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Keir Starmer


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4 hours ago, Arniepie said:

in the last election,the tories had an 80 seat majority.

unless im being thick,labour have got to convince those fuck nuggets to vote for labour instead. 


No  you're not being stupid but the landscape has changed a lot since the last election. Johnson has been discredited, Brexit has failed, the pandemic showed the value of public services and key workers, the hypocrisy between Britain and the West's reaction to the Ukrainian, Palestinian people who are suffering. Polls show even tory voters want change, they want a fairer tax system, more social justice and a country where the rivers and lakes are not full of shit due to Thatcher privatisation and they want good public services. They want a levelling up between the North/South, old/young, rich and poor. They nearly all agree the Tory mantra of Austerity has failed, its failed them, its failed their families and its failed their communities. Its obvious the Tory way has failed, its failed badly.



People are not asking for miracles, they just want a centre left government that's on the people's side. If Labour panders to the likes of the people they have been pandering to  (these failed Tory clowns) to imo it could unravel pretty soon. Then things could become dangerous. It's where right wing populism breeds and takes hold. 


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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:


No  you're not being stupid but the landscape has changed a lot since the last election. Johnson has been discredited, Brexit has failed, the pandemic showed the value of public services and key workers, the hypocrisy between Britain and the West's reaction to the Ukrainian, Palestinian people who are suffering. Polls show even tory voters want change, they want a fairer tax system, more social justice and a country where the rivers and lakes are not full of shit due to Thatcher privatisation and they want good public services. They want a levelling up between the North/South, old/young, rich and poor. They nearly all agree the Tory mantra of Austerity has failed, its failed them, its failed their families and its failed their communities. Its obvious the Tory way has failed, its failed badly.



People are not asking for miracles, they just want a centre left government that's on the people's side. If Labour panders to the likes of the people they have been pandering to  (these failed Tory clowns) to imo it could unravel pretty soon. Then things could become dangerous. It's where right wing populism breeds and takes hold. 



Which polls have said any of this? Things only changed when Truss crashed the economy. 

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The New Deal for Workers was the one thread holding them to anything remotely left of centre. Now that's trashed, what's left.

On the same day they welcome a far right Tory MP into their ranks. And not to mention their appalling stance on Gaza.


One wonders what lines Labour have to cross before people say fuck that.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


Which polls have said any of this? Things only changed when Truss crashed the economy. 


Again.. how many more times? The Tories didn't get rid of Johnson because they found a moral compass. Why do keep trying to pass this bullshit? It's fucking odd. 




Awaits a Sopranos meme.

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17 hours ago, Gnasher said:


No  you're not being stupid but the landscape has changed a lot since the last election. Johnson has been discredited, Brexit has failed, the pandemic showed the value of public services and key workers, the hypocrisy between Britain and the West's reaction to the Ukrainian, Palestinian people who are suffering. Polls show even tory voters want change, they want a fairer tax system, more social justice and a country where the rivers and lakes are not full of shit due to Thatcher privatisation and they want good public services. They want a levelling up between the North/South, old/young, rich and poor. They nearly all agree the Tory mantra of Austerity has failed, its failed them, its failed their families and its failed their communities. Its obvious the Tory way has failed, its failed badly.



People are not asking for miracles, they just want a centre left government that's on the people's side. If Labour panders to the likes of the people they have been pandering to  (these failed Tory clowns) to imo it could unravel pretty soon. Then things could become dangerous. It's where right wing populism breeds and takes hold. 


I admire your optimism that the country has turned into a bastion of socialism, but I dont share it.

like sec says, the bootlickers only turned on the tories after 12 years, when their mortgage’s doubled. 

we are a nation of peasants.

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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

I admire your optimism that the country has turned into a bastion of socialism, but I dont share it.

like sec says, the bootlickers only turned on the tories after 12 years, when their mortgage’s doubled. 

we are a nation of peasants.


I understand what he's saying, you're always going to have that element who's veiws are so entrenched they won't budge on anything but I think events such as the pandemic, added to the state of our public services have made enough people understand the country needs to go in a different direction. Especially the younger voters. The country is crying out for investment for a start. 

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5 minutes ago, Dicko said:

A new border security command and invoking anti-terror laws.

All with Natalie Elphicke at his side.


What a time to be alive.


Immigration is an issue though, worldwide (partly our fault for destroying most of these countries), she can get fucked.

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As mentioned in the Israeli thread here's Labours foreign secretary David Lammy making an absolute cunt of himself, the Labour Party.








Oh dear. 





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10 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Elphicke fucking hell what a shit show 

I understand that some people might say it hurts the Tories, but given she isn't standing in the next election I can't see the advantage to welcoming such a repulsive piece of trash into the fold. I'm trying to see the good in Starmer other than " he's not one of them" then he does this. I'm struggling to get past this.

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34 minutes ago, redinblack said:

I understand that some people might say it hurts the Tories, but given she isn't standing in the next election I can't see the advantage to welcoming such a repulsive piece of trash into the fold. I'm trying to see the good in Starmer other than " he's not one of them" then he does this. I'm struggling to get past this.

Yep. Streeting, Hodge, Reeves ….. this scumbag …. I really will be holding my nose in the polling station 

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20 hours ago, Section_31 said:


Immigration is an issue though, worldwide (partly our fault for destroying most of these countries), she can get fucked.

That's the frustrating bit, well one bit.... all the racists kicking off about immigrants fail to realise if we stopped dropping bombs on poor people in the middle east maybe they'd not be so desperate to escape their land.

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4 minutes ago, TheSire said:

That's the frustrating bit, well one bit.... all the racists kicking off about immigrants fail to realise if we stopped dropping bombs on poor people in the middle east maybe they'd not be so desperate to escape their land.

This. They do not get it at all.

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9 minutes ago, TheSire said:

That's the frustrating bit, well one bit.... all the racists kicking off about immigrants fail to realise if we stopped dropping bombs on poor people in the middle east maybe they'd not be so desperate to escape their land.

Also the fact these people have been sold the idea that its all lovely and we're all rich in the west. It must be a shock to arrive here and realise we're poor as fuck too, even with a decent job your money just gets robbed by greedy cunt businesses. Fuckers probably won't give up these new profit margins now.

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