me for being on my phone.


I admire your dedication, but none of your Twitter linking will change anything, least of all opinions on here. Why don't you jib off your phone,  grab a drink and watch the disco tribute on the beeb at he moment?


OK fair enough. Its the Guardian though so to dismiss it as "twitter linking" is a little meh, but there you go.


I've got the disco bbc 4 on. Nice one.

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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:


OK fair enough. Its the Guardian though so to dismiss it as "twitter linking" is a little meh, but there you go.


I've got the disco bbc 4 on. Nice one.


My point is that unless you go out and physically protest against Starmer (and if you want rid of the Tories, why would you?) then shit you post in here makes absolutely zero fucking difference at all. So, despite how much you seem to care, why bother? Chill out.


This disco documentary on bbc4 is boss by the way.

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This is the Labour Party candidate for Camden Georgia Gould finding the time to walk around her constituency and rip down 'free palestine' stickers during a general election campaign. 






'Only the best candidates' get the nomination.


Compere the above to a few miles down the road a life long Labour Party member.   Former nurse, started working in Greggs as a teenager. Went on to get herself a PHD at Oxford University, worked in international affairs to be told she would not be the Labour candidate for the area she was raised because of an innocuous tweet years ago. 



Here she is again in the vid below. I'm not a Muslim but I'd skip to the polling booth to cast my vote for her. So I can only imagine what the black and ethnic communities think of Labours behaviour. Let's call it what it is, its racism. 


I hope she wins.





All this is no longer a suprise, it's where this Labour Party is. It's who this Labour Party are.


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On 07/06/2024 at 22:11, Rushies tash said:


My point is that unless you go out and physically protest against Starmer (and if you want rid of the Tories, why would you?) then shit you post in here makes absolutely zero fucking difference at all. So, despite how much you seem to care, why bother? Chill out.


This disco documentary on bbc4 is boss by the way.

Disco documentary was brilliant  . Grab it on iplayer if available.

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:


What a stupid last sentence. You're far  more of a tory than me and more importantly so is he.







And yet it's you that's exhibiting Tory behaviour on here. It's you that spams the politics threads with dozens of links from Twitter every day bemoaning what Labour are up to every time another negative Tory story hits the wires. It's you that posts fake, doctored images from the Labour party website on here. It's you that talks about how great Brexit's been under this Tory government. And it's you that particularly talks about a big benefit of Brexit being lower levels of immigration leading to higher wages. It's obviously bollocks because immigration levels have risen since Brexit and wage levels have remained stagnant over that period, but regardless, how does that claim of yours fit in with your recent whingeing about Labour's proposals to cut immigration for exactly the same reason?


Truth is, I couldn't give a fuck who you vote for or what you spam on here, Like all of us, your views and presence are of no consequence outside of this forum. You're unlikely to change anyone's mind on here, never mind change the election, yet I get the feeling that you believe you're on a mission to do just that.


Like I said, weird fucking Tory behaviour. 



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1 hour ago, Jack the Sipper said:


And yet it's you that's exhibiting Tory behaviour on here. It's you that spams the politics threads with dozens of links from Twitter every day bemoaning what Labour are up to every time another negative Tory story hits the wires. It's you that posts fake, doctored images from the Labour party website on here. It's you that talks about how great Brexit's been under this Tory government. And it's you that particularly talks about a big benefit of Brexit being lower levels of immigration leading to higher wages. It's obviously bollocks because immigration levels have risen since Brexit and wage levels have remained stagnant over that period, but regardless, how does that claim of yours fit in with your recent whingeing about Labour's proposals to cut immigration for exactly the same reason?


Truth is, I couldn't give a fuck who you vote for or what you spam on here, Like all of us, your views and presence are of no consequence outside of this forum. You're unlikely to change anyone's mind on here, never mind change the election, yet I get the feeling that you believe you're on a mission to do just that.


Like I said, weird fucking Tory behaviour. 



He’s a fucking horrible little cunt with a very big agenda.

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1 hour ago, Jack the Sipper said:


And yet it's you that's exhibiting Tory behaviour on here. It's you that spams the politics threads with dozens of links from Twitter every day bemoaning what Labour are up to every time another negative Tory story hits the wires. It's you that posts fake, doctored images from the Labour party website on here. It's you that talks about how great Brexit's been under this Tory government. And it's you that particularly talks about a big benefit of Brexit being lower levels of immigration leading to higher wages. It's obviously bollocks because immigration levels have risen since Brexit and wage levels have remained stagnant over that period, but regardless, how does that claim of yours fit in with your recent whingeing about Labour's proposals to cut immigration for exactly the same reason?


Truth is, I couldn't give a fuck who you vote for or what you spam on here, Like all of us, your views and presence are of no consequence outside of this forum. You're unlikely to change anyone's mind on here, never mind change the election, yet I get the feeling that you believe you're on a mission to do just that.


Like I said, weird fucking Tory behaviour. 




I'd say Labours next chancellor writing in todays Scum to curse out a former Labour leader who wanted to bring social justice back to Britain is a better example of tory behaviour tbh. 









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35 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

He’s a fucking horrible little cunt with a very big agenda.


You're a daft twat fugey. I'd leave the silly conspiracy theories alone. You'll only wreck your head. 

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7 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


You're a daft twat fugey. I'd leave the silly conspiracy theories alone. You'll only wreck your head. 

Russia attack Ukraine: Ukraine and EU bad and must bend the knee to Putin. Putin was provoked.

Israel attack Gaza: Fuck you Israel, never surrender Gaza.


Agenda driven loon. You are a fucking disgrace and a complete and utter cunt.

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12 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Russia attack Ukraine: Ukraine and EU bad and must bend the knee to Putin. Putin was provoked.

Israel attack Gaza: Fuck you Israel, never surrender Gaza.


Agenda driven loon. You are a fucking disgrace and a complete and utter cunt.



Israeli walloper.


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31 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I'd say Labours next chancellor writing in todays Scum to curse out a former Labour leader who wanted to bring social justice back to Britain is a better example of tory behaviour tbh. 










That's called trying to win an election and kicking the Tories out of power behaviour by trying to convince millions of working class readers who have a vote that they should vote Labour. You too pure for that? You might be surprised to learn who disagrees with you.

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6 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


That's called trying to win an election and kicking the Tories out of power behaviour by trying to convince millions of working class readers who have a vote that they should vote Labour. You too pure for that? You might be surprised to learn who disagrees with you.


It's not about purity it's about trashing a former Labour leader who wanted to stand up for the disadvantaged. The election was won a long time ago, she's just settling scores. It's uncalled for and is disrespectful to the thousands who campaigned and the millions who voted for Labour in those two elections.

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12 minutes ago, Gnasher said:



Israeli walloper.


I can’t stand Israel for what they are doing in Gaza, you silly cunt.


The problem is that you don’t give a shite about the people of Gaza. You are using it as an excuse to attack the EU, Labour and America again. It’s same thing with every thread, you look for absolutely any excuse to further your agenda no matter how low you have to sink.

It’s so transparent but you post a few funny twitter links now and again, so it all gets overlooked.


Imagine joining a Liverpool site and posting all the shite you do but never seem to post about the actual club… very strange.




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17 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


It's not about purity it's about trashing a former Labour leader who wanted to stand up for the disadvantaged. The election was won a long time ago, she's just settling scores. It's uncalled for and is disrespectful to the thousands who campaigned and the millions who voted for Labour in those two elections.


Then it is about purity, because you're saying that she shouldn't be criticising a former Labour leader to win votes (although it's fine the other way around I guess), and that she shouldn't be doing it in the S*n (although it's fine for certain other Labour figures to do the same I guess).


The thing with you, is that you think your shit don't stink, and that neither should anyone's who wants to be worthy of your support. 

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13 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

I can’t stand Israel for what they are doing in Gaza, you silly cunt.


The problem is that you don’t give a shite about the people of Gaza. You are using it as an excuse to attack the EU, Labour and America again. It’s same thing with every thread, you look for absolutely any excuse to further your agenda no matter how low you have to sink.

It’s so transparent but you post a few funny twitter links now and again, so it all gets overlooked.


Imagine joining a Liverpool site and posting all the shite you do but never seem to post about the actual club… very strange.





I've supported Palestinian rights for many years. Same with S.Africa and apartheid. I've been a member of stop the war for longer than I can remember. I've always tried to do a little whenever I could when I saw injustice, wherever it be Hillsborough or Aberfan or stiking workers on picket lines. Ive marched with Al Shapton, been on the receiving end of a racist police force and helped with information and thanked by giants such as Michael Mansfield. You can believe what you want but I've always tried to fight or at least raise my voice in the name of social justice, however big or small that effort may be. 

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